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"Come on, Baby, get back up" Demi whispered to herself as she clutched tightly onto a box of popcorn, staring down at the field where Odell lay on the ground. He usually bounces back up but today he just lay there. It seemed like everyone's eyes in the executive box moved to stare at Demi. "Shit" she spoke aloud, turning to Max who she thrust her box of popcorn at. Her heart was suddenly in her throat.


"I-I've gotta go down there" Max shook his head, passing the box of popcorn off to someone else.

"Demi, you said that..."

"I've gotta go down there, Max, please. I-I don't give a shit that we aren't public, I've gotta go down there" his heart ached at the tears lining the young girls pleading eyes.

"Come on" Demi's stomach was full of butterflies, her heart felt heavy in her chest as she followed behind Max. She was nervously fiddling with her fingers, terribly worried about Odell. They'd been dating for just over 5 months. They wanted to keep it as quiet as possible so hadn't yet announced that they were seeing each other. There were rumours, but nothing that confirmed them. That didn't matter in this moment though. Odell had already had to have surgery on his knee so this injury could easily be career-ending.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you through" Demi's tears began to fall down her cheeks. Max tried to comfort her but it was obvious that she wouldn't settle until she knew he was okay.

"Demi?" the sound of her name made her jump. She almost breathed a sigh of relief as she saw Odell's coach heading towards her. "Come on, I'm sure he'll want to see you" most of his team knew about her, as did her own. They were both actually surprised that their relationship hadn't been leaked.

"Is-Is he okay?"

"He's being looked over by the medical team, but I think he'll need a trip to the ER."

"Is it his knee?" a nod was all that Demi needed. Her tears continued to fall, her heart broke for Odell. This injury could easily be the end of his career.

"Ah fuck" she heard as she stepped into a medical room. Odell was leant back against the couch, his knee was being looked at by the medical team. "Shit" he hissed under his breath, his face contorted to show his pain.

"Hey O, brought someone to keep you company" his eyes met Demi's and a light smile formed on his face.

"Hi Baby" Demi's lips twitched ever so slightly at the corners. She bit on her lip as she stepped up to him, sliding her hand into his. "Why you crying, D?" he lightly wiped at her cheek.

"I was worried about you" he laughed through his pain. "What happened?" he glanced down at his knee.

"I stepped on it funny. It twisted and then I fell on it as I went to grab the ball. I fucked up" he looked pissed with himself.

"This isn't your fault, Baby" she cupped his face in her hands.

"Think I've fucked up my career too" Demi leant to kiss his cheek. "Ah shit" he gasped due to a sudden pain in his knee.

"Sorry, Odell" Demi pulled away from him as the medic spoke. "We're gonna get you transferred to the hospital. I think you've done a bit more than twist it. It's best to get it checked out, you'll more than likely require a scan" Odell nodded, a blank expression on his face. He knew already that his career was over. The season had only started a month ago, this wasn't how he had planned it to go. He's only 30, he never thought he'd have to retire so soon.

"Baby, go with Max. I'll message and..."

"No, I'm not leaving you."


"I don't care if people find out. I've gotta know that you're okay. I'm not leaving you, Odell, so don't ask me too" he knew that she could be stubborn so he didn't argue it further. They were left alone as they waited for the ambulance. Heather had appeared a few moments after Demi and once she found out that he was okay, she went to stand outside with Max.

Demi was spotted following Odell who was being pushed on a gurney towards the ambulance. There were cameras pointed in their general direction but she didn't care. She loved Odell, not that she'd told him that, and she wanted to make sure he was okay. She hated that he was hurting in anyway.

TMZ had already reported the sighting by the time Odell got to the hospital. He was given pain relief and then sent off for an x-ray. Heather met Demi in Odell's room where she anxiously waited for him to come back. It felt like forever before he was wheeled back. He struggled to get back onto the bed but he point blank refused any help.

"Stop pushing everyone away, O" he released a breath, it showed his frustration. He was still pissed at himself.

"I don't want any help, Demi."

"You may not want it but you need it, Baby" his arm moved to wrap around her as she lightly played with his curls. "The world knows. I was photographed leaving with you" Demi spoke after a few moments of silence.

"You care?" she instantly shook her head.

"No. I love you, I wanna..." she cut herself off once she realised what it was she'd said. They silently stared at each other. Before he had chance to reply or she had chance to think of a way out of it, a team of doctors stepped into the room. Demi moved away from him.

"You had surgery just a year ago, Odell, is that correct?"

"Early last year, yeah" he took a hold of Demi's hand and began to play with her fingers. The touch made Demi smile.

"I'm afraid it isn't good news but I don't think you expected it to be" Demi watched as his face crumbled with realisation. "It appears you've re-torn your ACL, Odell" Demi gave Odell's hand a squeeze. "I'm afraid it may pull you out of your football career for good" he numbly nodded his understanding. "You will need surgery again, Odell."

"Thank you, Doctor" Demi glanced to Odell as they left, his hand remained tight on hers. "What the fuck I gonna do without football, D?" Demi's heart broke as his eyes welled up. She had never seen him look so vulnerable. She wrapped her arms around him, unsure of how to comfort him. She'd been on the brink of losing her career in 2018 but she managed to get it back. An injury like this really would end his career. "I love you too" Demi's lips twitched into a smile. "As long as I got you, I'll be fine, right? I ain't gonna lose you cause I can't play football anymore?" Demi rolled her eyes as she tightened her grip around him. There's no way he would lose her.

"I know football was your everything, and I'm sorry. I'll be there for you if you need me. Please, don't keep everything bottled up. That really can kill you" she pulled her face from his neck. He lightly held her face in his hands. "We're gonna be okay. I love you" she leant in to kiss him.


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