The Avatar's Return.

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       "We're coming up on the southern water tribes land!", shouted a soldier.
It had been a few days since you informed Zuko and Iroh of the avatar's whereabouts. After years the journey was coming to an end. It felt bittersweet. Living on a ship was the worst thing ever but I was going to miss the closeness between Zuko andI. It had only been a few days since we started to train with one another at night but it was the most fun I had in years. Those nights were filled with laughter and joy, pride and excitement.

      "The search is finally over. We will finally be able to go home Y/N." Prince Zuko came up next to me as the ship began to come to shore.

      "Back into the palace to serve Lord Ozai and honor my family.", I said in response. Zuko gave a small nod of agreeance.

      "Back into the palace where we belong.", with those words he walked away and began to descend from the ship.

      "Where is the avatar!", I heard him shout. His question turned into demands. I could hear the perseverance of the water tribe. It was never easy hearing this part. I wanted no one to feel accosted yet i knew the process would go by faster. I watched from above the fruitless attempt of resistance. The southern water tribe was small and Zuko used that to his advantage.

      Soon an air bender came into view. I could recognize the avatar from anywhere. This kid was indeed the avatar.

      "If I give myself up will you then leave them alone?", Iheard the small air bender plead. This was not going to end well. If he was giving up that easily surely he planned to escape at some point or another. The sacrifice was to keep us oblivious to the power that is air bending.

     I paid not much attention to what happened next. All I knew was the avatar was on the ship. This was now the time to distance myself . I walked back to my room feeling shame. I had in a way neglected my priestess duty. The world would fall out of alignment and balance because I led the fire nation to the avatar.

      I laid in my room with the worst pit in your stomach. Something bad was going to happen I just knew it was coming. Between the anxious thoughts and begging the spirits for forgiveness I began to hear what could only be described as chaos.

      I ran your my way up the the deck. There I saw it. The avatar on his glider and then Zuko. I watched as they both crashed into the ground. I ran to Zuko to see if he was okay but he immediately got up but he didn't even seem to notice me. He noticed the flying bison. The avatar was distracted by this and Zuko was able to throw him into the water.

      "Zuko!", I yelled in shock he might have been killed. The shock was short lived. Soon the avatar waterbended his way back the ship and throwing everyone aside including me. My back hitting the ship took the air out of my lungs but at least you I not fallen over board. Zuko was of course dangling over board. Before I could even help him he was back onboard firing order to shoot the avatar down from the sky along with his water tribes friends.

      I watched in horror as part of an iceberg made it's way onto the ship. Before I felt the impact of the iceberg I felt the impact of another body against my own. Zuko was shielding me from the impact. Without thinking I grabbed onto him tightly once I felt the impact of the ice onto the ship.

      "Y/N, are you okay?", he asked with his face a mere inches from mine; pure fear in his eyes.

      "I'm fine. Thank you Prince Zuko.", he lifted himself off of me and extended a hand to help me back up. I put my hand in his and he gripped my hand tightly enough to pick me up but not so tight in which he hurt me. I longed for his hand to linger but he quickly turned and barked orders at his crew.

      Back to the one true mission. Finding the avatar.

~~~the following day~~~

     We had arrived at the fire nation port. We had no choice. The ship was badly damaged and in need of repair. I had planned to stay on board. There was no reason to disembark, I had no reason to speak with any captains or generals. Of course that changed.

      A small knock was sounded on the door. "My uncle and I are going for a tea, would you care to join us?", the voice of Prince Zuko asked.

      I opened the door, "I would love to."

      The three of us made our way off the ship but were met with a rather unpleasant surprise.

      "Getting in the way of what Prince Zuko?", I saw the voice attached to those words. It was Captain Zhao. He spoke kindly to Iroh but I could feel the hate he felt for Zuko. He inspected the ship and sure enough he was already questioning what had happened. I stayed quiet as the Zuko and Iroh lied. I figured that would be the end of it until of course Zhao pressed further.

      "Join me for a drink?", Zhao asked. Zuko was quick to say no but Iroh changed the plans and instead agreed to a drink. now I had to make my way to Zhao's tent along with Iroh and Zuko.

      Immediately the conversation turned to that of the avatar. My blood ran cold at the thought of Zhao finding out. He would be the type of man to kill the avatar and carelessly destroy the avatar cycle. Zuko stayed quiet and denyed any implication that the avatar still lived but of course the crew members broke and informed Zhao of what we had witnessed.

      "So it appears as though you lied. Once again betrayed the fire nation Prince Zuko. I believe that means it's up the me to bring the avatar to Lord Ozai. You are not capable enough.", Commander Zhao sneered at Zuko.

      "I will capture the avatar before you will and earn my place back to the throne.", Prince Zuko asserted. Zhao merely chuckled at what he said.

      "How? You have nothing. I have an entire army at my disposal. You have no allies. You have nothing to help you in your quest of finding the avatar. Not even your high priestess.", I shuddered at those words. Sure Zuko may get bossy at times but to be teamed with such a monster. The thought was enough to give me nightmares.

      "Commander Zhao, forgive me for speaking out of turn but surely you would not take me from Prince Zuko's crew. It was Lord Ozai who appointed me in aiding on his mission.", I interjected before Zuko could say anything else.

      "You helped him find the avatar and he could not follow through. Now it is your turn to find the avatar for me.", I wanted to argue but Zhao was technically above Zuko given Zuko's exile status.

     I didn't have to respond as Zuko began to argue. In true Zuko fashion now was the time for an Agni Kai.

      "Your majesty, are you sure this is the course of action you wish to take?", I asked Zuko as I made my way the the battleground.

      "He is threatening my chance to regain my the respect of my father. Threatening to take my crew. This is the only course of action.", he answered me coldly. I thought part of the reason would be losing me but I suppose not.

     I went to take your place alongside Iroh on the end of the court but my arm was grabbed.

      "Not on that side. We do not show respect to the traitor.", it was Zhao grabbing my arm. He didn't let go until of me until we were opposite of Zuko. It was now then for the Agni Kai. I watched in horror as Zuko began to look tired. Once again it felt as though I was watching the Agni Kai that had scarred his face.

      It took every ounce of strength to not run to Zuko's aid but I just had to have faith he would be able to pull it off. My faith had paid off and Zuko soon had Zhao on the ground. Zuko had won but of course as soon as he turned his back Zhao went to strike. I ran to try and stop him but Iroh had beat you it.

       There was an exchange of words between the three. Nothing I could hear but clearly upsetting enough to irk Zhao.

      "Enjoy your last night with those traitors. When their ships leave tomorrow morning you shall not be on it.", Zhao walked past without another word. I understood what it meant. Pack my bags.

     It was time to say goodbye to Zuko.


I know it's slow! I'm getting there I promise! I just want to have nice buildup I hope you're enjoying it :)

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