23: Mystery.. Fan?

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After Gonta made the tea, I walked over to the mystery man and gulped slowly as I placed the cup in front of him. 

"Enjoy your tea sir!" I bowed and walked away. 

At least I tried to walk. 

He grabbed my arm and semi-yelled, "Didn't I ask for you to sit with me?!" 

Everyone looked over to us. I shuddered by the touch. 

Yet, I was saved by the unexpected.

"Let go of him you hooligan!" A raspy, cold tone yelled. 

Everyone paused. 

It was Korekiyo..?

The mystery man stood up, still grabbing my hand, and walked out. 

"He-Hey!" I stuttered out. 

"HEY LET EM GO!" Kaito yelled, running after us. 

Korekiyo did the same, yet he was faster. 

Kaito was long gone while Korekiyo was still on our tail. 

Damn this guy is fast! 

"Let..me..GOO!!!" I screamed every so often. 

He chuckled and said no to my request every time. 

Soon enough, we stopped at an alleyway.

"Wh-What do you want fr-rom me?!" I yelped as he threw me down. 

He took off his wig and jacket. 

A fanboy. 

He inched closer to my face until we were both practically touching.

"For you to be my b-" 


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