22 - Trusted

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"It was a mistake," you said. But the cruel thing was, it felt like the mistake was mine, for trusting you.


Thomas POV

Aris, are you awake? I waited for his reply. Surprisingly, it came almost immediately.

Yeah. Can't sleep? Me too.

I want to talk about something. Promise you won't tell anyone?

Sure. Even Newt?

Especially Newt.

Oh. I see.

So you know today, in that hut, where I met with Teresa?

The girl?

Yeah. Well - she kissed me.


Hello? I asked.

I'm still here, came his reply.

I didn't consent to it or anything, in fact I pushed her away, but I still feel bad.

Does your boyfriend know about this?

No, I haven't had the chance to talk to him yet.

Well, you should have. Everything is going to change, Thomas.

And the conversation ended. I tried to call out to Aris again, but he wouldn't answer me. What could he possibly have meant? Everything is going to change... I felt like I had heard those words before. But I didn't know where.

I need to tell Newt, I reminded myself, first thing tomorrow morning.

But perhaps it would already be too late.

I tossed and turned on the uncomfortable ground, my own worries eventually luring me to sleep.


I had another flashback as I slept.

We were young. Teresa and I, sitting at a table. She was teaching me something.

"Focus..." She kept on saying. My eyes were squeezed shut, my hands covering my ears. Then, I felt something in my mind. The vague appearances of letters, then a word.


I felt the joy and pride bloom in my heart. I stood up and squealed, as did Teresa. A woman appeared in the room, calling Teresa and me.

"Mommy, where are we going?" I asked her. Mommy?

"We're going to visit some new guests," she replied. Her voice was warm. It made me feel a fuzzy feeling. She led us into another room. In it were two little kids with a young blond woman, presumably their mother. I squinted. I recognised that boy; it was Newt. And the toddler girl... Was she his sister? Anyhow, Newt was holding something away from her, who was reaching for it and hitting his arm.

"Newt, be nice to your sister, give her the toy," their mother turned around and said, shushing them. "Look how nice Thomas is to his sister."



As I continued to watch from young-me's perspective, my mind was on everything at once. Teresa- my sister?

But I kissed her.

Or she kissed me, but whatever.

As I mulled over my thoughts, my mother came back to me.

"Mom, why are those people here?" Teresa asked beside me.


"See that lovely lady? She's to take care of you and WICKED after I'm, well, gone. She's immune, like you. She'll make a good guardian."

Young me obviously didn't get what she was talking about, but I nodded anyways.


I woke up by a sharp slap to my cheek.

I immediately sat up, cupping my face. Newt was next to me, fuming.

"Newt, wha-" I started to say, but I stopped when he turned to me, his eyes burning with rage.

"You didn't tell me. Why didn't you tell me? Why did you do that to me?"

"Newt, what are you talking about?" I asked, frowning. It took me a second to realise.




"Newt, no. Please let me explain. She kissed me, I was taken by surprise! Newt, you know I would never do such a thing to you!"

"Oh really? Because that's not what Aris said. He said you told him last night that you and Teresa had a plan, then met up and made out inside the hut. Speaking of Aris, I can't believe you told him before you told me. I hate you Thomas. I really do. I hate you!"

"What?! That's- that's not what I did at all! Do you trust him, or do you trust me? Newt, please! I'm sorry!" I tried to plead with him, but the hurt I saw in his eyes was indescribable. I felt like my soul was being ripped from me, even though I had caused that hurt. Newt blinked, and tears fell from his eyes. I instinctively reached out to wipe it, but he slapped my hand away. That slap felt like a blow to my heart.

"I'm sorry Thomas. I thought I could trust you. But now, I- I just need some time to be alone. Please leave me alone." Newt walked away.

I buried my face in my hands. Oh no, Thomas, what have you done? I didn't know if I was still alive; my heart barely felt like it was beating. Or there at all. Shucking Aris. I hated him now with a passion, but what I could not get over was how I'd hurt Newt, whether it was intended or not.

Newt, my angel. Newt, whom I promised I would protect, whom I said I would never harm.

I deserve to die. But how can I live, anyways, knowing that Newt hated me? I closed my eyes, wishing to drown it all out.

I sat on the ground, a single tear dropping from my eye. I sat on the ground, and watched as my life walked away from me.

A/N: I know this is a short chapter but I think you've had enough angst for now. It was really painful to write this >< but there's always gotta be some drama...

Randomupdateonmylifeimprettysurenoonecaresaboutbutimgonnawriteitanyways: I finally told one of my best friends about my crush. It's really hard for me to tell, because I'm so used to keeping secrets, but she was really nice :) and that made me realise I'm not over him even after 2 years. Sigh... We're not even in the same school anymore but we still text.

Also another one of my friends know I'm writing this fanfic, so I HOPE TO GOD she doesn't read it secretly or she's gonna be really disturbed. Especially by the smut I wrote on one of the previous chapters XP

Another shoutout to my new followers: Slinthead_Nicola, your_obsessive_fngrl, edisonarzola14, Ziall_Cake, tinyskunk, red7717, Newtmas-forever, Dreamininasadworld, Unorthodox_Writer, BatmanKnowsIt, madison-lauren, leiamedina, jillybean_ and bethan282! I continue to wonder how long I'll be doing this (probably forever) and whether any other author does this (probably not).

QOTC: What's your name? (Because I want suggestions for Newt's sister's name and I could take yours :))

AOTC: Kayleigh :>

Long ass A/N I wonder if you guys even read it XD but anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter, please vote if you do! And comment your feedback too (hey that rhymed) <3

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