Guest SakuraFlowah

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On Stage

Me: Welcome to Takity Talk Show with Ryeoshim!!!! Hello Everyone!!!!

Audience: *claps and cheers*

Me: So today also we a new guest! Everyone knows her!!! *claps* Please welcome SAKURAFLOWAH!!!

Audience: *claps loudly*

Sakura: Hello!

Me: Welcome to Takity Talk Show with Ryeoshim! *smiles* Its a honour to have you here. Please have a seat.

Sakura: Thank you so much for inviting me, it's an honor to be here! *sits down*

Me: Hehe welcome! So how are you and what are you doing these days?

Sakura: I'm doing fine, thank you for asking! As of lately, I've been quite busy both studying to get my second college degree whilst also working as a type of nurse & caregiver, so you could say life has been a little hectic *giggle*

Me: Oh well best of luck for your degree! And also sometimes take rest too you will feel refresh! So it's a common question I asked to everyone. How did you discover wattpad?

Sakura: Funnily enough, I don't quite remember the exact way I stumbled my way here, all I remember is that I took a liking to the wonders of story writing when I was 13, and naturally that somehow ended up leading me to Wattpad- first as a reader, then much later as a writer myself.

Me: Hmm.. Why did you start writing stories? Any motive?

Sakura: *hmmm* well as mentioned I discovered my liking towards story writing at 13, though I didn't really get started until I one day decided to give writing fanfiction a go. And ever since then I've been working on finding ways to improve my writing as I go! *smiles*

Me: Oh wow. So what was your first book?

Sakura: If I recall correctly then it might have been titled "Hope", however that's a book I chose to delete later on since I wasn't happy with how it turned out. But hey, we all have to start somewhere! *giggle*

Me: Exactly! Hehe so I assume after writing the first book you got more ideas and creations of
writing more books?

Sakura: Haha yeah that's right! I kept on trying through different ideas I got through daydreaming, and admittedly there are works which never were published as well!

Me: Hehe I can understand sometime daydreaming makes you forgot what at first you were thinking. So which book of yours which are published is your first written?

Sakura: None of the currently published ones are amongst my first written ones, however, out of the one's currently published I think "Popular" may be the one of the oldest ones. Though if I may be so honest, its a little hard do keep an exact track on them, there's been a lot haha!

Me: Yes of course! Your "POPULAR" book is the most viewed one and also popular! Hehe... How did you get that story idea?

Sakura: Well you see, all my book ideas actually just stem from me being a hopeless romantic - and yet again the scenario day dreaming which comes with it. And naturally as a early stage writer back then, a classic University love story is always fun to play around with and explore! Though admittedly it's certainly not my finest work despite it's surprising audience which I'm still incredibly stunned and grateful for.

Me: Even if you think that's not your best book but that story line the book is absolutely amazing! Each and every book of yours is truly great. I especially loved the truly great Trapped and Serendipity. Both the books are kind of based in someone's real life situations and honestly you really expressed the feeling really well. So from your side which book do you think is best from your work?

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