Unruly Servant (chapter 9)

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A/N: Trying to pick up the pace of the story, but because of certain events I wanted, and want to include, I'm going to have to go through a bunch of crap before I get the to really exciting stuff. 

Chapter Nine

I was awoken from my sleep by a loud commotion coming from the manor’s first floor. I glared through slitted eyes at nothing in particular. My annoyance was mostly at having been stirred awake by the awful racket and my inner demon was showing itself in my crimson eyes and suddenly elongated onyx nails. 

I dug them into the soft pillow below my head, nearly tearing the soft material. Couldn’t a demoness get any peace around here?

Another yell drifting upstairs answered my unspoken question.

I believe it was time to get up then.

Groaning I lifted myself out of bed and crossed the room to the oversized closet. I swung open the doors rather roughly and stormed into the interior. For a moment I paused as confusion set in. The large closet was completely overflowing with gowns and skirts of all sorts, most of them not ones I’d bought the other day. 

Yet every one of them was my size exactly.

I bit my lip, there was only one person who could’ve possibly pulled this off in a single night and that person technically wasn’t even a human. I was slightly angered that he had the audacity to even enter my room while I slept. I might be promiscuous in most of my actions but I did have some class and males entering my room in the middle of the night unbidden wasn’t acceptable.

I clenched my teeth together and yanked a dress at random from off the hanger. It was a simple pink dress with the top skirts hitched up in ruffles in order to see the white underskirts that brushed the floor. A medium sized bow rested on the center of the chest where the sleeves ruffled up and around my neck. I smiled and slipped it on over my undergarments, lacing up the corset tightly with my hands easily. 

 I didn’t bother much with my hair, already having perfect ringlets, I just pined up the top layer of my hair and let the rest fall loosely down my back. I sprinkled a dab of rose scented perfume on and looked at my reflection.

Everything appeared normal. Bronze ringlets shining slightly in the dim lighting, unblemished creamy skin, and pretty features. Everything that was but my eyes. I sighed and willed the scarlet irises and diamond shaped pupils to fade back to crystalized blue irises and round pupils. It took a moment, but finally they complied and changed back slowly. 

I gave my reflection one last pretty smile and went down stairs to investigate. 

The commotion only grew louder the closer I got to the bottom floor. The sounds of clashing metal and shouting became clearer as I released my gentle hold on the stairwell banister and turned down the hall. The racket seemed to be coming from the ballroom.

I frowned, at it so early? It had to be barely mid-day and already they were fighting?

I sighed and silently stepped inside to find a more surprising sight. Ciel sat on the marble flooring of the ballroom holding his limp arm with a fierce look on his face, whether it was anger or annoyance I couldn’t have been sure, and across from him the foreign prince stood with his arms crossed over his chest and a smug look on his face. It only took my mind a brief moment to analyze the situation before it even registered the two figures locked in a fencing match. 

I shook my head sadly, such children. 

Agni, if I was correct in remembering the foreign servant’s name, was pitted in an seemingly uneven match with Sebastian. Poor mortal, he had no idea who or even what he was facing down. Though I did have to admit he could hold his own for a surprisingly long time.

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