My Bestie Is Back... And Jazz

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Jake came back before the funeral and was pissed off, I said "What's with you?" He said, "She went to Italy with that stupid pixie bloodsucker." I said, "Uh Italy?" He nodded and I said "Wait, when was Alice here?" he said, "When Bella jumped off a cliff, I guess she saw it or something." I said "I'm gonna go call her." as I headed outside Jake said, "Nick why do you allow her to be friends with those things?" Nick chuckled "For two reasons, one being if I tried to control her, she might kill me. And two, all I want is her to be happy and they were the first people to ever actually love her aside from Bella and they make her happy." Embry said, "Plus the only supernatural person that has physically hurt her is you, not the vamps." The door closed and I sat on the steps and called Alice.

AC: Hey Aqua.
AH: Don't hey Aqua, me. Why the hell did you take my sister to Italy?
AC: I had a vision of Bella trying to pull you off a cliff but I didn't see anyone save you guys so I thought you two were dead. I rushed to Forks only to find Bella alive and she assured me that you were fine. But Rosalie told Edward why I was coming, and now he is trying to kill himself so we have to stop him.
AH: Just... Don't let the Volturi kill her.

After the funeral, we had a little get-together at Sue's house. Sue said, "Honey can you go check on Seth please?" I nodded and headed up to his room, I gently knocked before letting myself in. Sue checked on Leah, I wiped his hair out of his face and said "Hey bud you OK?" He was burning up and he said "Can you get my mom?" I said, "Of course." I saw Sam in Leah's room so I went over and Sue said: "She is burning up, what if she phases?" He said, "No girl has ever shifted." I said "Guys, Seth is also burning up. He's asking for you, Sue." Charlie said, "I'm gonna go check on Bella." Which solved all of our problems. Especially since Anna had already taken her kids home. I was barred from going outside since the last wolf that shifted tore my side open. I was laying on the couch in a fluffy blanket with Addie laying between me and the back of the couch. I had my head on Nick's lap and he ran his fingers through my hair as I slowly fell asleep.

I woke up to my phone buzzing, and Bella texted me ~911- Cullen House ASAP~ -B. I got up to get dressed, since Nick was on Patrol, I also put shoes on Addie. I wrote 'Nick had to go see Bella, I have Addie. I love you.' And left it on the counter. I stuck Addie in her car seat before driving to the Cullen house. Alice met me outside and hugged me tightly, I said "I'm mad at you." She pouted "Why?" I said, "You came to town and didn't inform me, I could have come to see you." She sighed "I'm sorry, and we weren't in town long enough, we had to go save Edward." I grabbed Addie and we walked inside she put her arm around my waist, making me wince. She pulled away and said, "What's wrong?" I said "Well, Bella broke Jake's baby heart and he came to me all upset, and it was strange. He refused to let me go, though it was keeping him calm however he was close to shifting so the boys tried to pull me away and Nick tried to get in front of me and it worked for the most part, but I still got slashed." She gasped and lifted my shirt and gently ran her fingers over the mark. She said, "That dog hurt you!" I said "Yes, but Ali, chill. I'm ok." She said, "I also heard a little something from Bella... like... some good news?" 

I laughed "If she told you I'm pregnant then that would be correct." she squealed "When do we get to know the gender of my niece or nephew?" I shrugged "Do I look like someone who's done this before? Honestly, Ali, im flying blind on this. The only reason I even know is that Sue was making sure I didn't have internal bleeding, so who all came back?" she said "Everyone." I sighed and she continued "You have to talk to Jazz." I scoffed "No I don't." She said, "He is miserable." I said "That's on him Alice, he voted to leave and so I guess we weren't as close as I thought we were. Besides, he didn't reach out to me the whole time you were gone and he never answered any of my texts or emails so no. Im done." Bella and Edward walked in, and Bella said "Hey im glad you came, come on." we followed her upstairs to the living room and she stood on the stair base. Bella said "You all know what Edward wants. And you know what I want. But I won't force myself on you... I think the only fair way to handle this is by vote..." I rolled my eyes the last vote didn't end well. Edward said, "You can't be serious..." Bella said, "This is my meeting, Edward." His being frustrated made me smile, I haven't forgiven him for what he did to her. Bella said "However this turns out, I'm not letting the Volturi hurt you. I'll go back to Italy alone..." 

