R.I.P Harry Clearwater

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 Everyone was having a breakfast picnic outback and I was sitting on the front steps, Nick came around and kneeled in front of me "Are you ok?" I said "No, Nick, I've been keeping something from you. Not because I didn't want to tell you, but because I don't know how you'll react and I'm afraid you'll be mad at me." he said "Whatever it is, we can handle it. And you can tell me anything." I sighed "Sue told me something when I got hurt a couple of weeks ago. She said that... I'm pregnant Nick." he said, "Im sorry what?" I took a breath and repeated myself "I'm 2 1/2 months pregnant." he said, "Why did you think id be mad?" I said "Because every time we've talked about kids it was under the assumption that we were married and... we're not." he grabbed my hands and said "Hey, don't ever, for a single second, entertain the idea that you being pregnant would ever make me mad. Is it planned? No, but it doesn't matter. This is our baby, and I love you so much." he tried to prove his point by placing a kiss on my stomach, causing me to giggle "So just to make sure, your not mad?" he said "No baby girl, this is the best news ever. All I ask is that next time you tell me when you find out." I smiled "Deal." 

We walked to the back to join the pack as Jared said "Excellent. If the redhead's after Bella, we've got bait." Jake grabbed a spading fork and flung it at Jared's head and of course, he caught it. I sat between Addie and Emily, Nick sat behind me as I said "Of course, Victoria is back." Bella said, "I should leave town." Sam said, "Victoria will follow you and make it harder for us to catch her." I scoffed "No one can catch her. She can escape anything." Paul said "Ooh. She has special powers." Bella said, "Some of them do." Jake said "Like... what? Bella?" Jared said "The mind reader you said you knew. He was a suckhead? Can they all do that?" Embry said, "That would blow." I said, "Oh god no, Embry's right that would suck." Bella said, "No, we... shouldn't have... no." Paul said, "She's still protecting them." Jared said "I don't know why. It's not like they stuck around to protect you..." I kicked him as Jake said "Guys, back off." and they went on a walk. I leaned back against Nick's chest and he rested his hands on my stomach as Em said "Care to fill us in?" 

I said "Edward, her ex, he could read minds. Though not hers. Jasper could feel and manipulate emotions, it was strange because when I was having a bad day it felt like the good emotions were battling the bad ones. Alice... can see the future, but it's constant for her because people are always changing their minds. Which means the future is constantly changing. Carlisle always said he was super self-control but he thinks it is because he knew of vampires before he was turned, his father hunted them and taught Carlisle how to as well. Personally, I think it's because he is a pacifist, he didn't even like the thought of killing James. He always says that your gift is the strongest part of your human life, so Alice she was institutionalized for having visions, and Edward he always knew what you were thinking when he was human." Sam said, "How come you were friends with Alice and Jasper?" I said, "They were the first people other than Bella to ever show me they loved me at a time when I didn't even love myself, I mean im sure you all remember when I met my dad, im sure you heard everything." Paul said "Yeah." 

Charlie was still hunting the pack and the pack was still hunting Victoria and Victoria was still hunting me and Bella. Emily, Sam, and I were sitting at the table when Sam said "Hey, Sue has actually cleared you, right?" I pursed my lips "Well, she said I could do light walking so I took that to mean I can come over. And I can't be alone with Addie yet because I can't lift her or anything. So..." He shook his head "So no." I giggled "Shh..." Em said, "Have you told Nick yet?" I said, "I did, it's why we weren't at breakfast yesterday." She squealed "When can we tell the pack?" I said, "As if that man could keep it out of his head in wolf form." There was a knock on the door so Em and I answered to see Bella who looked upset. Em said "Bella. Are you okay?" She said "Yeah, I just... is Jacob here? He wasn't at home..." Sam walked up and wrapped his arms around us "He's with Jared, Nick, and Embry, keeping an eye on things. I'm heading out soon. Should I tell him something?" I said, "You want to come in?" She said, "Can I talk to you?" I said "Uh, sure. Em, I'll be back." She nodded as I left Sam's grasp and joined Bella in her truck. She started to drive and said, "I thought you were with Nick." I said, "I am." She glanced at me "Then why were his arms all over you?" I said "Oh my god, B. Seriously? He is my best friend's fiance and like my brother. He put his arm around me to protect me." She said, "From what?" I sighed "From everyone, Jake really hurt me when he first shifted." She was shocked as she parked "He did?" I lifted my shirt to show her the healing scars.

She said, "Do you trust me?" I said, "Of course." She said "Good." And pulled me out of the truck and into the rain, we ran through the woods and right to a cliff. My eyes widened "What are you doing?" She said "When I do things he doesn't approve of I can see and hear him. Jump with me." I said "You cannot be serious, we're in the middle of a storm it's too dangerous. She started to pull me to the edge so I tried to pull away from her as I screamed "Bella No! Bella, please let me go! Bella! Bella, I'm pregnant let me go! No!" I was trying to break her hold on me as I screamed and cried and begged her to let me go. She said, "It will be fun." And continued to try to pull me "I screamed some more "BELLA STOP! YOUR HELUCINATING AND I WON'T LET YOU PULL ME TO MY DEATH! LET ME GO! BELLA PLEASE STOP THIS." she said, "Come on, what's your problem?" I said, "It's a storm, and I'm pregnant you psycho!" I screamed as we fell off the edge. However, I didn't fall long because I was grabbed by three sets of arms and pulled back up still crying. Jake jumped in after her as Nick and Sam held me tightly. Sam said, "Are you OK?" I shook my head and lifted my shirt a little bit. All the pulling made the claw marks start bleeding again. Nick said, "Are you OK to go to the hospital?" I said, "Don't be dramatic it just needs to be rewrapped again." Sam chuckled but said "Uh not for you. Harry is at the hospital." I said, "What's wrong?" Nick said, "Victoria grabbed him and he had a heart attack." I quickly stood up "Let's go." Sam said, "Take her, I'm gonna go make sure Bella is OK." We nodded and headed to the hospital. Emily said, "There you are, what happened?" I said "Bella tried to pull me off a cliff. But I'm OK Nick, Sam, and Jake got to me in time." Alex hugged me tightly "Are you sure you're OK?" I nodded Charlie said, "And Bella?" I said "Jumped, but Jake jumped after her, Sam went to meet them on the beach to make sure she is OK." I sat by Harry's side and held his hand and hugged Seth who laid his head on my shoulder as he cried. Harry was gone.

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