8: Be there with you

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  "That was so dreamy you won't believe it!" Jimin giggled shyly as he made himself comfortable on his chair. Putting down his cap nicely on the table he finger combed his hair which seemed to get a little dampened with the sweat. When the three other guys—Taehyung, Namjoon and Seokjin made no question he continued, "He took me to the car race, brought my favourite icecream, booked the whole gaming station for me, we played games, talked all evening. Dropped me at ten. Then within an hour he texted me goodnight and chatted with me afterwards until I fell asleep." Hand under chin he took a deep breath recalling the moments he spent with Yoongi. 

  Masculinity never attracted him, people with layers of meat coating their ribs never fascinated him; the softness, genuinity, and caring side of men was his ideal and Yoongi had all of it. He was like the man Jimin was waiting for all his life. 

  "But other than his name," Jimin sighed, "I got only two infos about him." Glancing at Taehyung, "One, he likes cats but doesn't have a pet, two: he's a better gamer than me."

  "That's it?" Said Taehyung. 

  "Yeah." Shrugged Jimin. "I asked him about his job, his home, family but he bounced my questions over to me and made me talk all night about myself." Another deep sigh. "He's sweet, but a bit strange."

  "I can bet he thinks the same for you." Seokjin, sitting across from Taehyung, taunted smugly. 

  Jimin laughed out, startling the waitress who appeared to serve their lunches. Fortunately, the plates and the drinks landed successfully on the table. Creamy broccoli rotini, Spaghetti with shrimp, tomatoes and feta, diet coke and a can of chilled beer for Namjoon. Jimin apologized to the young waitress until she smiled and left. 

  The sunlight ricocheting off the concrete building blinding their visions. The rainbow umbrella over their heads did nothing to prevent the heat; sweating underneath slightly. Apparently it was a bad idea booking the outside tables of this Italian restaurant on a clear sunny day just because it was near the art studio they were filming today. However, as the director was paying and the food was delicious, nobody was complaining. 

  After a while Jimin became aware that Taehyung's mind was occupied with something, he wasn't eating much, chewing slower than the rest. He asked directly, "So Mr. Kim, tell us what's cooking between you and him." 

  Taehyung raised his face. His skin had tanned slightly. The black shades that subtly were hiding the dark circles of his sleepless eyes, vividly reflecting the sun. The off-white formal shirt tucked in his pants neatly, the sleeves of both hands were folded up to the elbows. He looked annoyed hearing Jimin bring up that topic he wanted to avoid. Coldly replied, "Nothing."

  "Who is HIM?" Seokjin said with a lift of one brow, "Is there someone I don't know?" 

  Jimin, "You've seen him, hyung. Jennie's bodyguard who came with her that day?" 

  "Ohh that guy!" Seokjin pretended to be surprised, hiding a smirk he dropped his gaze on his pasta. 

  "Yeah, and Taehyung seems to have a big fat crush on him, and vice versa." Jimin grinned smugly at Taehyung's pinched face. 

  "Really?" Namjoon, sitting across from Jimin, settled deeper into his chair, seriously interested in this brand new gossip about one of his colleagues. "Is it true Taehyung? If it is,  you'll have to be cautious of the paparazzi." 

  "It's nothing like that."  Taehyung took a mouthful of the coke, swallowed slowly gazing at Jimin. "He's just overthinking."

  Jimin as usual ignored his glare. "Oh Joonie, you should've seen how that guy was looking at Tae, like he'd only Tae in his eyes."

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