Unruly Servant (chapter 15)

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A/N: I've been updating this quite frequently haven't I.....Oh well. It's just that I've had so much time on my hands and this story keeps begging to be written. I swear sometimes I can't sleep because I have to get up to write down the next idea or sentence that belongs to this story when it pops into my head :| Well enjoy.

Chapter Fifteen

    “Whoa, you brought a really cute kid, huh.”

    Ciel flinched at the comment. He was already uncomfortable with being here in the first place, adding the new apparel of street clothes for the young earl and he was completely offset. Joker’s exclamation upon seeing Ciel just served to make him ever more put out with this whole ordeal.

    Ciel hadn’t even been thrilled with the aspect of the choice of coming here in the first place. It had been expected of him though, as a earl Ciel would never have wanted to stoop to such a level to join the circus. But Sebastian had made it almost impossible to argue with the logic of the choice.

    I smiled slightly at the reminder of the conversation following our departure of the circus last night.


    “Your allergies really do get the best of you, Ciel,” I chuckled to myself when Ciel sneezed yet again, almost rocking the carriage, though it was likely that the rocking was more from the bumps in the road rather than the young boy’s sneeze.

    “S-shut up,” he snapped, blushing slightly as he turned his face away from me.

    I laughed softly when I swore I heard him muttered something about stupid cats under his breath, just as the carriage rolled up to the front of the Phantomhive’s London manor. Moments later the carriage door opened and Sebastian reached inside to help Ciel down and then me. As Ciel marched ahead of us, Sebastian gave me a questioning look.

    “What have you done to the young master?” He sighed.

    I smiled mischievously as I walked past him, “Oh nothing much, just a bit of teasing.”

    “What were you able to accomplish, Sebastian?” Ciel asked, as we reached him by the door.

    Sebastian bowed to his master and opened the door, waving us through as he spoke, “I was only able to accomplish learning about their doctor who makes prosthetics for the circus performers.”

    Ciel grunted his response, “In other words nothing of importance to our case.”

    Sebastian gave his classic smirk then, “Oh, but I was able to impress them enough to get them to ask me back for their new recruit trails, as well as two other talented individuals.”

    His hint took two minutes to sink into both Ciel’s and my head. I was the first to react and turned on him in a whirl of skirts and bronze curls, while one second later Ciel emitted a surprised noised. I was surprised as well, while also being slightly miffed at having to do something that I hadn’t originally had any intention of doing.

    “You mean to say we’ll be joining the circus?” I spat, gritting my teeth together.

    Ciel whipped his head around to face Sebastian, “Why did it end up going in that direction?”

    Sebastian sighed and began to remove his master’s coat, “You say ‘why’ but-.”

    “I mean-,” Ciel began before being cut off by his name being yelled by an all too familiar voice.

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