3: Another Soulmate

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"Hello, I'm Rant- Uh, I mean I'm Amami Rantaro. How may I help you today?" 

I spent most of my time in Australia, Britain, and America because of my parents so I've always said my name as 'Rantaro Amami' not the Japanese way of 'Amami Rantarou.' 

If I screw up, Maki will kill me for sure. The long, black haired person looked up to me. It was like a light burst open through his eyes. 

He stayed like that for three minutes until snapping out of it. "Ahem, I apologize for that sudden mishap," (I forgave him,) "I'll just get green tea for now, thank you." I nodded, wrote it down, and walked away.

When I told Gonta the order I stopped fully. 

His voice was so raspy, yet calming in a way. His eyes were so..pretty. No! I shouldn't be thinking of someone I haven't met yet like that. 

I sighed and waited for the order to come out. I could feel his eyes staring at me behind my miserable back. I was trying not to sweat as that feeling grew and grew. 

"Ran-ran~!" Someone shouted. I looked behind me to see Kokichi. "Hi Kichi! What's up?" I nuzzled his hair as he started to laugh. "I dunno~~" He leaned into me and whispered, "I think I know who's my soulmate, Ran-ran~" 

He has a soulmate?

"Well?" I whispered back. "They always talk in 3rd person and they ALWAYS talk about bugs~" He paused and looked around, "I think it's Gokuharaa~!!" 

He started to swoon over Gonta as he made the green tea drink. I chuckled at him and lightly punched him on the shoulder. 

Kokichi, or Kichi, is like the sibling I used to have, Reiki. I treasure Kokichi with all my heart, but he can be weird at times. 

"Oh really? Well you know how to break the rules of names, don't you?" He nodded profusely and ran out the store.

There were two ways to say your name in a soulmate letter. 

First way was to find your actual soulmate and it will let you say your name. 

Second way is to rebel. You use symbols, emojis, signatures, et cetera to get your name said in the letter. 

Kichi was a master at this too. I watched him go away, and Kaede bring the person his green tea order. 

My shift was over by then and I left the cafe. The black haired person followed me for a bit until leaving. It creeped me out. 

When I got home that day a letter was waiting for me at the side table.

Your Distant Letters~ (Amaguji Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now