7: Distant heartbeats

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[Quick recap: Jennie and her father invited Vmin to her b'day party, Jungkook went to Tae's hotel to convince him to not go there, but our Vaby bear is stubborn, he went there wearing the same tie Jk had tied his hands with. Let's see what they do now🙃]

  Getting an invitation from mafia boss Min Kyunghoon to his house and Jungkook visiting him twice to tell him to not go, Taehyung figured something was off. He was trying not to let all his life drama cause him to lose his mind, had almost decided to forgo the entire thing that happened during his visit in Canada in favour of his mental peace but it was his curiosity that had pushed him to go and see it by himself. 

  "The legendary Kim Taehyung!" Hoseok greeted him at the front door, "Oh my gosh you're finally here!" He said sunnily, his eyes darting from him to his friend, "And Park Jimin? The gay icon of Korea! I'm so elated to see you." 

  "Ohh God." Jimin chuckled at this fanboy, feeling a bit shy though it was nothing new to him. 

  "You're cuter in person." Hoseok's eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled. "Please come in. Miss Jennie is waiting inside." 

  The blonde guy talked so fast, like rapping, along the long corridor, that the actor duo had to put all their attention to hear him. The one-sided conversation was mostly on their acting and aesthetics and how he used to go to the movie theatre secretly after bunking classes. Jimin was replying in monosyllables, nodding seldom but Taehyung was silent all the time. 

  Soft lighting from every surface, soft and comfortable music feted when they stepped through the wide door of a luxurious hall room. Jennie was there on the dance floor, like the core of a lotus surrounded by her friends. Her face alighted with joy when she noticed them, then raising her hand beckoned them over.  

  Her friends scattered like petals when they neared.

  "I was waiting for you." Said she stretching her hand out. In a black and white sleeveless dress she was looking elegantly beautiful.

  "Happy birthday." Taehyung took her hand and kissed. "The flowers were absolutely beautiful." 

  Her eyes widened with glee, "I'm glad you liked it."

  Taehyung nodded with a slow grin and glanced at Jimin. Jimin got the hint, approached her with his signature heart melting smile and handed her a little silver box of Rolex they'd brought for the birthday girl, "Happy birthday, cutie." 

  "Oh my, it's so pretty! Thank you so much!" She cooed at her gift and then asked them to have some drinks and feel comfortable to ask anything for. 

  When they were having this small talk Taehyung's eyes skidded through, scanning the room. A five tier pink and gold birthday cake was kept at the centre, encircling hundreds of rainbow themed cupcakes and cookies. Not a single kid was present there to pay attention to; the straight-face middle ages were busy talking with each other and some young boys and girls, who seemed to be her friends, had gathered there dancing in waltz.

  But he couldn't find any traces of Jungkook which had him disappointed and it reflected on his face. 

  "Hey Jennie," Jimin may have guessed, so he asked on his behalf, "Your bodyguard doesn't seem to be around."

  "My bodyguard?" Jennie looked at him and then at the blonde who escorted them in, "Hobi-ssi?"

  "Oh I forgot to introduce myself," Hoseok from their side said, "Hi, I'm Hobi. Her official bodyguard." He shook Jimin's hand briefly, and then Taehyung's.

  "Nice to meet you. But I was talking about the other. Jkay." Jimin told them. 

  "Ohh Jkay? He must be here…. Ah, there he is." Hoseok drew their attention to the open bar at the corner of the room which wasn't quite noticeable from the dance floor because of its dimmed lighting. 

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