2: A New Customer?

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Let's go back to the present now.

I walked to the cafe after class with my best friend, Kaede. She already found her soulmate–which was Kirumi Tojo–and she also worked with us. She started up conversations about music and I just nodded awkwardly until we got there. 

Every customer in the cafe was always there so I knew everyone by heart. Right in front of me was Angie (Our makeshift boss), Gonta (Our pastry maker / chef), Kaito (Who takes care of all our plants and flowers), and Maki (Our aggressive cashier). Kaede and I were two of the waiters / waitresses at the cafe. 

I ignored the clatter and put down all my stuff. Then Angie walked up to me. 

"Heya Taro~!!" Angie said while swinging her arms behind her back. I smiled and waved to her, "Hey Angie." She smiled and skipped behind the counter. 

I walked over to Kaito who was watering the flowers. "Hey Kai, what're you up to now?" I asked him. He turned around to me and smiled, "Hi Taro! Just watering the plants, that's all!" He shone a bright smile then looked at Maki. 

"Right Maki-roll?!?!" Maki looked over to us and nod-shrugged. Kaito laughed and rushed off. 

I got into uniform and started to watch others pile in.

Everything was going super well, Kaede and I knew mostly everyone. That is, until someone walked in. 

A few minutes after the person walking in, Kaede ran up to me and whispered in my ear. 

"Psst, Taro. Can-Can you take that guest? Pleasee~??" 

I sighed and whispered back. "Fine, but you owe me one 'Ede." She rolled her eyes and ran behind the counter. I sighed and walked up to the customer.

Your Distant Letters~ (Amaguji Soulmate AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon