The Blue Spirit

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      Since the incident at the temple I had not seen Zuko. The others ran into him but I wasn't around for that. I was busy foraging as we had run out of money. We had been traveling for days when Sokka got sick and we had stop. He was delirious with a fever from the storm. Katara soon began showing signs of illness too. Aang and I managed to not get sick. I think it had to do with us using our bending to keep us warm.

      "We're going to the herbalist institution. Y/N and I will return soon with the antidote.", Aang told Katara before we headed out.

      We travelled at different paces and different routes. It would be horrible if they found the both of us. It took me a while to get to the institution. I promised myself I would only use my bending if necessary. This meant I would be using my sword. I had seen the wanted posters of me and not to brag but I carried a rather high reward.

      Eventually I made it to the institution and found Aang there.

      "Any luck?", I asked him while looking at the old lady who was humming to herself. It didn't seem like he had luck but I was going to ask anyway.

      "I think she is almost done.", he said. I could tell he was worried but it seemed a bit hard to tell as he was playing with a cat. I gave him a look but was quickly distracted. In the distance I could see flames of fire coming from boat. I squinted to get a better look. It was Zuko's ship!

      "Hey Aang, I'm going to forage for some herbs, I'll meet you back with Katara and Sokka.", I needed to talk to Zuko and this felt like the most believable lie.

      "Be safe and don't get sick!", he yelled at me as I began to run off. I ran and ran as fast as I could down to the shore. I needed to talk to Zuko and make it back in time to help Aang. My lungs felt as though they were going to burst by the time I made it to the sand. Now I just had to make it on board with no one seeing me.

      I jet stepped my way onboard. If I was anyone else I could've just killed them. No one even noticed me land on the deck. Not even Zuko. I watched him for a second as he "trained". I didn't get to watch for too long as he saw me and shot a flame straight at me. I redirected  back at him.

       "I thought you would feel something other than murderous intent when you saw me.", I gave him a weak smile. I knew he was mad but I didn't come here to fight.

      "What on earth do you think—", I cut off his yelling by putting a finger to my lips hinting that he stay quiet.

      "How dare you just board my ship with no permission! Especially when you were the one to leave in the first place!", he yelled about as quietly as he could. His face held the same hurt expression it did at the fire temple. I honestly did feel bad.

      "I know you're angry but I only came aboard to make sure you were okay. I haven't seen you since we were at the temple.", I looked upon his face.

      "You left me! How could you think I would be okay? Do you know understand how hard it is looking for the avatar with no help? Yet here you are being best friends with them. Being a traitor to your nation.", he got up in my face and looked down upon me. Eyes filled with anger and hurt.

      "I never wanted to betray you.", I gently placed my hand upon the side of his face. He reached out to touch my hand. He grabbed my hand so slightly.

      "You're leaving again aren't you?", his voice soft.

      "I have to and you know that. And I know that if you really wanted to you could imprison me. Nothing is stopping you from it.", I lowered my hand and held onto his. It seemed calm for a second until Zuko took a step back.

The High Priestess (Zuko x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora