part 30

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'Mam two people broke into the house. A woman and man. All the guards and staff are manhandled by their goons. I am hiding upstairs, behind a pillar. That man is continuously asking for his daughter. They are not listening to sir'

Kiran, head of bodyguards told Annika

The phone fell down from her grip as her hands shivered. She knew who might be that man

'Mr. Rajput' she whispered. Her mouth dried. Her breaths were heavy. Gulping hard, she closed her eyes

'No, I have to face this. Dad needs me. I should go'

She composed herself before fetching her phone from the floor and rushing outside. She had failed to notice that her phone has switched off due to the fall.


Aj: where is my daughter?

Ajith casually asked harsh

H: can't you hear, I am telling you there is no daughter of yours. Kindly get out of my house. Don't test my patience

Harsh told calmly pointing at the main door

Aj: can't YOU hear what I am saying. I am not leaving without Annika.

H: don't you dare take her name with your dirty tongue. ANNIKA IS MY DAUGHTER NOT YOURS

Harsh shouted

Aj: mere words can't make it true. you are just a stranger to her who doesn't even have blood...'


Harsh roared grabbing Ajith's collar. He was vulnerable as fear of losing his daughter engulfed him. Ever since he accepted annika as his own daughter, he hasn't even looked behind into her past and the truth of them being biologically not related. All these past years he had no one to share his happiness or sorrow with, but his daughter Annika. Whatever he has done is only for her, to see her smile. He did not know when did she became his world, his reason to live. It was something he could not accept when ajith claimed her as his, out of blue. He felt like his breath was snatched away.

'Baby just leave that sh*t. She is nothing but a burden on you. I want us to live together. I still love you baby'

Jamini interrupted holding his hands on Ajith's collar. His blood boiled up even more. She was the one who has been trying hard to separate him and Annika and brought Ajith there. He held her wrist tightly as if the bone would crash anytime.

'Good that you came here in front of my eyes. You have troubled my daughter so much. Not anymore.. You have to pay for it. I am not sparing you so easily women'

He dragged her towards a room and locked her inside giving deaf ears to her pleads.

'Now you can go'

Inserting his hands in his pocket, Harsh told Ajith

'I think there is no use in talking to you. If you like to visit court, it's fine. Let me file a case for kidnapping my daughter'

Shrugging his shoulder ajith was about to leave

'What do you want to get out of our life?'

Harsh stopped him

Ajith raised his eyebrows as turned back to look at him

'Ask whatever you want except my daughter'

He added

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