The Journey Begins Again

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      It was still dark out when I left. I took a lifeboat off the ship and made my way to freedom. I would be taking my destiny into my own hands. I didn't want to be a priestess anymore and I most certainly did not want to serve Zhao.

      I left all my belongings except for a gold ring my mom had given me. Engraved was the symbol of the fire 火. A rather underused symbol. I felt as a traitor to my nation, but more importantly I felt like a traitor to Zuko. I wondered if he would even care that I left. I didn't even leave a note. I didn't want Zhao to blame Zuko. I hope he forgives me. I do want to see him again. The way he made me feel in the last few days was a way I never felt before.

      I threw my royal garments into the ocean and put on the clothes of a fire nation citizen even though I was unsure on whether or not I was one. I put my hair into twin braids and set off. My fire propelling my boat and taking me over the horizon.

"Please forgive me Prince Zuko.", I whispered to the darkness.

Zuko's POV
The morning came faster than I wanted it to. The second the sun came up Zhao had already made his way onto the ship.

"Someone go get Y/N. Tell her is it time to leave.", he said with a smirk. Naturally he took joy is dismantling my crew.

"She's a priestess. Honor her title.", I snapped at his blatant disrespect.

"My my. Still have an attitude problem. You! Go retrieve her from her quarters.", he pointed at a random guard. The way he spoke had no respect. How dare he tell me something.

We waited in an uncomfortable silence before the guard returned. Surprisingly the guard returned alone.

"Priestess Y/N is nowhere to be found Commander Zhao.", the soldier reported.

"Well, it appears we have a traitor on our hands. Where have you hidden her?", Zhao turned to me. I scoffed in disbelief.

      "How dare you blame me! Why would I hide her? Do you not hear how ridiculous you sound?", I yelled at him.  I don't even know where I could have hidden hear. He said something else to me but I honestly heard nothing. I was in disbelief that Y/N had disappeared. She was just hear a few hours ago. I felt sick to my stomach.

      "Search the entirety of the ship.", I barked the order to the soldiers standing near me. All I could hope was that she was okay.

      After waiting for them to check every nook and cranny of the vessel they came back with the horrible news she was nowhere to be found. All her belongings even remained in the her room. They did report a missing life boat however. She did leave and she left without telling me.

      She left without telling me.

Your POV

      I really didn't know where I was going. I sailed for a few days and ended up in the earth kingdom which is where I wanted to go anyway. More than likely I'm a traitor my nation at this point. Yippee! I'm so screwed.

      I abandoned my boat at shore as to not leave any trace of my travels. Sure they would find it but I would be gone by then. There was no way they would find me. It had been three days of me reaching shore and I'm still wandering around aimlessly. An ostrich horse would be great by now but why would I get any luck?

      After walking for what felt like hours I came across a small village just as the sun was about the set.

      "Hello? Is anyone here?", I called out to the vastness of the village. No response. Just my luck the one time I find a trace of civilization, it's abandoned.

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