The Best Day Ever

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We were gathered around the fire, eating hot dogs and laughing. Billy sat at the natural head of the circle. Quil's ancient grandfather sat on one side of him, Sue on the other side. Seth who was playing with Addie picked her up and ran away. I looked up and saw Bella and Jake, so I relaxed back into Nick's arms. Bella grabbed Addie as the boys roughhoused. When it was time Sam whistled and they came. Billy said "The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning But we've always had magic in our blood. We were great spirit warriors... Shapeshifters, transform into the powerful wolf. This enabled us to scare off our enemies and protect our tribe. One day our warriors came across a creature... It looked like a man, but it was hard like stone and cold as ice... Our warriors' sharp teeth, finally tore it apart... But only fire would completely destroy it. They lived in fear, the Cold Man was not alone. And they were right. She took her vengeance out on the village. Our elder chief, Taha Aki, was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe after his son was killed. Taha Aki's Third Wife could see that he would lose... The Third Wife was no magical being, no special powers, but one... Courage. The Third Wife's sacrifice distracted the Cold Woman, long enough for Taha Aki to destroy her. She saved the tribe. Over time, our enemies have disappeared. But one remains... The Cold Ones. Our magic awakens when they are near. And we sense it now, we feel the threat in our blood. Something terrible is coming. And we must all be ready. All of us." after he was done with the stories Nick said, "Come on, let's get Addie home." I agreed exhausted myself and we set off for the house. Once home we got Addie in bed before going to sleep.

I was getting ready for the day when I got a text from Bella ~So im not gonna talk to Jacob for a while.~ -Bella. I was curious ~Ok but what happened?~ -Aqua as I saw the words on my screen I immediately became pissed off ~He kissed me against my will so I punched him which sprained my hand.~ -Bella. I yelled, "Nick Ill be back." And got in my car speeding to Billy's house. I saw him, he saw me pull up and was about to run into the woods so I yelled "Jacob Ephraim Black!" I saw Billy come out to the porch as Jake paled he said "I take it you've spoken to Bella." I said "Briefly." He said, "I can explain." I was stalking toward him and he was slowly backing away with his hands up in surrender I said "Oh? Can you?" He said, "I thought she wanted it." I said "Oh did you? So the 30 times she's turned you down didn't count? And her trying to get away from you was what?" He said, "I didn't know she was trying to get away." I said, "Oh really, so her saying no and trying to push you away from her means nothing?" Billy said, "Hold on, what's going on?" I crossed my arms and said, "Well go on hotshot, tell your dad what you did." The pack showed up and Nick walked up behind me, Jake said "Aqua I didn't mean for her hand to break." I said, "It didn't break, it's only sprained but that's not the point." Billy said, "Son, what did you do to her?" I grabbed the pressure point on the back of his neck making him drop to his knees he said "I only kissed her." I said, "It was still against her will and I promise you if you ever touch her again against her will it will be the last thing you ever do." Billy said, "Jacob you didn't." He said, "I wanted to show her she has another option." Billy said, "Nick get her out of here before she hurts him." Nick pulled me away and we headed home where Emily was with Addy.

I woke up to Addie's little voice "Mama!" I groaned "Yes baby?" she said "Daddy says up!" I said, "Mommy says 5 more minutes." she ran away. I turned over to go back to sleep but Nick came in "Aqua." I said, "Not yet." he said, "I've let you sleep as long as possible, but we have to leave in an hour." I said "What if we just skip it?" he said, "You have been looking forward to your graduation for the last 2 years." I knew he was right so I sighed and sat up he said "I'll get you some coffee." he gave me a kiss and I said "Thanks." he left the room and I got in the shower, then I got dressed in this.

