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"What do you think of Benjamin?"

"Pardon?" William asked before setting down his knife and fork.

"If it's a boy, what do you think of the name Benjamin?" Eliza smiled and took a sip of tea "or Alexander? After my grandfather"

"And if she's a girl?"

"what about Mary?"

"That's my mother's name, it is beautiful"

She nodded slightly before grimacing when she felt a soft kick against her stomach "They like to kick...they're persistent like their father" Eliza sighed and sipped some more tea.

"they're a Tavington, we have a tendency to bounce back when we've been pushed down"

"Can you tell me about your family?"

"Well, on one surprisingly cold July morning, my sister and I were born. My mother gave birth to my two brothers in the span of the next three years. Unfortunately my birth was not celebrated by my father, he was convinced that I were the second born even though I weren't. He gave all his affection and time to my younger brother Henry" William closed his eyes and unconsciously rested his hand on his side when he remembered the beatings that he endured. Eliza noticed and knitted her brows in confusion "On my tenth birthday I learnt how to fire a musket and how to wield a sword"

Eliza looked at the man that was sat before him, the man she was having a child with "William Jackson Tavington...how about we call our son Alexander William Tavington? After his father?"

"I rather like Benjamin...but my name wouldn't suite him"

"What about Benjamin Lewis Tavington?"


"my brother's name"

"So our first son will be called Alexander then Benjamin and if we have a daughter we'll call her Mary" Eliza smiled and looked into his eyes, only for him to look down at his lap "Or we can call him William?"

"Oh god no...one William Tavington is more than enough" Eliza let out a choked back laugh before covering her mouth with the back of her hand "I see how it is, there is no one else like me"


After he was sure Arthur wouldn't wake up, he quietly made his way to his bedroom to pick up the weekly stock count for Eliza. But, when he got to her office, he cleared his throat and stood up straight before entering. She wasn't there which was particularly strange, especially on a Sunday night. He put the book on her desk before spotting an open bottle of wine. William lifted the bottle to his nose and inhaled deeply, the smell of berries and cherries made his senses go wild. The urge to drink the contents were very real. He swore not to give into temptation and with a sigh, he exited the room and closed the door.

Eliza would be proud

William walked into the reading room before sitting down and picking up the book he left on the small table beside the sofa. He flicked to the page he left it on and resumed reading it. A few minutes later, he heard a few quiet footsteps come into the room. Out of curiosity, he peaked above the book to see Eliza walking towards the pianoforte.

"You play?" he surprised himself by speaking aloud.

"It's not there for decoration" Eliza smiled and sat down on the stool "Do you wish to join me?" She asked before playing a few keys to test if they were In tune "The night is still rather young"

William smirked to himself before closing his book "so you wish to be amazed by my marvellous skills on the keys?"

"It would be nice, come, sit with me"

"Very well, prepare to be amazed" With a small chuckle, he laid the book on a small table and walked over towards her as she moved to make room for him on the stool. She pressed a few keys down and stretched her hands "Who's going first, you or I?"

Eliza started playing a soft lullaby that he heard her sing to Arthur "Lavenders green dilly dilly, lavenders blue, when I am king dilly dilly you shall be queen" William watched the way her eyes closed when she played the tune. When she had finished, she looked up at him as he cracked his knuckles "your turn" William looked down at the keys before taking in a few deep breaths. he started playing a piece of music that his mother taught him, it was called 'Well-Tempered Clavier' He started in the middle of the piece as he couldn't quite master the start of the it. Eliza brushed her fingers against his before gazing into his eyes for a moment. her fingers grazed the back of her hand as she reached up and tucking a stray twirl of hair behind his ear.

William felt a shiver run up his spine at the contact, something he hadn't felt in a long time. She rested her hand on his shoulder and ran it down to his pectoral, just to rest it over his beating heart. Her heart raced when he put his hand on top of hers "William..."

"I'm sorry for what I have done..."

"I know-"

"I never wanted to hurt you" He took her hands into his and closed his eyes "I can't live without you Eliza..." She hesitantly reached up and cupped his cheek, feeling his stubbly beard for the first time in months. He subconsciously leaned into her touch, softly nudging against it, basking in the closeness.

"Just kiss me..."

William leant down and softly pecked her lips. In response, Eliza blushed before resting her head against his shoulder "Was that redness in your cheeks I saw?"

"No, you're delusional"

"are you sure? I swore I saw red"

"You know that the stirrer has to lick the spoon? Don't dig yourself a grave"

"I'd let you bury me if that is what you wished" William smirked slightly and wrapped his arms around her "I'd die for you and that's the truth, I'd do anything you want me to"

"I know...for now I want you to hold me"

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