Losing Addie and Nessie's Birth!

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I went downstairs later while Addie and Spencer were asleep, Dallas refused so she was strapped to my chest in a Moby wrap. Jake said, "So, that's the last of it?" Carlisle said "Bella could deliver as early as tomorrow. If she's going to have any chance at all, she'll need more blood." Esme said "And you need to feed. You have to be at your strongest for her. We need to go tonight." Jake said "Carlisle, you're the enemy now. Sam won't hesitate. You will be slaughtered." Esme said, "Emmett will come with us." Jake said, "That won't be enough." Carlisle said "We have no choice, Jacob. If there's anything we can do to save her, we have to try." Jake said, "You'd risk your lives for her?" 

Esme said "Of course we would. Bella's a part of our family now." Jake said "Yeah. I can see that. This really is a family. As strong as the one I was born into. I know what I have to do." Jake looked at me "I'll be back." I nodded he glanced down to kiss her little head and froze; I rolled my eyes and snapped my fingers in his face "Jake focus." he shook his head to clear it "Sorry." I said, "We'll deal with it later, now go." Esme said, "What just happened?" I said, "He imprinted on my daughter." Carlisle said, "How do you feel about that?" I said, "Honestly, I can't even process that yet, hey so I probably don't even need to ask but..." Esme said, "Yes my dear, you and the kids are welcome to stay here as long as you need or want." and they were gone. 

Jake came back and said, "Aqua, Nick wants to talk to you." I didn't realize Addie had come down, but she said "Daddy?" and ran for the door, I scooped her up and set her on my hip, "Uh Alice?" She came over and said, "Take Dallas please, and go check on Spencer." she understood and took her from me flitting upstairs. I followed Jake out to the woods and saw Paul, Nick, and Quil, who was smart. Quil won't leave because of Clara, Nick has already made his choice, and Paul is imprinted to Rachel, Jake's sister. I said, "What do you want Nick?" He said, "I want Addie." I held her tighter "No, you can't take care of a kid Nick. You're always gone, you'll just pass her off to Emily. Think about it Nick, the twins are almost 4 months old, and you've only seen or held them a total of 10 times." Jake said, "How about you let her decide, and then you both deal with it." Nick held his hands up "Fine." 

Jake took Addie from me and set her between us, then knelt in front of her and said "Addie, mommy and daddy are going to be away from each other for a while. Do you want to stay here with mommy? Or go home with Daddy?" Addie said "Mommy?" I said, "Yes baby?" she asked, "How long is a while?" I said, "I don't know." Addie again said "Mommy?" I said, "Yes baby?" she said, "I really want to go home with Daddy." I closed my eyes for a second to control my emotions then picked her up to hug her "You want to go home?" she nodded so I said, "Ok baby, daddy will take you home." he took her from me and said, "This is your fault, if you would have come home, you wouldn't have broken up our family." I scoffed "And if you boys were set on killing my sister and her baby, none of this would have happened." 

Jake rubbed my back and said, "Come on, let's get you inside." I let him lead me back to the house, once inside Alice handed me my babies whom I hugged tightly to my chest. Bella said "Hey. Are you okay?" Jake said, "Yeah, it's not like I'm the one carrying a demon." Jasper said, "Where's Addie?" I curled up next to him and laid my head on his lap. He ran his fingers through my hair as I said "Nick took her, she wanted to go with him. As mad as I am at him, I won't take her, from her father." Rosalie said "This is pretty important, Bella. Why don't you tell Jacob what you've decided?" Jake said, "What now?" Edward said, "Rose is trying to talk Bella out of her baby names." Bella said, "She hates them." Jake said, "Well, then I'm on your side no matter what you picked." He sat next to me, so I handed Dallas to him. Bella said "They're not that bad. If it's a boy, EJ. Edward Jacob." Rosalie said, "Okay, fine, that one's not awful." I said, "Why don't you tell him the girl's name?" Bella said "I was playing around with our moms' names. Renée and Esme. And I was thinking... Renesmee."

Jake said "Renesmee?" Bella said, "Too weird?" Jake said "Um..." Edward said "No, that's not too weird. It's beautiful. And it's unique, which certainly fits the situation. I like Renesmee." Bella said, "He likes it." Bella went to take a drink, but she dropped the cup, she went to grab it when her back broke. Jasper wrapped his arms around me tightly as Edward, Rosalie, Alice, and Jake (who gave me Dallas Back) rushed her away I was too shocked to even speak. Jasper was narrating what was happening to me but still wouldn't let me go. I was so worried. After a few minutes, Jasper let me go and said, "Go get your niece." He took Dallas from me, and I ran upstairs and to the room. I froze for a second, Jake was doing CPR, and she looked dead. Edward pulled my arm up and laid the baby in my arms which made me come to my senses and hold her close. He said, "Take Renesmee out of the room." I said, "But Bella..." he said, "I'll save her, just go!" And pushed me backward. 

I took her to the nursery and bathed her. Then I laid her on the changing table to diaper and clothe her. I said, "Hi Renesmee, I'm your auntie Aqua." Rosalie came in to give me Dallas and said "Take them to your room and lock the door. Don't come out until we come to get you." I gathered all three babies and rushed to my room and Rosalie shoved Seth in with us and said, "Protect them." Seth said, "I will." He locked the door. I laid on the bed and cuddled them. I played music to drown out the growling noises. Seth laid on the other side of them, I said "Seth have you even met my own kids?" He shook his head "You've kept the twins pretty hidden." I said "I was trying to keep Jake from imprinting on Dallas. I failed." He said, "This little guy must be Spencer." I looked down at my handsome boy and then up at Seth who was staring intensely at him, I said "Seth?" He shook his head and looked up at me "Uh... sorry?" I said, "I didn't know you liked boys." He said "No one knows. Please don't say anything." I said, "Why not?" He said "People won't understand. Only Leah and now you know. My mom and the pack can never know." I said "I won't tell, but Seth. You need to, if they judge you for who you like then they aren't your friends." he nodded, and we laid in silence with the babies for a second and I was so exhausted I fell asleep.

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