The Cullen's Are Gone

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After Jasper voted to leave me I couldn't handle the emotions so I simply grabbed Addie and left. I dropped her off at Billy's who said "Happy birthday, how did the party go?" I said "They're leaving me, Forks, everything." he took the sleeping baby as he said, "Are you ok?" I said "No, so I am going to Nicks's and I'm going to drink his alcohol and you're not stopping me because I don't want to feel." before he could grab me I turned and got in my car driving off. I got to his house and let myself in grabbing the vodka, I stripped out of my clothes and put on something that I packed specifically for this night.

 I got to his house and let myself in grabbing the vodka, I stripped out of my clothes and put on something that I packed specifically for this night

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Before turning the music on and dancing while drinking the vodka. Billy must have immediately called Sam because not five minutes after getting here I managed three swigs when the bottle was taken from my hands and Nick turned me to face him. Nick said, "You don't drink, what happened?" I said "My best friends are leaving me, but I'm fine, this is my new bestie her name is Vodka." he said, "We have a two-year-old little girl that needs you not to be an alcoholic so choose something else to distract yourself." I said "We?" he said "Yes, we. I have custody of her but she is ours, mine, and yours. She needs you." I sighed "Honestly when I bought and packed this I was a little nervous about you seeing me in it." his eyes kept drifting down to the outfit but he was fighting it, he said, "Why is that?" 

I said "I was afraid of what you'd think." he said, "What I'd think of you in it?" I nodded and he said "Well let me clear that fear up for you, I'm finding it hard to control myself, I want to touch, see, kiss, and bite every piece of skin I can see." his hand trailed down my side making me shudder I said "Then don't control yourself." he said, "I can't, you're emotional right now, it wouldn't be right." I said "I wasn't emotional when I packed it." he said "As much as I want to, I love you too much to take advantage of you. When we go that route you will need to be in a clear state of mind, not upset." he lifted me up and carried me to bed and held me as we talked about it and I cried. 

I woke up and noticed I was wrapped in Nick's arms, then last night came rushing back. Then I was embarrassed, I mean I tried to seduce him and he refused me. Which was the correct thing to do, it makes me love him more, to know that when I am in distress he will not do anything when I'm not of sound mind even if I am actively telling him otherwise. Without opening his eyes he tightened his hold on my waist and kissed my shoulder "Good morning beautiful." I said "Good morning." he checked the time and said, "Shouldn't you be in school." I sat against the headboard and said "Im not going." he messed with the hem of the fabric as he said, "Why not?" I said, "Im not going." He put his hands up in surrender and said "OK. You know we have phones, you can still keep in contact with them." I said, "That's not what's bothering me." He looked confused "Then what is?" I said "Jasper voted to leave. It's not necessarily that he and Alice are leaving me but rather he wants to leave me." He said "And Alice?" I smiled "She voted to stay but got outvoted. She is leaving because she has to not because she wants to."

They are the first friends I've ever had, the first people other than my sister to ever love me. When I found out Alex was my dad they followed me as I ran off to comfort me. I met them my first day of school, we've been friends ever since." He laid his head on my stomach so I ran my fingers through his hair I said "Also, I'm sorry Nick." He said "For?" I blushed "Last night, trying to seduce you." He said "That wasn't the problem love. I love that you packed this and wanted that to happen but you were upset and it just wasn't the right time." I said "Can we go get out baby and go to the beach?" he kissed my head "Of course."  so I got into my light blue bikini and put shorts and a tank top on and went to Billy's. We walked in and Addie squealed and ran to hug us, I picked her up and said "Hey Addiebug!" Nick hugged us and kissed her little head as Billy said "Hey guys, how was your night?" I said, "Could have been better if you didn't tattle on me, but he isn't fighting with me about skipping school today so that's a plus." Billy said, "Do you skip often?" I said, "No, but I do try." Nick said "We'll see you later uncle B, Aqua wants to go to the beach." he said "Ok have fun. Uh, dinner tonight with the pack and the elders?" I smiled "We'll be there." and we headed to the beach for some much-needed fun. 

We were with the pack and the elders having a bonfire, when Billy got a call, he said "I don't think that's a good idea... Alright hold on." he sighed and said, "Aqua, Charlie wants to talk to you, are you up for it?" Nick whispered, "I'll be with you the whole time." I sighed and took the phone, Billy took the sleeping baby so I could walk a little bit away. I took a deep breath before putting the phone to my ear "Hello?" Charlie sighed out in relief "Thank god, Aqua have you seen your sister?" I was confused "Uh no, I didn't go to school today. Why?" he said "She left a note when she got home that said she was going into the woods, but I haven't heard from her and I can't find her anywhere." I was shocked "What are you saying?" then the breath left me "Aqua your sister is missing." I dropped the phone and took off running Nick called after me "Aqua! Wait for a second!" he caught my wrist "Aqua what is going on?" I said "Bella is missing, she went into the woods 7 hours ago and no one has heard from her. Nick, I have to find her." I yanked my wrist from his hand making him scramble to grab me again he said "Hey, hey, hey, breathe. I will get the pack and we will go look for her. You are not running through the woods this late because I don't want you to get hurt. Just please, go with Billy, Harry, and Sue to Charlie's and we will find her." I said "Nick..." he said, "Look at me." I looked into his eyes and he continued "We will find her, I promise. But in order for me to focus on finding your sister, I need to know you and Addie are safe. So I am asking you to please go to Charlie's with the others and stay with Addie." I conceded and went with Billy to Charlie's house.

Sam ended up finding her and bringing her back so I hugged him. Sam hugged me back "Don't worry, she is ok." I said "Thank you, and tell the boys thank you for me." he nodded and I headed up to her room, I laid next to Bella as she hugged me tightly "He left me." I sighed "I know sissy, I'm sorry." she said, "He said I was a plaything, a toy, that he didn't really love me." I sighed and hugged her tighter "That bastard." She fell asleep laying on my chest, and I was falling asleep as Nick came in and kneeled by me "How is she?" I laid my hand over the one he placed on my stomach "He told her that she was just his toy and now he was bored, you can't just do that to someone." I laid my head on his shoulder as my eyes closed he kissed my head "She will be ok, you will help her through this. Come on let's get you home." I felt myself be lifted into his arms. I heard the front door open and Charlie say "Thank you, Nick, for convincing her to come. I know I haven't always treated her fairly." he said "Don't thank me, she only came because of her sister. You hurt her, you took out your hate for Renee cheating on you, on her." Charlie said, "I know and that's my fault, it just pissed me off that she was so adamant about knowing something that I didn't want her to know." Nick got pissed "She only felt she needed to know because she grew up knowing you and Renee hated her. You don't deserve her." he walked out and placed me in the car where I fell into a deep sleep. 

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