12: Wanna be worse for you

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The chapter had become huge so I divided it into two parts. Do read both and don't forget to let me know your thoughts in the end.....



  "Drop your cell phones here in the tub." An order, a command of Jungkook's, made everyone incredulously look at him. Holding his gun towards his boss he let his gaze drift around, taking the time to meet every man's eyes. "You too, Min Kyunghoon."

  Finally he had got his strength to speak up against iniquity. If he showed weakness, he knew he wouldn't be able to save Taehyung from his boss's grasp. Everything would be fucked up.

  "I certainly would've cut out your tongue for daring to order me, Jkay." Kyunghoon's fists were clenched, wanting to punch it on his jaw and let him know who was in charge. But he couldn't. Literally he was at Jungkook's mercy; a whole ass fully loaded gun pointed directly at his head which could explode anytime if he'd provoked the man further. 

  Jungkook blew out a hot breath, "For the last time I'm asking you to drop your phones into that tub. Right now."

  Kyunghoon grunted, "Never." 

  Jungkook's dark gaze leaped to Kyunghoon and again to his men, "You've a death wish right?" 

  Four of Kyunghoon's men who were present there in his rooftop greenhouse did as told. One after another threw their handphones into the big tub of water where lotuses were seed to grow. The water level was just above the machines' tolerance, they knew they weren't getting their phones back. Moreover their boss's life was at risk, certainly they didn't want to take the blame if anything worse happened.

  "Tae," Tightening his grip on the weapon,  Jungkook beckoned Taehyung to come forward, "He's not going to listen. Could you-"

  Nodding at the subtle message, Taehyung let his hand move towards Kyunghoon's side pocket. Suddenly halted and glanced up at the old man who wasn't stopping him but tried pinning him with a sharp glare. He was still tense but no longer scared of him. So getting the silver handset he quickly dropped it into the cold grey water. 

  "Hands behind your head if you are willing to save it." Jungkook's cold words pierced through Kyunghoon's skull, his fisted hands stirred, though the enthusiasm to throw a punch on his jaw had faded into dull. 

  With his free hand Jungkook urged his boss to move. 

  After another few seconds of muttered curses Kyunghoon, for someone wired to move fast, took his time as he dragged his legs slowly towards the elevator. 

  "Wait!" Taehyung called. 

  "Why?" Jungkook tilted his head to his back, and saw Taehyung's eyes widened with a flash of panic. "What is it?"

  "We've got to get Jin hyung first." He'd totally forgotten about him. 

   Jungkook pressed his mouth close, then opened when a thought crossed his mind. "Take the other elevator, the servants' one. You know his room, right? Meet me at the entrance. If the security stops you there, tell them you're waiting for me to go shopping for the wedding." 

  A second of tense silence. Taehyung gave a slight nod, "Fine."

  Jungkook removed his hand from the metal door, let it slide close, their eyes exchanged a silent glance before the door separated them completely. 

  "Where are you taking me to?" Kyunghoon asked, frowning at the countdown of the elevator screen, unable to understand Jungkook's motive of taking him and his men to somewhere else instead of killing them right then and there. Wouldn't that be easier? 

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