Unruly Servant (chapter 1)

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A/N: This is the first chapter to a fan ficition novel I'm writing that takes place in the story Kuroshitsuji (english: Black Butler). I'm new to this whole wattpad thing, so excuse me if I publish this wrong or anything. Comments would be lovely if you don't mind taking the time to do so. I would love to hear from my readers.

Chapter 1

    “I’m sorry, Miss Hale, but it’s out of my hand,” the gentleman stated sympathetically as all three men turned to me for the first time since they arrived to take away all that I had left in my small pitiful world.

    I bit down on my trembling bottom lip, but didn’t bother to brush away the tears wetting my lashes. There was no point now, not when there was no reputation to salvage. My name would never recover from the shame that my father’s death brought to my family name. No one had any clue to the gambling debt he had accumulated from nights spent in the black district and now I was left with not even a shilling to my name.   

    “So you’re just going to turn me out onto the country streets to fend for myself?” I cried, my voice cracking slightly under the weight of my distress.

    The man who’d spoken to me sighed and lifted the top hat off his head to brush his combed hair back. The pity on his face was enough to shame anyone, even a once wealthy aristocrat turned pauper.

    He looked back up at me where I stood on the top step to the mansion I’d once considered home, and brushed a hand down his face before speaking, “I’m deeply sorry for your losses, Miss Hale, but I don’t know of anywhere that’s looking to employ a young girl of your stature.”

    “None, sir?” This time I couldn’t help the tremble in my voice.

    He frowned for a second in thought, before tipping the top hat back onto his head, “Actually there might be one.”

    My heart swelled with hope, “Can you take me there, sir?”

    For the first time that day he smiled, actually smiled, and I felt that just maybe things could turn around for me. That just maybe my future wouldn’t look quiet like the poor house I’d been imaging it would be.  That maybe there would be some light there.

    The man nodded, “We’ll be passing the place on our way back to London, and if they won’t accept your services that I’m sure an inn back in the city will.”

    I clasped my hands together in barely contained excitement and smiled, “Thank you, sir. I’m forever in your debt to your kindness.”

    He chuckled softly and lifted up and hand to help me down the steps, ever the gentleman. I slid my gloved hand into his and allowed myself to be led down the slippery marble steps. The footman opened the carriage door for us and I, with the support of the footman’s hand, slid into the cushioned seat. At the moment it was impossible to think of the interior of the carriage as being simple or plain, though I’d ridden in much grander before. None of those ride could compare to this one, because none had been bringing me towards a brighter future. In a way it was my savior from a horrid fate and for that I could not think of the plain black velvet interior as being anything but grand.

    After the other gentlemen were seated comfortably inside the carriage lurched forward and begun the journey onward. I leaned back thoughtfully, clasping my hands together and laying them elegantly in my lap. The country roads weren’t a smooth way to travel and I soon found this out as I bounced around in my seat with the bumps in the road. Nether the less my spirits remained high with hope.

    It seemed like an eternity had passed before the gentleman who had spoken to me first, spoke the words I’d been waiting a long time to hear.

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