I said "Bella, no more suicide quests you've had enough." Emmett said, "She's right, besides I'm not missing another fight." Bella said "That's not up for a vote, Emmett. I don't want you involved." Esme said, " We've always been involved, honey, and we're not going to stop..." Bella said "No, please... I want you to seriously think about this. If I join you, you'll be stuck with me for a long time... forever. It's a huge decision. And I want... I need your honesty here." everyone nodded so she said "Then let's take a vote... Alice?" she quickly left my side to hug Bella, she said "Like you and Aqua are not already my sisters. Of course, yes!" Alice held her other arm out for me so I joined their hug, Jasper said "I vote yes. It'll be a relief not to want to kill you." Bella said "Um. Thanks? Okay, Rosalie?" Rosalie said "Edward, I'm sorry for what I did. I am. And I know you're not ready to forgive me... But this isn't the life I'd have chosen for myself. I wish there'd been someone to vote no for me... So... no." Emmett came over to join our hug "I vote hell yeah. We can pick a fight with these Volturi some other way." once Emmett let go Esme hugged Bella and held a hand out for me, so I placed my hand in hers "I already think of you as part of the family. Yes. You both will always be my daughters." I smiled "We love you, Esme." Bella said, "Thank you, Esme." 

Bella turned on me "Sissy?" I sighed and took her hands "I love you B. All I've ever wanted was for you to be happy, now I don't understand how you could forgive him for what he said to you but, I do know the appeal this family holds so if this is what you truly want... then yes." she attacked me in a hug so I had to push her back "Careful, Addie is sleeping." Bella giggled "Sorry. Why are you still holding her?" I said, "Cause someone decided to hold a meeting at 2 am, and Nick is on patrol." Carlisle moved to Edward and said "Edward..." who said, "You can't go along with this, Carlisle, you know what it means." Carlisle said "You've chosen not to live without her, which leaves me no choice. I won't lose my son. But Alice has never turned anyone. It'd be safer if I did it..." Edward stormed out slamming the door. Bella said "Thank you. Thank you all." She went to find Edward and Alice pulled me up the set of stairs to the third floor, we crawled onto her bed and I laid Addie between us. She said, "Are you sure you cant forgive him?" I said "She doesn't even want to talk to me Ali, he hasn't reached out in months and ignored all of the times I tried. I just wanted to know why he voted to leave, I mean you didn't." she said "If I let him in will you please hear him out?" I said "Fine." she smiled and got up to open the door, to let him in, then she left shutting the door. 

He sat on the edge of the bed gently to not wake Addie and said "Im sorry for not responding to you, and im sorry that I hurt you by voting against you." I said "You and Ali, you both were the first people to actually love me and that hadn't abandoned me until you did. At least Ali got outvoted. You chose to abandon me." he said, "You know, you got a good boyfriend." I smiled as I thought of him "What makes you say that?" he said "The night we left, after you fell asleep he used your phone to call and yell at me." I giggled "He yelled at you?" Jasper chuckled "Yeah told me I was an ass for abandoning you after all you've been through, that he now had to buy more vodka because you drank the last of it." I said "What exactly... I mean how much did Nick tell you?" he said, "Nothing more, Alice, on the other hand, had a certain vision, that she told me all about." I groaned and covered my face with a pillow making him laugh. My phone buzzed ~Hey love, are you and Addie coming home tonight?~ -Nick Alice busted in "Tell him no." I said "Ali." she got down on her knees and put her hands together as she begged me "Please stay the night." I said, "Trust me you don't want me to ever spend the night again." She said, "Yes I do." I said, "Ali I have a 3-year-old who thinks the day starts at 5 am, and not to mention I am always nauseous, hungry, and dizzy, and hate pretty much all food except Doritos with Nutella which by the way it's way better than it sounds." 

Alice giggled "First off, we don't sleep so 5 am isn't a big deal, secondly, what better place than to be in a house with a dr." I debated for a moment before texting Nick back ~Uh I don't think so, im catching up with Ali. Are you gonna be ok by yourself? Also, do you have patrol tomorrow? I love you, Nick.~ -Aqua. he responded rather quickly ~I think ill manage, have fun with your friends. No, I don't have patrol I was hoping we could find a babysitter and I could take you out. But Sue obviously can't she is still grieving and Billy is with her so their out. Emily and Sam also have date night so maybe Bella? Unless you can think of someone. I love you too Aqualyn.~ -Nick B. I said "Fine, you have me Ali." she tackled me in a hug, and I tried so hard to keep her from falling on Addie but luckily Jasper grabbed Addie and said, "Im gonna go put her in her room to keep her safe from Alice." I said "Her room?" he said "Sorry Alice." and ran off. 

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