A Shift in the Tides of War

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3 Years Later...

       "Why are you all just lounging around!", a most recognizable voice yelled at the crew. "Do you not realize how important this mission is?"

       Prince Zuko was once again yelling at the crew. Not a second of time could be devoted to anything other than capturing the avatar. Despite the fruitless endeavor it had been, the Prince did not want to stop the search.

       "Nephew, just relax for a few minutes. Drink some tea. Besides, Priestess Y/N will let us know when there is a disrupt in the spiritual world.", I heard General Iroh tell him. Which was just great, now Prince Zuko's attention would be on you.  All he did was yell at me as I meditated.

      "Y/N! Travel to the spirit world and see what you can find out!", Zuko commanded of me. I gave him a look before going to my chambers to meditate and enter the spiritual world. All the times Zuko commanded me to go to the spirit world would have killed any normal person by now. He's just lucky the spirit world doesn't drain me of my life energy as it would others.

       Three years of traveling back and forth to the spirit world was almost equivalent to that of torture. Having to face many spirits; not all of them nice. I had met with Koh at least four times. If my mother would not have warned me of him, I would have lost my face by now.

        In order to somewhat retaliate against Zuko's commands and somewhat give myself a break there would be times in which I spent a few days at a time in the spirit world. I was hoping that this time would be a time in which I could take a spirit vacation.

       After eventually being able to drown out Prince Zuko's yelling I was able to enter the spirit world. It was incredibly bright and colourful. I couldn't even see any dark spots in the world. As I walked further in I could hear what sounded like singing and cheering. The spirits were in a rather happy mood. It had been a while since I heard the spirits so joyful. Following the noise I soon came across what looked like a festival.

      The spirits were singing and dancing with one another. It was hard not joining in.

     "What's going on?", I asked the spirits that were nearby.

      "Raava is returning! Her hibernation shall end soon!", they cheered.

      I couldn't believe it. I knew the avatar would return but not now. I had a prophetic dream years ago of this return but nothing else. The course of the war was finally going to change. The entire world could be in balance once again.

      "How will we know the avatar is back?", I asked frantic for an answer.

      "There will be a bright beacon. Alerting the world that justice has been brought back!", the partying immediately started back up.

The thought of the avatar was almost maddening to me. If the avatar returned, Prince Zuko would capture them immediately and use as a pawn for the fire nation. I would finally be of use to the fire nation's war effort. This was almost anything but joyous.

How badly I wished to stay in the spirit world and keep Raava's awakening a secret. Yet I was thrown back into the material world.

I gasped as though my head was submerged under the ocean. The fire inside of me felt damp. I had to tell Prince Zuko, or else be thrown to the sea.

It had to be at least three in the morning when I came to. Was that even a reasonable time to tell them? Something in me pushed to inform Zuko immediately, as if my own morals had suddenly shifted.

I tried to ready myself as fast as I could. I did not have your paint on my face. My hair was down. I had to cover up but felt as there was no time. I grabbed a fan and simply shielded my face.

I bolted out of your room and ran straight to General Iroh's. He would be the first I told, not Prince Zuko. It was crucial someone levelheaded new first.

"I request an audience with General Iroh", I told the guard at his door.

"State your business.", the guard demanded.

"I have important word about the war. Words of victory.", i stared at him dead in the eyes as I finished my sentence. He stared back and then opened the door. There in the middle of the room was General Iroh enjoying tea.

"High Priestess, do join me for a cup.", he motioned to the seat across from him. I made my way in as politely as you could. Once the door shut I were able to lower my fan to show proper respect.

"General Iroh, I bring you news from the Spirit World.", I told him as I took a seat.

"Oh? I wonder what it could be. This is the first you've came to me at such an unreasonable hour.", he gave a little laugh.

"Raava is returning to us."

I barely got the sentence out before the door swung open. At the door was Prince Zuko. He looked angry.

As soon as the door had swung open you covered your face once again. All there was to do for the two of you was to stare into each other's eyes.

"How dare you go to my uncle before me! I am in charge of this ship and I must be the first to know immediately!", he stormed over to me.

"I am sorry your majesty. I could not first go to you due to my improper appearance. Please forgive me.", I bowed at his feet hiding my face into the floor.

"It does not matter! You can wear your veil! Tell me what you know.", his voice became softer and almost desperate. I look up to speak. I could see the hope in his eyes. The hope of returning home.

"The avatar is returning."

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