Unruly Servant (chapter 5)

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A/N: Sorry it took me so long to post. My computer crashed and I wasn't able to get it back up until yesterday and only had time to complete the chapter today. It's shorter then the last one, but it still has to be one of my favorite. So enjoy and comment, vote, or whatever else you can do <3

 Listen to the song when you read, or afterwards, I don't care. It's pretty good and I found the first few lines seems to compliment the beginning to the chapter well.

Chapter Five

Salt burned the back of my throat and stung my eyes as a strong breeze blew up the cliff from the rough waters below. My skirts lifted slightly with it, billowing out around me as stood overlooking the drop. Dark purplish clouds were swirling and growing just along the horizon as the ones above my own head churned a light gray. 

A storm was brewing out at sea.

Unlike the humans who’d long since taken refugee in their brick homes, I remained standing on the cliff allowing the strong wind to whip at my face and hair. My blue eyes scanned the horizon for signs of the storms origin. Unlike the simple humans I knew that this was more than just a storm at sea. This was a demons doing.

A presences became known behind me and I smirked. This one wasn’t a new one, I’d known this one. Darkly alluring and sweet at the same time, not unalike myself. We’d had our fun more than once and I wouldn’t lie by saying that we wouldn’t have our fun again in the future. Like most of my species I lived for the pleasurable company and he certainly had been one of the more pleasurable companies I’d known in my time.

“What brings you to Ireland?” I chuckled, brushing back my hair from my face. 

His shadow cast over me as he loomed just behind me, “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that question?”

I laughed lightly and shook my head, “Seeing as I happen to travel a lot, that question isn’t required. As for yourself, that’s a different tale. You never stray too far from the mortals.”

I sensed him grin, “If you must know, I’m serving under a master.”

“Oh?” I said faking surprise. “So what are you doing here without him then?”

“Because his time is just about up.”

I smirked broadly, “Oh, tis a shame then. I’d been hoping I could meet this poor fellow.”

“He sold his soul for riches and woman,” he stated.

I scoffed, “Let me guess his wish was to be the most sought after man in all of Ireland?”

He chuckled darkly, “How did you know?”

I rolled my eyes, “Because all humans are the same. Selfish and stupid. They never change no matter how old the world around them ages.”

Behind me the other demon nodded, “I suppose you’re right.”

“I hope that for their sake they wake up one day,” I mumbled, my voice lost to the wind.

When I finally did come out of my comatose state I found myself in my bed wrapped in my blankets, perfectly safe. I sighed and sat up, gently lifting a finger to brush against my cheek. The sensitive ends of the tips of my fingers brushed against rough bandage. Unbidden tears came to my eyes and I felt them spill over and begin to fall down my cheeks. It was shameless of me to cry over my wounded face when it could have been a whole lot worse. I could’ve been raped, but I wasn’t and instead I was crying over a cut.

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