Broken But Not Defeated

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I got a text from Bella ~Come to the Cullen's plan to stay a while. Don't tell anyone. ~ -Bella C. I read that text a couple of times then packed a bag for the kids and texted Nick who was on patrol ~Went to the Cullen's. I love you. Explain later. ~ -Aqua. Then I drove to the Cullen house. Rosalie came out to help me get the kids inside and I said "B. Your text was strange. What's up?" It was then I saw her, and this bitch was pregnant but looked sick as hell. I said "When did that happen? How did that happen? When did you get home?" She said, "On our honeymoon, I don't know, and two weeks ago." I was slightly irritated "You waited two weeks to tell me your home? What the hell Bella!" She looked guilty and rightfully so, I'm her twin sister for Christ's sake. She said "I'm sorry. Forgive me?" I sighed "Don't I always." She said "One more thing. Jacob knows and is telling the pack." I sighed "This is going to hurt, isn't it?" She said "Probably, but I knew if I didn't get you over here before Jake got to the pack then Nick wouldn't let you leave the reservation." Suddenly my phone started blowing up with various texts all resembling, where are you? Get home now! Type of texts. I said "You should have warned me Bella. Of course, I'm on your side but this is going to strain my relationship with my kids' father and the love of my life so a heads up would have been nice." She said, "I know I'm sorry." Addie said, "Where's daddy?" I said "We're gonna be staying here for a while sweet girl." Jacob came in and said "Sam's lost the element of surprise, and he doesn't want to take you on outnumbered, so he's not gonna come at you head on. He's got the place surrounded and he'll wait for his opportunity." Emmett said, "We won't get through without a fight." Carlisle said "No fights. We won't be the ones to break the treaty." Jacob said, "The treaty is void, at least in Sam's mind." Esme said, "Not in ours." Emmett said "Carlisle, no one's hunted for weeks." Esme said, "We'll make do." Carlisle said "You've done us a great service, Jacob. Thank you." Jake said "Aqua, can I speak to you?" I nodded and headed up to the nursery. I left my daughter in her car seat because she was asleep, but I unbuckled Spencer and pulled him out as Jake said "I'm sorry. I know I messed up. I shouldn't have run off. I also shouldn't have gotten pissed at the wedding. I don't know what's gotten into me." I got Spencer changed and fed as Jake talked. I said "Well we have an idea. Not one I'm too thrilled with." He said, "What's that?" I laid Spencer in his crib and pulled Dallas out of her seat keeping her covered with a blanket and sat on the bed. "Billy thinks that once you imprint, you'll stop that." He rolled his eyes "Well I knew that much. What's the part you don't like?" I said, "He thinks your imprint is my daughter." He said, "Why does he think that?" I said, "Remember what happened the night I found out I was pregnant?" He said, "I am so sorry about that by the way." I said "I know. That's not my problem with you maybe imprinting on Dallas." He said, "Then what's the problem?" I said "Other than she is my baby? You make bad decisions Jake. You wouldn't take no for an answer from Bella, you kissed her against her will Jacob. I am telling you right now, if you do that to my daughter, I will kill you before Nick even has a chance." With that I left the room taking the baby monitor with me. Bella spotted me and said "Aqua." So, I followed her into the room as Dallas decided to take moment to wake up. Carlisle said "Your rib is cracked. But there are no splinters. You haven't punctured anything." Edward said "Yet." Carlisle reprimanded him "Edward." he said "It's breaking her bones now. It's crushing you from the inside out. Carlisle, tell her what you told me. Tell her." Bella took my hand and said "Carlisle, tell me. It's all right." Carlisle said "The fetus isn't compatible with your body. It's too strong. It won't allow you to get the nutrition you need. It's starving you by the hour. I can't stop it, and I can't slow it down. At this rate, your heart will give out before you can deliver." Bella said "Then I'll hold on as long as I can, and then..." Carlisle said "Bella. There are some conditions that even venom can't overcome. You understand? I'm sorry." Bella said "Edward, I'm sorry." Edward said, "I can't live without you." Bella said "You won't. You're gonna have a part of me. He'll need you." Edward said, "Do you honestly think that I could love it or even tolerate it if it killed you?" Bella said "It's not his fault. You have to accept what is." Edward said "Because you've given me no choice! Bella, we're supposed to be partners, remember? But you decided this on your own. You've decided to leave me." Bella said, "Don't see it that way." Edward said "Well, I have no other way to see it. Cause it's me who'll lose you. And I don't choose that. I don't choose that." he left, Bella squeezed my hand and said "Aqua, promise me..." she didn't even have to say it I said "I promise you, if anything happens to you Nick and I will take him in. But Bella you're not dying." My phone rang again, and I rolled my eyes and looked to see 37 missed called from Nick and 20 missed called from Billy. I said, "I'm sorry B, I have to take this." she nodded "I'm ok, go save your relationship, just because mine is falling apart, doesn't mean both of ours should." I headed upstairs as I hit the green button.

