Fortune Telling

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We were in this little makeshift healing tent all because Iroh had to try and make some tea. I unfortunately had no knowledge of the herbs in this area so I could not help him.

"You two must not be from around here. We know better than to touch the White Jade, much less make it into tea and drink it.", she said giving a small laugh. The thing Iroh did was indeed questionable. "So where are you traveling from?"

"Yes, we're travelers.", Zuko somewhat answered. I wanted to facepalm, it was so bad.

"Do you have names?", she asked completely ignoring that weird response Zuko gave.

"Names? Of course we have names. I'm, uh Lee and this is my Uncle, uh Mushi?", what on earth was going on in Zuko's mind.

"And I'm Harue.", I said jumping in to make us not seem like total weirdos, hopefully.

      "Yes, my nephew was named after his father, so we just call him Junior.", Iroh added. I wanted to laugh but it was probably best not to do so.

      Mushi, Harue, and Junior, huh. My name is Song. You three look like you could use a good meal. Why don't you stay for dinner?", she asked us. That would honestly be amazing. That would probably be the only real meal we would get for a while.

      "Sorry, but we should be moving on.", Zuko answered for us. I shot him a look.

      That's too bad. My mom always makes too much roast duck.", Song said with a smile.

      "Where did you say you lived exactly?", Iroh leapt up. Thank spirits someone was in their right mind. Song smiled again. She gave us a time and address. We bid her a goodbye until later tonight.

      "We're gonna get an actual meal!", I said excitedly. Those three weeks on the raft and then Azula finding us immediately. Things were finally looking up.

      "There's nothing to be happy about, we have to find our way back home.", Zuko said with an attitude. This guy.

      "Zuko, Fire Lord Ozai sent Azula to get us. He has made it clear that he does not want us to come back anytime soon. It would be best to lay low.", I snapped back at him.

      "You could probably waltz right into the fire nation! Your face was always covered by your priestess makeup. Why are you staying?", Zuko yelled at me. He really yelled at me.

      "You asked me to stay!", I yelled back at him. He realized where he had went wrong and took a deep breath.

      "I'm sorry. I feel guilty that you're here because of me.", he said putting his face in his hands. I walked up to them and lower them so that our eyes could meet.

      "When you were banished, I asked your father to accompany you. I told him that if anyone could help you find the avatar it was me. Just like Iroh we saw the Agni Kai, well as much as we could stand to watch. I felt close to you Zuko. I knew that feeling of loss. Not knowing what's next. I wanted to help.", I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. He placed his arms around him.

      "Well, should we cancel our dinner plans and just have a wedding instead.", Iroh chimed in. Safe to say the moment we had was a bit ruined.

      "Let's go to dinner.", Zuko said letting go of me. So much for feeling close.

      We made our way to the house. Song greeted us at the door and led us to the dining table where her mother soon served us.

      "My daughter tells me you're refugees. We were once refugees ourselves.", Song's mother said making small conversation. It seemed like a loaded topic but I didn't want to say anything.

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