" he left the room and I got in the shower, then I got dressed in this

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We got Addie in the car and Nick drove us to Forks High School. I got out of the car and Alex grabbed Addie who screamed "Gampa! Gampa! Gampa!" I giggled as she got all excited. I said "I don't know dad, but I think you don't see her enough." he laughed "I guess not." Anna walked over so I took Hailey from her, "Hey Hails." Matthew hugged me "Aqua!" I ruffled his hair "Hey bubba." Elijah said, "Congratulations Aqua." I said, "Thanks, Eli." Alex said, "So how are you feeling?" I said, "Excited to finally be done with school, and so over this damn pregnancy." Anna said, "I was the same way with the twins, the end just kills you." Nick said, "Let's get inside." We got halfway to the building when I heard Charlie, "Aqua." I mumbled "Oh no. Dad why don't you and Anna take the kids inside." he said, "You sure?" I said, "Yeah, I got Nick, I'll be ok." Alex kissed my head, took Hailey from me, and ushered his wife and kids inside. We turned around as Charlie approached, he said "I just wanted to say congratulations." I said "Thank you, oh, uh this is our daughter Addilyn. Addie this is Charlie, can you say Hi to Charlie?" she waved "Hi." then she squealed again "Gampy!" I said "Adds, Billy isn't here." then I heard him "Don't lie to that baby and just hand her over." Nick handed her over making her giggle. I said, "We should head inside." I saw Jacob and said "You, walk away from me. Now." he said, "I said I was sorry." I said "I don't care." he sighed and headed inside. Billy said, "You need to talk to him Aqua." I said "No I don't." and I headed inside. 

I sat with Bella as Jessica recited her speech "When we were five they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like astronaut, president... Or in my case, princess. When we were ten, they asked again and we answered – a rock star, cowboy, or in my case, gold medalist. But now that we've grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how 'bout this: who the hell knows?! This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions, it's the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train, and get stuck somewhere chill. Fall in love a lot. Major in philosophy because there's no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind. Then change it again, because nothing is permanent. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be... we won't have to guess. We'll know." I caught a glance at Nick and Addie who were in the back so she probably got fussy. I realized I had zoned out when Bella nudged me as the principal said "Aqualyn Black!" I was confused but I headed up to the stage as the whole pack and the Cullens cheered for me. After the ceremony, we all met together in the parking lot and I said "So... who changed my name?" Emily said, "Why don't you turn around." I said "What?" Alex grabbed my shoulders and physically turned me around as he said "Turn around." I was now staring at Nick, on one knee. I said, "Nicholas William Black what are you doing?" 

He said "Aqualyn Ocean-Elizabeth you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. You are an amazing mother to Addie, I can't wait to see you with the twins. You are the love of my life, and I want more than you just living with me, I want you, forever. I don't just want you to be my girlfriend, I want you to be my wife. So Aqua will you do me the incredible honor of marrying me?" I gasped, "Absolutely, yes I will be your wife!" he grinned "Yeah?" I said " I can't imagine spending my life raising beautiful babies with anyone else. I love you, Nick." He slipped the ring on my finger before pulling me into a tight hug as everyone cheered. I kissed him before hugging him again. Alex said, "And by the way, he told me he was going to propose so I told the principal to say Black instead of Hale." I smiled and hugged him "Thanks, dad." Emily hugged me "Congrats!" I said "We need to get planning." she said "Obviously." Bella came over and said "Hey Aqua you coming to the party?... What did I miss?" I said, "I am going to pass, we have an engagement to celebrate." Bella said, "Who's?" Nick showed her my hand and said "Ours." Bella said, "Oh god, that's right I forgot you were proposing today." I said "It's ok B, go have fun with your boyfriend." she grinned "Ok love you bye." and she ran off, Emily said, "Did she really just do that?" 

I said "I'm not surprised, ever since we moved here she became so Edward-absorbed that nothing can come before him." she said, "Well are you gonna tell your mom?" I said "Emily the moment you realize that to Bella and my mother, I don't matter. And I'm ok with that." She said "Why? Don't you want them to care?" I said "I used to, and then I moved here, whats the point in trying to make them care about me when I have a beautiful daughter, you crazy people, and the best fiance I could have ever asked for and who may be way too good for me." he nudged me causing me to giggle I said "I do not need them, now let's go celebrate!" we all headed to the rez and threw a bonfire with the whole pack, the elders, Alex, Anna, the kids, even Charlie came. Alex invited him apparently. I went to bed that night completely blissful, cuddling my baby girl and the love of my life. 

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