7: Hanging Out??

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He rolled his eyes at me silently and started to walk away. 

"Heya! I-" "What do you ever so want..?" Korekiyo said, cutting me off. 


"I- Uh-" "Please, do hurry up. You're 'friends' are waiting for you." He interrupted me again.

 I looked behind me to see fangirls outside of the classroom window, peering into our conversation. 

I gulped.

"Korekiyo, do you maybe..want to hang out?" I finally said. 

Korekiyo looked at me confused, "I apologize, but I have things to do today. I will not be vacant for the rest of the day," he said and pushed me aside, "Now if you excuse me, I'll be going no-"

 "You aren't excused!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. 

He stopped at the door confused, "Pardon?"

I slammed the door and slid the curtains over the windows. 

"Korekiyo Shinguji, you are not excused." I sternly told him. 

Korekiyo tensed at those words. I sighed and walked up to him, "Why not hang out for recess time?" I told him. 

He sighed as well then gave in, "Fine. Just do not lay your hands on me or I'll cut them off." 

I shuddered at those words and just nodded. 

He sat down at his desk and I sat next to him.

Surprisingly, we had a good time! 

I watched him work and I just talked. He occasionally eye rolled at my words and it kind of hurt. 

I enjoyed his company a lot, but he didn't look like he felt the same way. 

Then lunch rolled around. 

Korekiyo put his papers in his bag and got up. He then started walking to the door.

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