Gives You Hell Part 8

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Thump. Thump. Crash. Thump. Thump. Crash. Thump. Thump. CRASH!
The door to the room I was staying in, flew off it's hinges and crashed right above my head. Jerking upward I did a scan of the area and only saw one S-Rank wizard, and not the one I was expecting.

"What were you thinking?! Not telling anybody where you were going?! I was up all night searching for you! And here you are in takeover and naked!" Erza stopped for a few moments, a blank look on her face. "Why are you in takeover and naked?"

I looked down at myself and realized her words were true. "Damn." I grumbled, no getting out of this now. Letting out a breath, I pointed to the corner of the bed. "Take a seat, this might take awhile." Erza's armor clanked against the wooden flooring. As there was no longer a door, I used some green magic to create vines to act as a stand in door. "I'll answer your first question but you'll only be more confused. Let me tell you everything first, then you can ask questions."

"Go on."

"So after I dropped Freya with Natsu, I met Laxus here. He was the one I spent the night with last night." The gears were turning and her eyes bugged out of her head. "Yes, yes I slept with him." Her faces was alighted and it had matched her crimson hair. "But there is a reason. Fifteen years ago, including the time you guys were trapped, I wasn't killed, I was kidnapped. I don't remember much except for being in this tube. The liquid had burned at first but then I grew attached to it. I was in there for quite some time, how long, I'm not sure. But there was two women there with me. They were different, definitely not like us. One was to train me, to beat me till I was nothing, and rebuild me into a monster that I had become. The other was to replenish me. The strange liquid had blocked off my ability to absorb eternano from the atmosphere like you. The only way I can get eternano is if it is taken. Now I can take it by force, making the other person black out or willingly. When the other person gives their eternano willingly I become linked to them in a way where if we are close I can hack into the same magics as them. Now to give eternano willingly, you have to have sex, and in doing so the giver feels stronger, rejuvenated, like they can take on the world." I let a few moments pass for Erza to process. "Only Laxus knows this. Please, please don't tell anyone. I'm afraid they won't accept me once they find out I'm a monster." I clutched the sheet tighter to my chest.

"So this here is your true form then?" I nodded, my shut tightly and head down. "But doesn't staying in your human form use up your magic?" Again, I nodded. A hand touched my head and I immediately raised it. Erza was leaning down. "You should never feel the need to hide. We'll accept you no matter what. Remember, you used to be the light of Fairy Tail, and you still are." My eyes began to water for finally being accepted. "Now I wonder how the rejuvenation feels."

I smirked at the red-head. "Wanna find out?" Erza began to stutter and her face got red once again. I give a small laugh, "Don't worry. It doesn't work if the other isn't willing. When you're willing, all barriers are dismissed and we can exchange eternano. If I just took it, your barriers would be up and you would probably die."

Erza cleared her throat. "Oh." She stood up from the bed and faced a corner. "Get dressed we have to start the rest of our trek through Fiore." I nodded and quickly gathered my clothes, placing them on and transforming to a human appearance. "Don't want to scare the civilians." I replied with a quick yes. "Alright, let's get going shall we, Whitey?"

I let out a short laugh and hip bump Erza. Our walk back to the inn where everyone else was uneventful. Just two longtime friends enjoying each other's company. At least that's what we thought before we heard two high pitch screams. We quickened out pace and was met with a devastating sight.

Gray, Natsu, and Happy were unconscious on the ground. There was this giant monster that held Freya and Lucy in his hands. "Neither of you are Succubus! Succubus! Where you are!? Come out and I'll let these two girls go!" The thing had called. Erza went to make a move but I stopped her.

"I'll take care of him. You guys have done so much and will do so much more. I'll get them free, just catch them and look after the others."

"But he's looking for this Succubus. We have no idea who that is." I smiled at Erza.

"I'll take care of this, just do as I ask, please?" The mage beside me unwillingly agreed and stepped back.

I slow walk out into the middle of the street, walking passed Gray, Natsu, and Happy to make sure they are alright at least from a physical view. I released my transformation magic and unleashed a small electrical current through the air that made his hands loosen, dropping the girls. Erza quickly leaped through the air catching the two screaming girls and placed them next to the boys.

"Hey ugly!" I yelled up catching the giant's attention.


"Yes me, codename: Succubus at your service. Now what do you want?"

"I am here to claim your life and steal the noble." A large axe was summoned in it's hands.

I nod my head a few times. "I see. Too bad that's not going to happen." I hovered in the air and threw a bunch of seeds to the ground where they quickly disappeared. The seeds resurfaced, this time as vines, and ensnared the giant's body. I used the time to start casting Thunder Palace. A small circle of lacrima surrounded him and as I was about to release the power within the lacrimas, the giant disappeared. "Damn, where did he go?"

"Right here!" A heavy fist landed me square in the back, sending me crashing to the ground. Looking back, I can see the axe get raised. "Time for you to die."

I smirked. "You'd think with a larger body you'd have a larger brain." I rolled out of the way just in time and reached for his large shoulder. I had attempted to steal his eternano but was blocked. "What, what is this?"

"Maybe Succubus should start thinking with her head rather than her..." The giant has let his sentence trail off. My body began to get fueled by anger.

"You dirty, deprived giant!" I didn't care how much eternano I used. I summoned a giant flytrap to capture the giant. "You hurt my friends!" I shocked the plant and allowed the energy to surge through it. The giant's yell echoed. "Threaten them!" A barrage of kicks released. "Threaten me!" I unleashed the acid that is stored within the inside of my plants until the flytrap encircling the giant withered away. The giant was no longer recognizable. "This is where you die." I gave him one good kick until he was in the circle of lacrima. I unleashed the energy stored and the giant's scream echoed throughout. Luckily there was no people around except for Fairy Tail as the site of the monster had scared them away. Once the energy dissipated, there was nothing left but ash.

"Lillian..." Erza spoke gently. Looking back everyone was awake, weak and tired, but alive and awake.

"Yes, I am the monster he was looking for. Erza I didn't tell you the rest and I should have. I was an experiment which I am sure you have gathered. I was codenamed succubus due to me being able to take eternano away through those uh...special means. I escaped, and being constantly hunted. I'm sure they had employed those looking for Freya to also hunt for me. I'm sorry I put you through so much. I'm sorry." My words began to trail as everything became darker.

"Lillian!" My guild mates yelled, until all my senses ceased.

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