Healing Magic

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      I felt the air turn cold. We had finally arrived at the northern water tribe. I leaned over Appa's saddle and took in the sight. It was absolutely grand. A city made of ice. It was so beautiful. Too bad it was cold. For a fire bender I was very out of place despite my earth kingdom clothes.

      "I'm excited to finally relax a bit.", I said aloud to everyone.

      "We've been flying for two days straight. It's about time.", Sokka said somewhat in agreement with me. Both Sokka and I were not going to have anything to do. Well maybe he could train with their army but for me just nothing. Couldn't fire bend in front of anyone.

      Appa began to fly close to the water. It was clear he was tired. As we slowly made our way towards the city we were encased in ice, well rather Appa was. We took a quick look.

      "It's the water tribe!", shouted Aang in joy. They released Appa as soon as they realized Aang was the avatar. We were then escorted to the city. Once in the city we were allowed to freshen up for the feast that the Chief was holding.

      "Excuse me, but could I possibly have a change of clothes? Traditional garment is also fine, if you don't have any do not worry.", I asked one of the handmaidens. She gave me a smile and said 'of course'. She wasn't gone for too long before she returned with a dress similar to that the young woman you saw earlier. The only difference was that the dress was entirely white and lined with feathers along the outside. She had also brought me shorts and a tank top to wear underneath.

      "Thank you. It is very appreciated.", I changed once she left. After I braided my hair and adorned it with beads the handmaiden had also brought me I made my way to the feast with Katara, Aang, and Sokka.

      "You look amazing Y/N. Glad to have you as an honorary water tribe member.", Katara said to me. I blushed a bit.

      "Thank you Katara, now let's eat.", she gave a laugh at what I said.

     We soon took our seat and listened to the chief talk.

       "Tonight, we celebrate the arrival our brother and sister from the southern tribe with their spiritual guide and they have brought with them someone very special, someone who many of us had believed disappeared from the world until now...the avatar.", he took a brief pause. "We also celebrate my daughter's sixteenth birthday. Princess Yue is now of marrying age."

      Sixteen as a marrying age. That was a bit different. Well in the fire nation it was seventeen. I gave a quick shudder. That was about less than a year for me. If I was still living in the palace I'm sure Lord Ozai would have already picked someone for me to marry. How horrifying.

      I didn't pay too much attention to all that was being said. I mainly zoned out watching Master Pakuu and his students performing. Katara and I spoke for a bit.

      "So... Zuko?", she asked raising an eyebrow at me. My cheeks turned red.

      "It's not like that. I'm trying to guide him in the right direction. I can't help but want to help someone I've spent all my time with for the last three years.", I shoved more food into my mouth to avoid the awkwardness.

      "Just saying. You two seem awfully close. I saw the way you ran to him when he was paralyzed by that weird mole thing.", she gave me a sly look.

      "Pure concern. Wanted to make sure he wasn't dead.", I tried to shrug it off. "Plus, I would never return to the fire nation when I could be helping Aang."

      She smiled at my response. She knew it was genuine. We ate our meal and spoke of idle manners. Something to focus on besides trying to survive. Once the feast was over we went back to our rooms and settled down for the night.

      I laid in bed looking up at the ceiling. Tomorrow was a new day. Perhaps I could learn of the water tribes healing methods, well minus using water bending. Just herbs and such. I sure hope Aang and Katara both receive the guidance they are looking for.


      I wanted around the city the next morning where I stumbled upon an elderly woman. She had a "dummy"? I guess you could say on the table in the center of the room.

      "Are you here to learn how to heal?", she asked kindly.

      "Well somewhat. I wanted to learn about the various herbs and whatnot that you use to heal. I'm afraid that's the only healing I can learn, I'm not a water bender.", I answered her looking down in embarrassment. I did want to learn but I didn't realize how based it was in waterbending.

      "No worries my dear, I can teach you the older ways I suppose. It's a bit more slow but still learnable.", she gave me a smile and motioned me to follow her. She led me into a room I had not noticed was even there. It looked like a kitchen with various herbs hanging from the ceiling and pots laying about.

      "Forgive the mess, it's been a while since anyone was interested in learning the old ways.", she said trying to clean up.

      "Do not apologize. I am honored just to be learning from you.", I gave her a bow. She smiled at me and began our lesson.

      "The first thing I shall teach you is a salve that helps heal burns.", our lesson began.

      By the end of the lesson I had about ten jars worth of medicine and healing aids. The nice woman also had given me the raw herbs for the journey.

      "You are a natural at all of this. Where did you learn it from?", she asked out of curiosity but the question still froze me in my place.

      "I used to be a priestess in the village I lived in. It was my job to heal troops as well as heal others spiritually.", I answered without meeting her eyes.

      "What nation did you come from again? Was it the earth kingdom?", once again with the questions.

      "Please do not think differently if I tell you.", I gave her a sad look.

      She placed a hand on my shoulder, "Your nation does not define you. Plus any friend of the avatar is a friend of the water tribe."

      "I'm from the fire nation.", I answered her quietly. She gave a small laugh and I gave her a puzzled look.

      "Most people may not have noticed but I did. Given my age I have seen a lot. That engagement ring kind of gave you away.", I looked down at my mother's ring.

      "In all honesty I had no idea it was an engagement ring. It was one of the few things she left me when she died.", I said.

      "That's a shame. I was about to congratulate the lucky man to have picked you.", she let out a small chuckle  and I couldn't help but crack a smile. Talking about my mother was difficult but I was relieved to have not been met with a pitiful look.

      We spoke for a bit longer until the sun began to set. By that time I bid her a farewell with a promise to stop by again before we left.

      I walked back to where we were staying. I couldn't help but wonder once again when I would get to see Prince Zuko again.

No Zuko in this chapter :(. Sorry about that, I wanted to develop some characters a bit as well as provide backstory. Hope you like it so far!





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