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"Are you sure you don't want me to help out?" Flynn asked her auntie for the 17th time that evening. 

"Flynn, I'm absolutely positive," Penny chuckled at her niece's insistence on helping her behind the bar. 

"Let me know if you need anything" 

"I will. Enjoy this on the house," the older woman smiled before placing a bottle of beer in front of her before going to serve a customer. 

Flynn was incredibly grateful that she had an auntie like Penny. She was the complete opposite of her sister, Flynn's mother, in every way possible. Flynn's mother had kicked her out of the house in the city after the 4th boyfriend that month had said she didn't want her living with them, and being the great auntie Penny was, she offered Flynn a place to stay with her on the coast. Which is why Flynn wanted to help her out the bar. Penny let her stay at her home for free whilst she did her online degree so Flynn wanted to give back by helping her run the bar but Penny was having none of it. Flynn had been staying with Penny for the last month and it was safe to say it was much better than being back home. 

"Is that little Flynn Miller?" she heard someone question causing her to turn around. 

In front of her was the one and only Pete Mitchell who she had not seen in years since moving to the city. 

"Pete!" she exclaimed as he pulled her into a hug, "It's so good to see you" 

"It's so good to see you too, how have you been?" 

"I've been good," she lied, with a convincing smile on her face, "What about yourself?" 

"I've been great. It's been years since I last saw you, you've grown up so much," he beamed. 

"Just a little," she giggled. 

"How come you're in town?" 

It was an innocent question but her heart sank right away. 

"Just fancied a trip to see Penny," Flynn answered, "What about you?" 

"I've been sent to train some graduates for a mission" 

"It's unlike you to teach"

"Yeah well I had no choice" 

"Nice to see Ice is still saving your ass," she sniggered. 

"He's a God send!"

The two wrapped up their conversation when he had seen Penny. Flynn had always thought the two of them were meant to be but they never worked out. 

Flynn went back to sitting at the bar with her beer, taking in the atmosphere in the bar, aviators laughing and enjoying their time away from their duties. 

"What do you want to drink sweetheart? It's on me" 

Flynn turned to the side, a very handsome guy with a smug smile on his face waiting for her answer was looking back at her. 

"Oh erm, it's okay, I have one here," she politely declined, gesturing to the bottle of beer in front of her. 

"You have been sat here for about 15 minutes darlin' there is no way there is anything left in that bottle," he smirked. 

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