4: The First Letter

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At first, my mind was confused. I never got letters back from my soulmate until..now? 

I picked it up and opened it. It had a dark academia theme to it and looked very 18th century like. 

"Dearest soulmate, 

  I have gotten all your little notes across the past years. I apologize for not responding to you, but I think it's a good time to respond now. I have gotten some hints about your name, and we should talk more often. All I know about you is your name starts with an R. Have you heard about Danganronpa? Very dumb game if I do say so myself. The 'Amami Rantarou' is in my classes. Very despairing, but it's the sad truth. Well that's all I would like to say. Good bye, R. 

 From, Your other soulmate."

Is what it read. So my soulmate..is in my class? They called me..despairing?? OUCH- 

Okay whatever, I better write back then! 

"Dear soulmate, 

 I'm actually happy that someone really responded to me! And yeah you're right, my name does start with a R! I wish I could tell you more though. Well let's just say I'm a pretty..'famous' person?? Yeah I guess I'll leave it at that. You have remarkable handwriting by the way. Yeah I also think Danganronpa is stupid too, glad we can agree on that. I hope to meet you soon, soulmate. 

 From, Your 'dearest' soulmate"

I smiled then sent it in the side table. 

When it rang, I read the letter over and over again. 'My first letter!!' I was screaming internally. 

I calmed down, but not fully, and went to call Kaede. 

Your Distant Letters~ (Amaguji Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now