In Your Arms Again

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The fire nation began attacking. The snow began to turn black. I could see Zhao's entire army. Fire ball after fire ball hitting the wall of ice. I couldn't do much, if I blew my cover Zhao would certainly fight harder. Anything to make Fire Lord Ozai proud. I was another trophy for him.

I evacuated as many people as I could from the outer part of the town. Once it was deemed safe I went to find Aang and everyone else.

Soon the sun began setting and all attacks stopped. Part of my couldn't believe Zhao could take a step back but then again maybe he was thinking for once.

After walking around aimlessly I found Yue, Katara and Aang. They were looking to the sky and discussing what to do next.

"Hey guys, is everyone okay?", I asked.

"We're okay. Just worried. We're not quite sure what to do. We can't rely solely on Aang to take out the whole navy. It's not safe and we want to help.", Katara said giving me a recap on everything.

"Perhaps Aang could use some spiritual guidance.", I suggested. It wasn't fair to put all the responsibility on Aang and the spirits could at least offer some help even if they were not part of this war.

"The spirits!", Aang perked up, "Maybe I can find them and get their help."

"How can you do that?", Yue asked.

"The avatar is the bridge between our world and the spirit world. Well technically so is Y/N but the abilities they possess are a bit different. Aang can talk to them!", Katara answered excitedly in the knew found idea.

"Maybe they'll give you the wisdom to win this battle.", Yue smiled hopefully at Aang.

"Or maybe they'll unleash a crazy amazing spirit attack on the fire nation!", Aang said looking a bit serious. I shot him a look.

"The spirits are not going to fight a human battle Aang.", I gave him a look of annoyance. The avatar should know that. Yue and Katara gave looks that also seemed to agree with me.

"The only problem is, the last time you got to the spirit world by accident. How are you going to get there this time?", Katara raised a good point. Aang was not yet fulfilled spiritually as the avatar he was going to need more help than what I could offer.

"I have an idea. Follow me.", Yue spoke. Instinctively we all followed her. We stopped at what looked like a small door built around a wall. Not entirely hidden but not eye catching either.

"Is this the way to the spirit world?", Aang asked excitedly causing Yue to laugh a bit.

"No, you'll have to get there on your own. But I can take you the most spiritual place in the entire North Pole.", she opened the door and we all crawled through.

It was a beautiful oasis. The air itself was warm. Oh spirits how I missed the warmth! I immediately began to remove my dress so I could feel the warmth on my skin.

"Y/N!", Katara shouted in disbelief seeing me in my undergarments.

"What? I've missed the warmth. I'm not used to the cold like you and Sokka.", I shrugged getting into a meditative stance alongside Aang.

"Not that! I'm talking about the GIANT dragon tattoo on your back!", oh yeah, I had forgetter about that.

"It starts in my back but it reaches down to my ankle.", I showed her that the tail was tattooed on my ankle. I tried playing it off but yes it was a massive tattoo. The only reason it stayed hidden was because I didn't have both my head and hands tattooed like Aang.

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