Bittersweet Goodbyes

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I sat alone in my room. I had begun to pack but it began to hurt. I did not want to leave. A new home, although I could hardly call where I was at home. I rarely spoke to anyone here but to be placed in another new place was almost too much to bare.

I looked at my bag thinking of what else was needed to put in there when I heard the door knock.

"Come in.", I said quietly. The door opened. I had not even bothered to look up. Nothing anyone said or told me was going to change what was going to happen.

"Priestess Y/N, I was hoping we could spend your final night here together.", the voice belonged to Zuko. I looked up and allowed our eyes to meet. He looked almost sad? I didn't want to assume anything.

"Prince Zuko, I do not believe I would be an adequate enough partner for training. My mind is somewhere else tonight.", I hung my head in shame at my own words.

"I don't wish to train tonight. I had enough fighting for today. I would like to get to know you better before you go.", those words were something I was not expecting. Why get to know me know? There was nothing to learn but I suppose we truly didn't know each other too well after we both left the palace.

"We can talk. However could I please get ready for the night first? My priestess garb is a little too much for light conversation.", I gave him a small smile to ease the tension that was there.

"Very well. Of course. Would you like me to come back after you've finished getting ready?", he asked a bit red in the face. I knew he wasn't quite expecting my response.

"That would be nice. I'll be ready in half an hour.", I told him with a smile. "I will see you soon."

I waved him a goodbye and began to get ready as soon as the door shut. My room had came with a small washroom and that was where I was headed first. I heated my bath up and began to wash off the priestess makeup. Taking off the makeup was always a relief. It felt heavy, heavy as the burden of being a high priestess. After my makeup was off I soaked in the tub. I scrubbed away the best I could the ick Zhao had left me with. I washed my hair throughly and applied jasmine to it to give it a sweet scent.

Once fully washed I braided my hair loosely and put on a nightgown. It was red as wine. As was the silk robe I placed on top of it. That was soon followed by a small veil covering only my nose and mouth. It was about as relaxed and informal I could get. I didn't want Zuko to get the impression I was uncomfortable around him.

Soon the half hour was up and I heard another small knock. I opened the door and there stood Zuko. He was in a loose fitting outfit was a robe on top of it all. He too decided to be informal. The sight of him brought me peace.

"Please come in. I've prepared us tea. I hope you do not mind the taste of longjing tea.", I motioned him to take a seat in the center of the room. It was where I had the tea set up.

"Thank you and no I do not mind any tea. It all tastes the same to me, don't tell my uncle.", he let out a small laugh and I couldn't help but smile. We took a seat and I began to serve his tea.

"Would you like any cream?", I asked as I finished pouring.

"Just a bit. If I may ask, how are you going to drink tea with half of your face covered?", I knew he was going to ask. I let out a small laugh.

"I can remove my veil. I just have to cover my face with a fan as I sip.", I answered. He gave a strange look but seemingly decided to drop the subject. We sat and drank the tea.

"How do you feel about traveling with Zhao?", he asked breaking the silence.

"I'm a bit nervous. I don't think he'll treat me with as much kindness as you and General Iroh have.", I answered him honestly.

"You can stay with us. You don't have to go.", Zuko gave me a look of sympathy once he finished speaking. It was true I didn't have to go, but I knew I should.

"If I disrespect his orders I may get everyone in trouble because of it. No one should get in trouble because of me.", I replied with a small sigh. Lord Ozai had an notorious anger. He had already taken out so much of it on Zuko. It was better not to provoke.

He nodded at my response as if agreeing but his expression said different. "You can come back if things do not work with Zhao." I smiled at what he said even if he could not see. He was treating me with such kindness even though he knew if I fulfilled my duty to the fire nation I would be in turn forever exiling him.

"We'll see each other again Prince Zuko.", I said as reassuringly as I could. I somewhat believed what I said. He gave a smile the my words.

We spent the rest of the night talking. About our mothers, growing up in the fire kingdom. We laughed and had a great time. Soon it came to be the late hours of the night. Within a few hours I would be leaving.

"It seems to be getting rather late. I wish we had more time. I'd love to teach you the flame protection move.", I said in a way to wrap of the goodbyes in a rather sweet way.

"Teach me before you go.", Zuko replied holding his hand out. I looked at his hand in a longing manner. I wanted to grab it so bad.

"The move revolves around taking your opponent's fire away from them. Create a small flame.", I told him. He created a flame from his open palm as did I. "Now focus on using my fire to build yours."

I extended my fire to my fingertips and held my hand out. Zuko did the same. Our flames flicked and began to touch one another.

"See my flame transfer to yours.", I said holding my flame steady. In an instant his flamed engulfed mine and I had lost it. His flame now twice the size. I smiled softly to show the pride I felt for him. "It looks as though I am able to leave you with a parting gift after all."

"May I request one more thing?", asked Zuko. I nodded. I was curious to know what else I could live him with. "May I look upon your face?"

The request completely took me aback. It would be scandalous if he saw my face. A high priestess was to be virtuous. Yet we were alone in my room and I never cared about the rules that come with my role nor expectations. I did it to maintain honor. At this point, I was already doing my own thing.

"Yes, only if you promise me one thing.", I responded with.

He looked surprised but also nervous by my answer.

"Anything.", he said.

"Promise you won't forget me."

The High Priestess (Zuko x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now