N: Aqua, thank God. Where are you?
A: I'm at the Cullen's house.
N: Bring the kids home Aqua.
A: No.
N: Excuse me?
A: I said No. Nick, I love you with all my heart, but I will not stand aside and let you guys kill my sister and her baby. It's not happening.
N: You need to come home Aqua, you and the kids are in danger over there.
A:  The only danger we are in, is the danger the pack is threatening. The Cullen's won't hurt us, and if the pack attacks, they will protect us. The kids and I will come home as soon as Bella and the baby are not on the pack's hitlist. I love you, Nick.

I hung up and threw my phone at the wall, I expected it to hit the wall and shatter, but Jasper caught it. He said, "You probably shouldn't throw these things, they tend to break." I said, "Yeah well that's not all that's breaking." Jasper said "I understand how you feel. I can't even imagine being away from Alice and not knowing when I'd see her again. He does know he is welcome here as long as he doesn't try to hurt Bella or the baby, right?" I nodded "But he won't, the pack comes first, even over me and the kids." Jasper looked down at my phone then handed it to me and said "You may need a better man, because you and the kids should always come first. And Aqua, ultimatums never end well. I'll take the kids." and sure enough he took the kids. I was confused though, what ultimatum?" I looked at my phone and my heart shattered into little pieces. I kept reading Nick's text over and over, trying to process his words. I looked at the time he sent it, 10 minutes ago. I have 50 minutes left, my phone rang again, this time it was Emily.

A: Em, hey.
E: Aqua, what's happening? The boys are being secretive, Nick is furious, and no one is telling me where you are.
A: It's a long story but Bella is pregnant, and the boys want to kill her. I am safe, the kids and I are at the Cullens house. As for when we'll be back. I can't answer that, not after Nick's last text to me. But i can confidently say you can burn the binder.
E: The wedding binder? But we're not done.
A: He's made his choice Em, and I've made mine.
N: What the hell does that mean Aqualyn?
A: You know what it means Nick, you wrote the damn words. I won't be controlled Nick. I sure as hell don't do Ultimatums, and I won't abandon my sister or family.
N: I'm your family, me and our children.
A: Yeah Nick, you'll always be my family, you'll always be the love of my life, the father of my children. But what you're not grasping is The Cullens are also my family, and they always will be. They have been here for me since day one. Since the moment i stepped foot in Forks Washington, through everything, the good and the bad. I finally have a decent relationship with Alex, and Charlie, and I may not care to ever fix my relationship with my mother but... Carlisle and Esme will always be my parents, not because they created me like Renee and Alex did or raised me like Renee and Charlie did but because they have loved me unconditionally since the moment, I entered their house a year and a half ago. You want me to abandon them for something you don't even understand. To want to kill my sister and an innocent baby is... heartless Nicholas Black and I expected better from you.
N: So, you're not coming home?
A: No, we are not coming home until my sister and her baby are safe.
N: Then don't ever come back, if you are going to choose vampires who aren't even alive, over us then we don't want you here.

And he hung up, the twins were crying because they wanted fed, Addie was screaming because it's what she does best. So, I sighed and said, "Jasper let them in." he opened the door and Addie ran to me, he handed the twins to me and said, "Are you going to be, ok?" I said, "I have to, I'm a single mom now." he said "You know we're here for you right?" I nodded "I know, but what I think I need right now is to be with my daughters and my son and remind myself that even though life has good and bad parts these annoying, loud, little monsters are the good parts." he left me alone and I fed the twins while cuddling with Addie on the bed. 

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