The End is Never Pretty

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Bella woke up three days later, Since Renesmee was with me and Dallas, Jake convinced Sam to stand down since it endangered Dallas. Bella was pissed Jake and Seth imprinted on her niece and nephew, so she attacked them and honestly, that was funny. The only problem we now have is time. Renesmee is growing at a terrifying rate; she is 2 months old but looks six and has the mentality of a 16-year-old it's crazy. It's been two months, two long months and I've tried to reach out to Nick, tried to get past all this but he blocked my number. Billy said Nick isn't seeing reason, that he has told the pack to kill me if I step foot on the land. They won't but it still hurts. I do still see Addie because since Emily always has her and we do still hang out. Bella and Jake took Nessie outside to play in the snow. I stayed inside with the twins who are four months old because I feel like they are too little to be out in the snow. I don't think I really understood this whole imprint thing until this big blowout. I never thought love could hurt so bad but being away from Nick these past couple of months and not even being able to talk to him feels like someone cut out my heart with a rusty spoon. I am in absolute hell. It also makes it worse because the bigger Spencer gets, the more he looks like his daddy.

I was on the couch with Dallas, Esme had Spencer teaching him about flowers. I don't think that she understands he is six months old and human, he can't understand things like Nessie can. Jasper has kind of been like my babysitter, he said "Aqua?" I looked over at him "Yes?" he said "Why don't you try to talk to him again?" I said "I can't. He blocked me Jasper, and he's out for blood so I can't even go to the Rez." Jasper said, "Your miserable Aqua." I sighed "I know. I'm trying to distract myself with the twins. The door opened and Ness came running over to me and climbed on the couch to sit slightly behind me and lean on my shoulder to look at her older/baby cousin. I said, "Hey sweetie was it fun?" she said "Until a lady showed up, Mommy chased her, and Jake brought me home." I said "A lady? What lady?" Jake said "Bella said it was someone named Irena. She was at the wedding." Jasper said, "From Denali." Bella came back and said, "I saw Irena, but she jumped into the water before I could catch up to her." Carlisle said, "I'll give them a call and see what's going on." he walked away to do so. 

I wasn't paying attention to Dallas, so I was very shocked when I felt something warm all over my leg, Nessie said "Auntie Aqua, Dallas threw up." I looked down and saw spit up all over me and Dallas. I closed my eyes to not take my frustration out on the infant then said, "Thanks Dall, I really needed that right now." I got up and started up the stairs, Ness followed me and said, "What are you doing?" I said, "I have to give Dallas a bath." she said "Can I help?" I said "Sure, if you want to, grab Spencer. We'll bathe them both." she went running down the hall "Grandma! I need the baby!" Bella said "Renesmee Carlie! No running!"  then followed me up to my bathroom and said, "You know, I'm kind of jealous of you." I rolled my eyes and said "Oh yeah my life is fantastic, I'm a 19-year-old single mother of twin 4-month-olds, living with my sister's in-laws, while the love of my life hates me so much so that he made me a kill on sight person. So now I can't go see my dad, my siblings, my best friend, or even go back to my own house." she pulled herself up on the counter and took Dallas so i could run the water. 

She said "Yeah that sucks but I was meaning more of you get this. You get the messy puking, crying baby for a year then the screaming, demanding toddler for four years, the sassy kiddo for six years, and the brooding teenager who then becomes a grown adult that can give you grandchildren. I love my husband and I'm so thankful that together we created this smart, beautiful, caring little girl but I just wish I got all of those stages for more than a few days. I said "Yeah... don't take this the wrong way but if I had the money id leave." she said "Where would you go?" I said "Somewhere far away. Far away from this pain." she said "You can't run from pain Aqua." I said "I can damn well try B. I can't do this. I can't take this pain... I have an idea. Can you help Ness bathe them?" she said "Sure but where are you going?" I said, "To talk to someone very wise." I sent a quick text and then changed and headed to the diner. 

I walked in and Billy and Sue were already at a table, so I slid in and said, "Thanks for meeting here, I obviously wanted to avoid the rez." I saw Addie who squealed "Mommy!" I hugged her "Hi princess. How is he?" Sue said, "He hasn't changed back yet." I said "Still? It's been two months." Billy said "I'm worried about him. Imprints aren't supposed to be apart like this. It could kill you both." I said "I can't keep doing this Billy. I love him with my whole heart but... at this rate he may never talk to me again." Sue said, "What can we do?" I said "I want to leave, I want to take all three kids and leave this town, leave the supernatural world. I'm done with wolves, vampires, imprints. It takes every ounce of myself control to get out of bed right now. I owe it to my children to be a better mom to them then I had, and I don't think I can do that here, surrounded by hurt and pain." Billy said, "So your leaving?" I sighed "Yeah I think I am, but I had a question first and I know you may not want to answer it, but I need to know." he said "You want to know if you can break the imprint bond?" I nodded.

Sue said "You alone? Or also the twins?" I said "Me for sure, I'm not sure about them yet. My whole experience with this has been shit but I've seen how happy Emily and Sam are, how you and Harry were, or you and Sarah. I see the good in it, I really do. I'm just scared they will end up hurt like me. I'm conflicted, I want to save them from this torcher I'm dealing with, but I also don't want to be the reason they don't have what Sam and Emily have. Please help me." Sue said "Actually I think this is a good idea. Maybe losing that bond will make Nick come to his senses. But if you cut all ties, it might be best to do it with the twins too." Billy sighed "She's right, and I already figured this would happen so, I already dosed the boys." he set three vials on the table and said, "If your serious about this then you three have to drink these, and for the record I'm against this." I said "Duley noted." Sue said, "How to do you know he won't find you?" I said, "Jasper has a friend, I'm changing our names." 

Billy said, "Don't you need Nick's signature to change their names?" I said, "One the friend is a forger, but also I may not have actually put his name on the birth certificates." Billy scolded me "Aqualyn!" I winced "I know, I'm sorry it's just I figured he'd leave me one day because he started pulling away from me when Jake injured me. I was scared he'd take them from me." Billy sighed "We love you, but if you're going to do this then do it now. Before he knows what's up." I said, "I'll call you when I get somewhere, I'll keep in touch with both of you but promise you won't tell anyone anything." Sue said, "We promise." I took a breath and said, "Ok Adds, ready to go on a trip?" she got all excited "Yes!" And I took her to the Cullen's to get the twins. They all met me on the porch. I said, "I'm sorry." Carlisle said, "We understand, just keep in touch." I said, "I will." Bella handed me a syringe so I could dose the twins. 

Then she buckled them into their car seats next to Addie. Emmett was putting bags in the car for me while Jasper walked over and handed me an envelope and said "Its everything you need, new names and birthdays, with birth certificates, a diploma for you, passports for all four of you, a driver's license for you, and a bank account with enough funds to get you on your feet but don't hesitate to call if you need more." I said, "I love you, you're my best friend Jazz." I hugged him and Alice, then Carlisle said "Aqua, here." he handed me a new cell phone and took my other one. Alice said, "You need to go before the boys get here." I said, "I love you all." Esme said, "We love you too, be safe." I got in the car and downed the vial before throwing it out the window, blasting music, and getting on the road to a new life.


A/N: Fear not my lovelies Aqua's story does not end here, it is only beginning. The next book will be out momentarily. Drop in the comments below what you think the kids and Aqua's new names are. Anyone who guesses correctly for any one of the names will be mentioned in the first chapter of the new book. 

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