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Demi didn't know how to do it, she didn't know how to tell her baby daddy that she was pregnant, so she just didn't. It was a weekend fling whilst she was on tour that ended in her getting knocked up. It was anything but planned. She didn't think it was news he'd want to hear over the phone.

Demi's eyes landed on her little bump as she removed her shirt. 13 weeks. She had only just really started to show.

"I should really start thinking about telling your daddy about you" Demi spoke down to her bump, imagining the image she saw only last week on the ultrasound. "I love you, Little One" Demi struggled when she got that positive test result. She still had weeks left of tour and the morning sickness was already starting to seriously kick her ass. She found the last few weeks a struggle as she ran off very minimal sleep. Abortion was never an option. Demi had always dreamt of being a mom, she just never expected it to be so soon.

Odell: Hi D! I'm in LA this weekend. You free to meet?

He was the last person she expected to hear from. They had kept in contact since their weekend together, it was minimal contact but they messaged every now and then. He'd been spotted with a blonde on numerous occasions so Demi never expected there to be a chance for them. She'd come to terms with the fact she was going to be a single mother.

Me: Sure. I'm free all weekend.

They agreed to meet for breakfast on Saturday. Demi suggested a low-key place she'd managed to go before without the prying eyes of paparazzi. She planned to keep her pregnancy a secret, not wanting to announce it in public. She didn't know how he'd react to them.

"Demi!" a smile tugged on her face to match Odell's as he wrapped his arm around her. Demi tried to keep her stomach from pressing into him. He'd definitely notice the change.

"Hi" Demi felt her cheeks flush as his eyes met hers.

"You're fucking glowing, D" biting down on her lip, Demi glanced down at herself. She only had on a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater that helped to conceal her bump. She's definitely thankful for the slightly chilly morning breeze.

"Thanks" she definitely didn't feel like she was glowing but she'd happily take the compliment.

"Shall we head in?" they headed inside, grabbing a table away from everyone else. It was still early so there weren't too many people around but they didn't want to risk getting caught. Demi had managed to hide away here a lot over the years. As Demi's eyes ran over the menu, she truly realised how hungry she was. The smell of freshly baked goods didn't help either. She didn't wanna look too greedy but she was starving.

"Hi, I'm Angela. What can I grab for you today?" Odell signalled for Demi to go first.

"Can I have the pancakes with bacon, please" Demi felt her cheeks starting to heat up as she started to list off her order. "Can I also have a side of waffles, sausage and...?" she slowly cut herself off as she glanced to Odell who looked amused. "And a vanilla shake, please" she flashed the waitress a light smile as she handed her the menu. Odell ordered for himself, lightly laughing as Angela left them alone.

"You got quite an appetite today, huh?"

"Yeah, that's what happens when you're preg..." she cut herself off, eyes widening as she stared at Odell. "I-I..." Demi watched as realisation sunk in and his eyes widened. Demi wished for the ground to swallow her up. "I-I didn't plan to-to tell you like that. I-I'm sorry" he just continued to stare at her. "O?" he blinked, glancing briefly away from her.

"You-You're pregnant?" he whispered, leaning towards her as if fearful he'd be overheard. Demi bit down on her lip as she nodded. "And I-I guess it's mine?" she couldn't read his expression as she nodded again. He relaxed back into the booth, running his fingers through his curls.

"I was going to tell you. I just-I didn't want to do it over the phone and I didn't know when I'd see you again" Demi rolled her eyes as tears burnt the back of her eyes. "I'm sorry that I kept it from you. I should have told you sooner but I..."

"Demi!" he cut her off.


"You swear it's mine?" she nodded, wiping at her cheek.

"I swear. I'm 13 weeks and two days. They can't be anyone else's" he silently nodded, glancing down at his hands. "I should have told you. I feel so bad that I didn't. I'm sorry. If-If you don't wanna be involved, that's fine. I've totally come to terms with being a single mom, it doesn't..."

"No D. I-I wanna be involved."

"You do?"

"Yeah. I ain't leaving my kid without a dad. I ain't that low" Demi hadn't even realised that she was lightly caressing her stomach. "Demi, they my kid. I-I definitely didn't expect this so soon but shit" he slid his hand over his head as he released a breath. "When-When's your next appointment?"

"Two weeks. I've got a copy of an ultrasound at home. It's from last week" he nodded, glancing down at the table.

"I'll have to see if I can-I can make it. I live in-in Cleveland, Demi. Fuck, what we gonna do?" Demi just shrugged. "We-We'll make it work. There ain't no way I'm leaving you to have this baby alone" Demi's heart melted. She really didn't expect him to react like that. "We're having a baby" his lips twitched into a smile, his first since he heard the news. His smile was contagious as he moved himself around in the booth so he was sat beside Demi and not opposite her. "Can I?" she nodded, glancing down as he pressed his hand to her bump. "You have a bump" she glanced up at him, her heart skipping a beat at how close he was to her. Cupping her chin between his fingers, he leant down to kiss her. Demi's spine tingled and her heart skipped a couple beats.

"Who-Who's the blonde?" he released a laugh as he detached their lips. He twirled a strand of her hair around his finger.

"Just a fuck" he laughed as she rolled her eyes and gently pushed him on the chest. "Nah seriously. I don't see her no more" he pressed a soft kiss to the tip of her nose.

"Odell, we should probably talk in private" he nodded, glancing down at her stomach that he lightly stroked with his thumb. It was then that Angela approached with their drinks. Demi couldn't have expected that to go any better.


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