Newborns and Wedding Prep

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It has been about two weeks and I haven't really left the house, I also haven't allowed anyone to come over. I wanted to bond with my babies, and I tried to get the hang of having two newborns and a toddler with separation anxiety. I want to point out that Addie seems to hate Dallas. With Spencer, she always gives him kisses and wants to hold him but with Dallas, she keeps trying to hit her and screams. I had the twins in their swings, and I was folding the laundry when Addie threw a toy and it hit Dallas in the face. She immediately started screaming so I picked her up to comfort her and I finally snapped and yelled "Damn it, Addilyn Grace! Go to your room now!" she ran to her room crying and Nick came in as I started to feel like a dick trying not to cry myself. Addie was crying, Dallas was screaming, and Spencer was starting to get fussy because the girls were being noisy. So when he walked in I was sitting on the floor with my head in my hands, all three kids crying, while Dallas was lying between my legs. He said "Hey Aqua, what's wrong?" he picked up Dallas and put her in her swing giving both babies their binkies. I said "I'm whats wrong." he said, "Your gonna have to explain that." I said "I feel like a dick." he said "Why? And why are all of our children crying?" I said "Spencer's crying because he's a copycat. As for the girls... Addie threw a toy and hit Dallas in the face and I yelled at her. I didn't mean to it just happened. I don't know what im doing Nick, I yelled at a 3-year-old and I have twin two-week-olds that never stop crying."  

He said, "Ok you have got to get out of this house, go take a shower." I said "What are we doing?" he said, "We are going to Billy's you need to be around adults." I sighed but did as he demanded, by the time I was done with my shower and dressed, he had all three kids dressed, happy, and the twins in their car seats. 



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Nick hugged me "Ready?" I said "You just walked in on the four of us crying, you sure you want to take us in public?" he said "That's exactly why I need to take you out, you have been couped up with three babies for two weeks you need to socialize...

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Nick hugged me "Ready?" I said "You just walked in on the four of us crying, you sure you want to take us in public?" he said "That's exactly why I need to take you out, you have been couped up with three babies for two weeks you need to socialize so let's get in the car." he grabbed the twins so I grabbed Addie and we got the kids in the car. We drove to Billy's house and as I was grabbing Dallas Jake ran from the house and into the woods Billy shouted "Jake! Jacob!" I said "Billy? Whats going on?" he handed me a paper as he picked Addie up sitting her on his lap, it was a wedding invitation for Edward and Bella making me sigh. I said, "He has got to let this go." Billy said, "Yeah he does, so what brings you five around?" Nick said, "She needed to get out of the house." Billy chuckled "Walked into a crying mess did you?" I said, "It's not funny." Nick said, "Was Sarah like that?" Billy nodded "Yeah, come on in guys." he rolled in and we followed him, I said, "Ignore Dallas' black eye, Addie threw a toy." Billy said, "She isn't liking baby sister yet is she?" I sighed "No. Which I don't understand, I mean she likes Spencer." Billy said, "She gets it from you." I said, "Come again?" Billy said, "Alex was married once before to a woman named Caroline, together they had your older sister..." 

I said, "Tamika and John, I remember a letter about that in the file Carlisle found." Billy nodded "Yes Tamika is 5 years older than you and John is 2 years older than you, well Caroline and Alex stayed together for a while and when you were six they had another daughter named Thalia, who goes by Lia she is currently 12 years old and when she was born you hated her with a passion. You went from being the youngest to having a baby sister. You tried everything to get rid of her and Caroline ended up leaving Alex." I said, "Oh god, what did I do?" He said "You tried to ship her away, drown her, and constantly hit her. You were mean to her." Billy said, "Try giving her a present from each of the twins." I said, "I'll try, but do you know what I really want right now?" Billy said "A nap?" I nodded so Nick said, "Go lay down, we can handle the kids." I said "That's what you think." but headed in to take a nap anyway. 

The two months leading up to Bella's wedding were insane, Nick had to patrol more so I was alone 90% of the time, I ended up just hanging out with the Cullens because they are still my family and my fiance was just never around. The present thing did in fact work with Addie and now she loves Dallas as much as she does Spencer. I have been trying hard to work off the baby weight and honestly being a new mom while chasing a toddler seemed to help with that. Alice and I were all chaos as we threw Bella's wedding together. It was a whirl of ordering, decorating, dress fittings, and seating charts, plus the family was helping me with three kids, it was pure chaos and I loved every second of it. Nick already knows that our wedding will be in a neutral spot because both the Cullens and the pack were all invited, not that the pack was happy about that. The night before the wedding I spent the night at the Cullens house, Bella was practicing and failing to wear heels which were comical. Alice said, "You just have to break them in." Bella said "I have been breaking them in, for three days. Can I just go barefoot?" Alice looked appalled "Absolutely not, this wedding will be beautiful. Go home, and get some beauty sleep. That's an order." Bella hugged and kissed her nieces and nephew before taking off. I got all three kids bathed, fed, and in bed so that I could sleep. Before I went to sleep I texted Nick ~Goodnight Nick, I love you.~ -Aqua, he responded quickly which means he wasn't on patrol ~Goodnight my love. I love you too.~ -Nick B. And I went to sleep.

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