Plum Wine

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Just wanted to let you know that the next few chapters are not going to be canon with the show since Zuko doesn't appear for a few episodes. (This one is also short!) So I'm going to take that opportunity to grow their relationship. Hope that's okay! Love you all for reading :).

     Living off of the land was not easy. If we were in the fire nation I would have been prepared. I knew nothing about the earth kingdom flora, fauna yes but not flora. I'm learning though. Zuko brought me a field guide the other day. I'm pretty sure he stole it but it's the thought that counts.

      It has been so tough. I cannot stress that enough. Iroh tries to eat mystery items and Zuko disappears for a while at some points. This all really sucked. It was still somehow better than the fire palace. I wasn't alone here. I'm sure Zuko felt different. Maybe he'll realize that Iroh is his true family eventually. I tried not to think too much of the past and think of the now as I cooked.

      "What's that delicious smell?", asked Iroh as he came over to look at the pot. I smiled at the compliment.

      "Nothing too special. Just vegetable soup.", I replied stirring. All we ate for the most part were vegetables.

      "Another vegetarian dish.", Zuko said as he entered the cave. I shot him a look as if to say "can you do better?"

      "Well, the fish jerky is ready and I'll have you know I did go through the effort of making fire flakes the best I could.", I said in response to Zuko's ungratefulness. He gave me an eye roll to which I stuck my tongue out at him.

      "Now, everything Y/N has made so far has been incredibly delicious. Be grateful it's not just us two on the run.",   Iroh gave Zuko a pat on his back. "Now let's eat!"

      We ate the soup with the fire flakes sat on the top. They gave the soup both a spicy and smoky flavor. A taste of the fire nation. Zuko must have enjoyed his soup quite a bit. Usually he had remarks but just ate in silence. He was the first one done. He even served himself another bowl.

      "Oh! I almost forgot! I made us some plum wine. It should be fermented enough by now.", I got up and grabbed the jar I had hidden away from off the light.

      "Now this is a feast!", Iroh shouted happily as I poured him a glass. I poured myself a small amount as well as Zuko.

     "I'm not sure if drinking this is a good idea. We don't want to let our guard down.", Zuko said looking down at his cup.

      "I know you're worried. You don't have to drink it but maybe it will do us all some good to relax a little bit.", I said before taking a sip. Zuko looked at me and gave a nod before sipping his own wine. We all sat and drank for a bit. We spoke as well, nothing too meaningful, just small talk. Iroh told us about the beauty of Ba Sing Se. Zuko even told us a few stories from when he lived at the palace. It was nice. The cave almost felt like home, almost.

      Iroh soon went to sleep. Zuko and I decided to stay up and drink a bit more. The plums were not too fermented so it wasn't strong but it was enough to get a slight buzz.

"Would you like to go for a walk?", Zuko asked extending a hand out.

"I would love to go for a walk.", I placed my hand in his. We walked out out the cave and out into the wilderness. The stars were absolutely beautiful. We walked for a bit until we decided to stop in a clearing filled with fireflies. I couldn't help but stare at their beauty.

"How are you feeling?", Zuko asked breaking the silence.

"I feel fine.", the question took me back a bit but I figured this was his way of making small talk.

"How do you really feel?", he asked again but with more emphasis. I gave him a confused look. "How do you feel knowing there's no place for us?"

My heart sank. That's what he meant. Asking how I felt about not fitting in anywhere.

"I am a bit sad about that. I would love to return to my home village but I know that's not possible. I'm am happy to be free however. The responsibility I carried was almost too much to bear. It sort of feels as though I've been given a second chance at life.", I replied giving his hand a squeeze hoping he took the hint that the life I wanted was with him.

"At least someone is happy.", Zuko sighed. Looks like he didn't get the hint.

      "I want you to be happy.", I said looking at him. He continued to look at the ground.

      "You know, once we're back at the palace you don't have to continue being a high priestess if you don't want. I'm sure my father will understand and I'll stand behind your choice.", those words made me feel sadness. Zuko was still living in denial. He was not going to get the happiness he so desperately craved.

        "I know.", I said softly. We both sat in silence for a few moments taking in the most recent words we had just exchanged.

"Do you think things will change when we go back home?", Zuko asked breaking the silence. It was a loaded question. A question I didn't want to have an answer to.

"Most likely. Nothing will ever be the same as it is now.", I answered honestly. It was vague but it gave him an answer.

"Things won't change between us. I won't let them.", Zuko brought me into a kiss and I allowed myself to melt. I felt the heat rise in my face from all the wine but also from the sheer joy I felt from his lips. I really hope nothing would change or at the very least if it did that he wouldn't forget me.

Anything but be forgotten.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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