Dragon Teeth

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Zuko's POV

I watched her leave once again. The feeling of her lips still lingered on my own. I have never felt so confused.

Everytime I saw her all I could feel was pain, rage, and joy. Happy to know she was okay, pain since I knew she would be leaving again and anger that she was a traitor.

Why couldn't she understand how badly I needed her help? I would of course never tell her that but surely she would want to return home just as badly as I did. We could both return to the palace. We could live in luxury again. Why didn't she want that?

Why even join me in exile if she was just going to leave? I wish she would stay. Just bring me the avatar and stay. I want to go home so badly. I want to return home with her.

All I could think about was her. When I was able to gaze upon her face for the first time. I never believed it would capture me the way it did. I think about her touch. Everytime I felt it it felt as though lightning ran through me. Everything about her was so captivating.

I let out a yell. It was all so agonizing. It was then I made myself a promise that when I returned home it would be with her.

I made my way back to the ship empty handed once again.

"Hello nephew.", I heard my uncle greet me as soon as I got on the ship. "What is wrong?"

"Do we know of anything that happened to Priestess Y/N?", I asked. I wanted to facepalm. I asked without thinking, that was definitely going to come off as weird.

"Join me in my room for a moment Prince Zuko.", Uncle motioned for me to follow and I did. I was a bit annoyed that he couldn't just talk to me where we were. Instead we had to go into his smelly room.

Once we went in my uncle began to rummage through his drawers.

"I thought you brought me in here for something important. Not to look at some little trinkets.", I crossed my arms and leaned on the door.

"It is important. I just have to find it.", he continued to rummage.

"I came to talk to you about Y/N.", I was growing impatient.

"Since when did you and the Priestess become so informal with one another?", I felt my face heat up at the question.

"She showed me her face the night she left.", uncle turned his head at me rather quickly and began to laugh.

"My sweet little Zuko. Growing up. When is the wedding?", he had a stupid look on his face.

"You're so annoying. I was just curious to see what she looked like. After all we had lived together in the palace for all these years. I thought it was weird I didn't know what she looked like.", I tried to sound aloof.

He gave me a weird look before pulling something out the drawers.

"Ta-da! This is what I wanted to show you.", he held what looked like an amulet.

"Uncle what is that?", I went to grab it but he pulled it out of my reach.

"I'm not sure you're quite ready for this.", he kept it near him, "Priestess Y/N gave it to me the night she left. She said to give it to you when you were ready as she was not going to be able to."

"You knew she was running away! Why didn't you tell me!", I could feel the anger in me rise.

"She did tell me but made me promise not to tell you. She was afraid you would let it slip out to Zhao when came to get her. She knows you cannot control your words when you are angry.", Uncle gave me a smug look. I knew he was right but I didn't want to hear it.

"We'll what is it?", I asked changing the subject.

"It's a dragon scale necklace. The amulet holds the scales.", he held it out for me to see, it was shaped like a tooth. It had the fire nation's symbol engraved on it. It hung off a gold chain. It looked as if it was carefully crafted.

"Did she make that for me?", I asked grabbing it gently.

"Yes. She said it would be able to provide you protection and guidance. After all, us fire benders did learn from the mighty dragons.", he allowed me to hold it.

"I'm ready Uncle.", I put the necklace on and tucked the amulet into my shirt.

Uncle Iroh gave me a small smile.

"Well, I'm going to bed. No interruptions.", I excused myself and walked to my own room. I collapsed on the bed the second I walked in. I laid there thinking about all that had happened.

      "Until next time."

      I held the amulet in my hand. All I thought about was the "next time".


VERY SHORT CHAPTER! sorry about that. I just wanted to explore the way Zuko felt without having to make anyone reread the same scenario.

Hope you enjoy so far!

The High Priestess (Zuko x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora