Elastic Heart Part 13 *Lemon*

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Freya had kept true to her word. She gave us the amount that was initially stated on the mission plus the double that she had promised.
Everything had seemed quiet and peaceful. Our little threesome had caused Gray and Juvia to pursue their relationship. Luckily, with no fights going on, I only had to call upon them once due to my eternano depleting naturally. But from what I could tell, they have been going at it like bunnies.

I was lounging around the guild, a beer in hand, Cana across the table, babbling about. She had tried to get me into a drinking contest. I accepted but forfeited knowing I wouldn’t have the concentration to uphold my human form. Luckily, the Thunder Legion have been out on missions, so I wouldn’t have to face Laxus and the conniving pixie, Evergreen.
“Lil!” Natsu yelled slamming his hands on the table.
“Natsu, that’s not her name, it’s Lillian.” Lucy sighed sitting down next to Cana.
Gray and Juvia came over as well, his arm around the water mage. “What’s the hot head going on about now?”
I shrugged my shoulders as they came over, “Don’t know, what’s up Natsu?”
“Fight me!” Ever since we came back from escorting Freya, the flame brain has been antagonising me to fight him.
“If I fight you will you finally shut up?” I rested my head on hand, tapping my nails against the table with the other. Natsu shook his head “yes” vigorously. I looked over at Juvia and Gray who began whispering to each other. I waited for them to finish and Gray nodded his head. “Okay fine. Let’s go.” I stood up and we walked to the back of the guild where there was enough room to battle.
We eventually got a circle of people to encircle us, making a small arena. I released the magic disguising myself as human and was in my demon form. Natsu lit his hands on fire and got into a fighting stance.
I’ll have to end this quick. In a fight of endurance he would kick my ass hands down. Let’s hope I can beat him in strength.
Natsu had charged forward and I was just barely able to dodge and used this opportunity to slam my elbow into his back. He fell onto his hands and as I expected, his right leg shot back. Using my tail, I stopped his kick, sweeping a leg near the ground, I knocked his hands free of the ground and he fell forward.
“C’mon Natsu, you can do better than that.” I teased as he growled into the ground.
“Fire Dragon Roar!”
At such a close range and my tail still entangled, I wasn’t able to escape unscathed. My tail, leg, and wing were partially burnt.
He snickered before jumping back up and landing an uppercut on my chin. Getting launched into the air, I unfurled my wings and hovered. Wiping a drip of blood, I used my other hand to drop seeds to the ground. Those will be saved for later.
“Fire Dragon’s Sword Horn!”
Natsu propelled himself forward and landed a nasty headbutt to my stomach. The clothing and the skin in the area were burnt and stung.
“Gotchya!” I spoke in his ear and wrapped my arms tightly around him. His flames died out and he looked at me confused. Once we got a bit higher, I adjusted my grip so only one was around his throat and flew down to the ground. I used my other free hand to activate the seeds I had placed down earlier. The seeds grew buds and began spitting hard pellets at Natsu’s back. Once a few feet from the ground I released my grip and flew back up above the dust cloud.
The dust cloud was too thick, and it appeared that Natsu was no longer able to fight.
Lowering myself to the ground, only then did I see it. Natsu had engulfed both of his hands in flames before joining them together. This was his brilliant flame. I had only ever heard of it in passing from the other guild members. The large fireball came forward and an explosion consumed my body with the fire.
I could feel my strength depleting as I fell but made sure to save some to disguise myself as human.
When the dust cloud finally cleared. Natsu and myself stood, just barely. In human form, I ran towards him on the tip of my toes to hopefully put enough strength in my last attack. The flame brain shot forward and with one final punch we both hit each other with a right hook to the face. We both fell back from the blow, making it a tie.
Lucy ran over to help Natsu up, while Juvia assisted me. I stole a little of eternano from her to at least allow me to walk regularly and then Gray came over.
Switching from Juvia to Gray for support, Natsu and I bumped fists.
“Good fight.” I spoke.
“Next time go all out.” Natsu stated.
I gave him a wink, “Next time, all out for you too.”
With one last smile we went in separate directions.
Gray silently walked me back to my room. “Gray, you know you don’t have to do this. I feel like I’m getting in between you and Juvia.”
“Don’t worry about it. Juvia and I know that this is for you to stay healthy. This doesn’t affect our relationship. It’s because of this that we are even together right now. Think of this as our thank you.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, no sweat.”
“This sure is some thank you, huh?”
Gray and I laughed it off and we made it to my room. He kicked the door shut behind us.
With a quick toss, Gray threw me onto the bed and I had shifted back to my normal demon form.
“Besides,” Gray threw his shirt off to the side and he had straddled my hips. “I want to make sure that I get enough practice in to be able to rock Juvia’s world and make her scream my name.” He then ripped off the corset that was tightly on my waist. “But for me to be able to do that, I think it would be quite to accomplishment to be able to make a succubus scream my name too.” My mouth dropped open and my cheeks flushed.
If only this man was mine but my heart belongs to another and so does his. I scratched my nails up and down his chest. My collar was removed and his lips attacked the sensitive flesh that was below it.
A cool hand made its way up my skirt and rubbed against the sensitive flesh that still was covered by a thin material. I growled at the feeling, ripping off my sleeves and shifted off to the side slightly so I could use my tail to undo the knot for my dress. Gray realized what I was doing and pulled down the dress once it was loose but he had also managed to remove my underwear along with it.
Before he could continue, I had flipped him onto his back and quickly made work his belt. Ripping off his pants, followed then by his boxers, his hardened member was free of their restriction.
“We’ll have to make this quick if we don’t want anyone thinking of anything.” I spoke.
Gray forced me onto my back. “Don’t worry, you’ll be screaming soon.”
Where did this Gray come from?
Grabbing my wrists with his left hand, he held them above my head and supported his weight on his left forearm. With his free hand, he guided himself to my entrance and pushed in.
I took a breath at the feeling of being full and wiggled my hips trying to get more of him inside. Gray nipped at my earlobe and immediately I stilled. With a smirk, I could feel his fingertips against the sensitive bundle of nerves.
The ice mage started out slow before quickening his pace. He worked his fingers against me in rhythm with his thrusts.
Holy fuck did that feel good.
I shot forward connecting our lips together. I could feel the icy feel of his magic entering me and filling my container. I began grinding my hips to meet his thrusts but not too hard to crush his hand that was performing wonders.
A moan escaped my mouth into his. “I don’t want moans. Scream for me.” My eyes snapped open with his demand and Gray bit my lower lip.
Tension began to form in my lower abdomen, just begging for a release. The ice mage leaned down by my ear. “C’mon, Succubus.”
The inner demon purred. She wanted her release from within me. She would devour him if I left her. No, I had to remain in control enough to allow her to suck and siphon the eternano. She wanted him, only wanted to bow to Gray. But Gray was not ours to keep. We will find one that will be ours.
He traced his tongue from my collar bone to my ear, before giving my neck a small bite. That was enough to throw me over the edge, “Gray!” This boy promised he would make me scream, and I did. My cheeks flamed and the ice mage’s moans of his release followed afterwards.
Releasing his grip on my wrists, his head fell onto my chest.
“Who would’ve thought, you turned into a sex fiend.” I sighed out, still in a euphoric state.
Gray chuckled before shifting himself off and began gathering his clothes.”Still got you to scream, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, guess you did. Now to employ those tactics on Juvia.”
As Gray pulled up his pants, he cleared his throat. “I already did.” He said it almost shyly. Pulling on the dress, I raised an eyebrow. “It was her idea for me to do that to you.” I turned around and switched to my human disguise, a blush across my cheeks.
“Guess we should head back now right?” This isn’t awkward or anything. Gray nodded and opened the door, leading the way back to the guild.
I closed the door and followed behind him. “Thank you again for all of this.”
“Stop saying thank you, will ya? It’s the least we can do.” The ice mage ruffled my hair as he opened the door to the guild. 
Walking in, no one took notice but I noticed something. The Thunder Legion were back and so was Laxus. But that is when I saw it. Evergreen, the annoying pixie, was pouring something into Laxus’s drink. Bickslow and Freed were conveniently looking the other way. I knew something was up with Laxus. That bitch!
I stormed over to the table, my anger overpowered my magic and revealed my demon form. MY wings were out and tiny ice crystals were falling to the floor.
“You!” I grabbed Evergreen by her tube dress. “You’ve been drugging Laxus! By the smell of it, it’s a love potion!”
A strong grip squeezed my wrist almost painfully, forcing me to let go of Evergreen. “At least she isn’t slutting around.”

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