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!!!Trigger warning!!!

this chapter contains graphic detail of a miscarriage, if this is a tender subject, I highly suggest that you skip this chapter.

After a week of being back together as a couple, William and Eliza were inseparable. The only time he were away was when he were working in the fields. They had their banns spoken in public on the 12th December, a few days after Arthur's sixth birthday. William hadn't ever been excited about the idea of marriage though this...God, having Eliza would mean everything to him. Eliza had explained that she wanted to marry soon and they did, exactly three weeks and two days since they announced their engagement. The ceremony was mainly attended by Eliza's friends but James Wilkins decided to attend after receiving an invitation. In the afternoon of the 16th January, Eliza was sat in the gardens collecting flowers for the dinner table. Even at six months gone, she was more active than ever. She glanced up to see William leading a massive shires with Arthur on its back. Her heart skipped around five beats as her motherly fears overtook her for a few moment, then she remembered that William wouldn't let anything happen. William tethered the horse and reached up in time to catch Arthur as he slid from the saddle. Within moments of his feet touching the floor, he was off running back into the plantation for something to eat.

After dinner that evening, the family were sat in the drawing room. William cast a subtle glance at Eliza and smiled when his eyes met hers. She blushed and glanced down at Arthur who was asleep with his head resting on his lap.

"you need to stop doing that"

"Stop doing what?" William tilted his head to the side before raising an eyebrow.

"Being adorable"

"Alright" he smirked and flicked to the next page of his book. After a few seconds, he raised his eyes above his book again "Is he ready for bed?"

"I think so" Eliza smiled and brushed through his hair. She let out a long sigh and leant against the back of the settee "I'll take him upstairs in a moment, I just feel a little under the weather"

"I'll take him then, you need to rest my darling" William smiled as he stood up and walked over towards the lad, picking him up with ease. Eliza tried standing but was too tired to do so "my love, I'll carry you upstairs in just a moment" he smiled and walked towards the stairs, leaving his love in the living room. Once Arthur was tucked in and asleep William made his way back down to the living room "My love" William mumbled and sat next to her. She looked up at him with a smile before picking up a bundle "Is this a blanket?" He kissed her cheek.

"It's for our babies crib, do you think they'll like it?" Eliza mumbled and laid the small covering on his lap "I'm not very good at knitting, I never have been"

"It's beautiful...my lord you're talented" William gleamed and peppered kissed on her face "oh my gorgeous girl, you're so talented"

"William!" She laughed before tilting his chin up "You're too adorable for your own good" he smirked slightly and pressed his lips to hers "kissing me like that will get you no where"

"I'm in love with you"

"I've gathered..."

"Are you in love with me?"

"I suppose so" she grimaced slightly she felt something in her abdomen "Ouch...I guess this one likes the kick"

"let us retire for the evening" William smiled and stood up before helping Eliza walk up the stairs and to their chambers. Sleep didn't come easy to her that night like it usually did, William tried to stay up for as long as possible before falling into an inevitable slumber. In the early hours of the next morning, Eliza felt William stir beside her. he gently kissed her temple before sitting up and stretching out his back "Good morning my dearest love, I only have a few chores to do today" She stayed quiet when she felt something wet in between her legs. William smirked before pulling on his breeches "Maybe later today we can take a walk by the lake? I may allow you to push me into the lake" He walked to her side of the bed and watched her sit up, the coverlet slipping off her body.

"William..." Eliza worriedly spoke before looking down between her legs, only to see a rather large amount of blood staining her nightdress and linen sheets. He rushed up to her and hugged her rather tightly "oh no this can't be happening...oh no William...I'm sorry"

William knelt down in front of her and shook his head "Don't you dare be sorry my love...let's get a maid to sort out the bed and for a slave to prepare you a bath" he gently kissed her forehead and held onto her hands as she started to quietly sob "I'll ask Edwin to get the midwife, we need to have you looked at, alright?" No matter how much he tried, he couldn't stop the tears from filling in his eyes "I will be back in a matter of seconds"

A sharp pang of pain shot through her abdomen, causing her to let out a cry of agony "William! don't leave, I beg you, please..."

In the end, William ended up shouting for someone from the room he was in. When a slave rushed in, he were quickly sent to tell Edwin, who then took alerted the nearest midwife. Poor Arthur had heard all the commotion and rushed into his mothers room, only to be quickly ushered out by the midwife, along with William and the other male members of the house.

"Papa...is mama going to die?" Arthur muttered as William knelt down in front of him "Will we have to bury her like we did my father..." he sadly spoke before rushing into his embrace.

"we aren't going to bury her...she isn't going to die" He smiled and gently stroked his cheek "Your mother will be alright..." Another blood curdling scream came from the room, William smiled and covered Arthur's ears with his hands. After a few hours, the midwife came out of the room with a saddened look of her face "Is she aright?" William asked until he noticed the towel in her arms, a small pink mass inside "no..."

"A little girl...she were too young"

He shook his head and looked down at his boots for a moment "Is Eliza alright?"

"She is alive but resting"

"when can I see her..."

"A maid is in there with her, see her when she wakes up" The midwife looked down at the baby in her arms "Do you want to hold her?"

William nodded before taking the stillborn into his arms. He sat in a nearby chair and stared down at his baby "my darling girl...I hope the angel's know how lucky they are to have you" A few tears fell from his eyes "My little angel...daddy misses you already, mummy does too..." He cleared his throat before gently touching her cheek, slightly recoiling at how thin and cold her skin was "Oh my dear...you've been gone a long time haven't you" it was in that moment he knew that this would be a sight that he would never forget in his life, leaving him mentally and physically broken. not even the war made him feel this sick...this baby was his. Now he understood the pain soldier's felt when he taunted them about slaughtering their families. By god he were a monster! he was destined for the fires of hell!

He deserved this...

He should be the one dead and not the little child in his arms...

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