6: Fire and flame

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  His phone was ringing.

  It wasn’t the first time, but the third. Taehyung  heard it from the bathroom, not really willing to detach himself from the water, so he stayed half-laying in the tub, silent. 

  His mind since the past two days was occupied by that person whom he'd locked into the secret chember of his heart. He made himself so busy in his work that he barely got time to ruminate on the moments they were together. Even some of the most vivid memories began to fade, worn thin by the passage of time. He used to think that if Jungkook ever came back, he'd probably overlook him like a stranger which he deserved. But unanticipatedly the sudden appearance of him made him feel a lot of other things. Like surprised, angry. Totally fucking pissed. 

  Are they going to meet again? 

  Hell no. Never, he thought. But the thought itself was killing him inside. 

  The annoying ringtone started again and he groaned. 

  Reluctantly he lifted his body from the water and came out of the tub. Came out of the bathroom while tying a loose knot at the end of his robe and swiped the screen to take the call. 

  "Why weren't you answering? You alright?" Jimin's concerned high pitch voice came through the device like a warm breath on the side of his face. He smiled. 

  "Was in the bathroom." 

  "Ohh! I thought you were sleeping."

  Taehyung's eyes swept to the unmade bed, "I am going to sleep by the way." He sat at the edge, stretching his legs out in front of him and crossing them at the ankles. 


  "Right after breakfast." He'd already ordered some smashed potatoes, boiled eggs and a cheese sandwich fifteen minutes ago. wondering why they hadn't served it yet. 

  A moment later he heard Jimin say, "Can you meet me? The weather's nice, and we got a day off so I was thinking of going out. Maybe cycling to the beach?"

  "Beach is too hot and cycling is too tiring. I'd rather sleep all day." He murmured, running his hand through his wet hair, needed to blow dry them first. 

  "You're so boring." Jimin remarked with a mild huff. "Okay sleepyhead, sleep as much as you want, but remember to dress prettily in the evening."

  "Why? Are we going to that restaurant?" 

  "You forget things easily." A sigh was heard, "Remember that cute girl Jennie invited us for her birthday party?"

  Taehyung opened his mouth to say yes but closed it immediately when Jungkook's face hit his mind. 

  "I know," Jimin continued, "Birthday parties are boring. But you cannot break that cute girl's heart, right?"

  "Cute you say. Are you interested in her?" Taehyung spoke looking down to his toes. Noted that he'd visit a spa later that day. 

  "Uh," He heard Jimin huff from the other side, "You know me. Yeah she's cute but she's a girl. Of course I'm not into her. If she had a brother half as cute as her, I wouldn't think twice before hopping on his lap." A pause, "Don't laugh, I'm serious" 

  "Bet you'll find someone cute to hop on their lap tonight." Taehyung held his laugh, swinging his crossed feet left and right.
  "Why just someone?" Jimin replied smugly. "Why not that cute hot guy who came with her that day?  He definitely has something that attracts people. Something charismatic like he belonged on the silver screen but ended up choosing the wrong job." Taehyung's feet slacken, breathing too when Jimin said, "He won't be easy, that I can say, but again who am I? Park Jimin. Nobody can resist my charm for long." 

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