A Long Way From Home

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We were all so tired being on this little raft in open waters. At least we all got to really know one another. The sun was so hot some days it forced us to strip down to our undergarments. Sure the sun made us better firebenders but when it makes you hot and sweaty and you have no place to go, you get a bit cranky.

It wasn't hot for once. This day had been rather enjoyable. Zuko had his head placed in my lap. I was applying the healing salve on his many cuts and bruises. He seemed relaxed.

"Miss Y/N, I did not realized you were engaged. Is he at war?", Iroh asked motioning to the ring on my finger. Oh yeah, fire nation custom.

Before I could answer Zuko shot straight up.

"Uncle, you cannot just ask people that!", he yelled. I think I saw a bit of steam escape his ears.

No, no, no. This was my mother's ring. I wear it to feel close to her. I just never wore it in my priestess garb. Wasn't part of the dress code.", I answered with an awkward laugh. Zuko looked relieved. Iroh gave out a chuckle.

"For a second there I thought my brother had arranged a marriage for you.", Iroh continued to laugh. Zuko however did not look amused. He looked a little angry.

"Let's change the subject!", Zuko huffed.

"Your mother was a very sweet person Y/N. I enjoyed the dinners your father and her spent at the palace. Your brothers were also fun to have around. So funny!", Iroh looked off as he was reminiscing of I would assume better times. My ears perked up at the mention of my brothers. I had never even met them.

"What did you know about my brothers?", I asked Iroh. Zuko gave a confused look.

"Oh they were amazing soldiers! They ranked up so quickly. Real prodigies. We were sure they would earn a permanent place in the palace. But one day they vanished. No one heard from them again. It's rumored they fled to the earth kingdom as refugees.", Iroh said looking straight at me.

"They could still be alive?", I asked hopefully. My one last chance of family.

"Very much so. They'd be about thirty two by now. They might looks different.", he answered with a face that looked as he was imagining what they could look like.

"Wait, hold on. You have brothers?", Zuko asked me with a bewildered look on his face.

"They were sixteen when I was born. I've never met them. My mom would read me their letters home but that's all I knew about them. I've never once seen their faces besides in a portrait. I never had much hope in meeting them. But after my father died I figured it wouldn't hurt to try. I still don't know much.", I answered looking down at my hands. Zuko placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I just realized we've never spoken about my family haha.", I gave out an awkward laugh. No one asked so I never said anything until now.

Iroh broke the silence, "So Y/N, you getting married when we get back to the palace?"

"Not funny Uncle!", Zuko shouted, steam coming out his nose. I laughed. Maybe it wasn't so horrible being out at sea with these two.


It must have been a good two hours before we came upon land. And lucky for us, we came upon a spa. Talk about luck.

We all happily got taken care of. Well almost all of us. Zuko seemed upset. I could hear him and Iroh talking as I was getting my hair styled.

"Three years ago today, I was banished. I lost it all. I want it back. I want the Avatar, I want my honor, my throne. I want my father not to think I'm worthless.", Zuko said in a soft voice. He was clearly upset.

The High Priestess (Zuko x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora