Crazy Women Part 6

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A large commotion was coming from the docks and Gray and myself quickly made it there.

"What the hell are you all looking at?! Get a move on! Move! Don't you know who I am?!" A woman's voice screeched throughout the roaring onlookers. "Hey, what are you doing? Get away from me you freak! Ah! What the hell is that thing? Get it away!"

A blonde woman came charging through pushing and kicking people out of the way. Until she was abruptly stopped, by running into me. "Hey! Watch where you're going, you old hag?!" The woman yelled.

My eye began to twitch. "Old? Old?! Who the hell are you calling old, you prissy little bitch?!" I growled out, glaring daggers at her.

"You must be Freya." Erza strode forward. "We were supposed to meet you in Caelum, but here you are."

"Yeah, and what of it?" Freya pointed forward and poked her finger into Erza's chest. Now this normally wouldn't be a problem but as Erza had her armor on. "Damn! Why the hell are you wearing armor in a place like this!? No wait, you're not my escorts! You're here to abduct me! Save me!" Freya ran away from Erza put her eyes landed on Gray. "Save me!" She screamed again and hugged Gray tightly, shifting under his jacket.

"What's all the commotion?" Lucy appeared with several bags in her hands.

"That bitch hiding by Gray called me old!" I stomped a foot forward but was given a warning glance by Titania herself. "But, I guess I'll let it slide. Anyway, Miss Clingy over there thinks we're here to abduct her when she's the noble we have to escort."

"Oh, maybe I can give it a shot." Lucy dumped her bags on top of my feet, something heavy hit my toe and I almost lurched forward and wrung her neck. "Hello, my name is Lucy. I'm one of the people from the Fairy Tail Guild here to escort you across Fiore. These are my friends and we'll do everything we can to get you to your destination safely. Freya, let's get going shall we?"

Freya was silent for a few seconds. "No way, you hag!"

"Lucy and Lillian got called a hag." Happy says while snickering.

"Shut it, cat!" We yell and Lucy does her kick and I summon a carnivorous plant that was waiting to eat him. Erza grabbed Happy out of the air before he became lunch for my plants.

Gray's face was priceless as he didn't know exactly how to interact with a woman. We all gave him a pleading look to get her to understand. "Freya?"

The bitch looked at him with hearts in her eyes. Oh no, not another Juvia. "Yes, my prince?" Gag me with a spoon.

"We are here to escort you. We'll protect you. We're all from Fairy Tail, see?" And with that Gray lifted his shirt and Freya's face turned bright red and she fell backwards.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw very faint green sparkles in the air. That was the knockout spores that my plants created. Someone is here.

"Protect her, Gray. Our uninvited guests final showed." I grumbled. I was hoping that all of this would go smoothly and I didn't have to use much magic. Too bad nothing ever goes the way I want it to.

"What guests?" Lucy had inquired but as soon as those words left her lips, several goons draped in dark cloaks jumped into the air and surrounded us. "Oh, those guests."

Everyone had gotten into a fighting stance and our 'precious' noble was trying to hold onto Gray while he was trying to fight off the goons. Natsu was still no where to be found, Erza was fighting off her own bunch, Gray could barely handle one while trying to keep Freya safe, and Lucy was being Lucy.

"Guess it's up to me and Erza." I spoke and undid my transformation magic. A bright light shined and I turned to be true form, but the rest still don't know. They still think it's Take Over Magic. I stretched my wings out but no longer feel the electricity that was running through them. Laxus and I were too far apart. I summoned a flower at my feet and it opened up and wrapped around my wrist. It was an elongated vine whip. I latched it around one goon that was going for a surprise attack. The vine instantly coiled around his neck. "Get over here!" Pulling back on the vine, the man's body flew towards me and I brought an arm up. Out of the palm of my hand opened up a venus fly trap. The plant's mount opened and closed on the man that I had brought closer. This was another way I could steal eternano. I took most of the eternano so he couldn't move. "Okay, this will last me a little bit."

The plant fell from my palm and turned into seeds. "Time for some KO's." I chuckled at my own joke. As the seeds went into the ground, they scurried under the ground and shot up transforming into green clenched fists, knocking out their opponents. "How you holding up over there, Lucy?" I called over my shoulder.

"I'm alright. Think we scared everyone and went a little overboard." Looking around there was some swords sitting in walls, plants overgrowing buildings, frozen sections of the town. "I think we should be leaving."

"Hey, where did you guys go?" Natsu came walking over holding his head. "What there was a fight and I missed it?!" He cried looking at all the knocked out bad guys.

Erza walked forward and grabbed Natsu. "Come now, Natsu. There will be plenty of battles in the future you can take part in."

Sniffling filled the hair and we looked towards Gray. "Oh my prince! You protected me from the bad men! You really are here from Fairy Tail sent to protect me! Now as a reward for saving me, let me give you a kiss!"

Gray's scream filled the air as he tried to avoid her and our laughs as we look on at the site before us.  

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