Unruly Servant (chapter 10)

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A/N: Sorry for the delay in posting this chapter. I really wasn't fond of it when I was writing it out, so it took me multiple attempts to get it to be what I deemed as 'sastifying'. Trust me you do not want to know how many times I rewrote this chapter over and over, so I hope it's okay in your guys' eyes. Please comment and tell me what you think so far, I want to hear your opinions.

Chapter Ten

    The boys disappeared late that night, leaving me in the house along with the servants. I could care less about the stupid prince’s servant or about how he was involved with the deaths of the nobles and because of such I found no reason to follow them on their little game of chase they set up after they discovered Agni leaving the mansion late at night.

    I also got away with not going because of being a woman, one of the few perks I received as being such.

    I sighed and flipped over the stray chess piece on the board, watching as it tipped over and rolled around the white and black checkered board before settling into one position. To my amusements I found it was the black king, now wasn’t that the piece I saw Ciel fooling with earlier? What was going through that boy’s mind?

    For once I couldn’t tell.

    He was the first mortal I’d encountered who I couldn’t guess his motives. His actions and words took me by surprise, more often then not actually. I liked him, not only was he fun to tease but he was interesting. A one of a kind, as most mortals would call it. He didn’t want fame or fortune, both of which he already had, but rather bloody revenge. Certainly not something I would have suspected from a small child like him. And it wasn’t like that was the only area of his life that he differed in. Ciel was just an entirely different human. He wasn’t childlike as his age might suggest and he certainly was even more mature then some adult mortals.

    I smirked and looked to the fire blazing in the hearth that lay opposite of where I sat with the coffee table separating the space between us. The crackling of the burning wood was the only sound in the manor at the moment. The noisy servants were asleep and everyone else was still gone. I growled to myself and lifted my legs up onto the love seat I’d curled up in, tucking my feet underneath me. Ciel would probably have murdered me if he had seen me do this to his furniture, but he wasn’t here. I chuckled to myself at the thought of his expression and this turned into into full out laughter at the thought of the expression his face would wear if he saw what I was clothed in, or rather whose clothes I was wearing.

    My legs were clad in a pair of black breeches I borrowed from his closet, finding it amusing that I was slender and small enough to be able to fit into his clothing. They ended just below my knees in bunches and left my calves bare. The loose white blouse was from Sebastian’s closet, which I’d also taken the liberty of taking. The only reason it was loose was because it wasn’t at all made to fit me and the sleeves had to be rolled up to my elbows so that they didn’t swallow my arms whole.

     A woman dressed as a man, fortunately I was only looking for something comfortable to wear while the men were gone. When they did return they’d be heading straight for their chambers and if Sebastian did happen to come find me, I was reassured with the fact that’d he’d certainly seen me in a lot more revealing clothing before and even no clothing at all. What could I say, the fashion changes with the time.

    I let out a huff of breath and glared dryly at the fire before standing, well there was no use in me remaining here bored out of my mind. I stood up and padded my way out of the room and down the stairs. The lower floor was completely dark, but my eyes were accustomed to the lack of lighting and I wondering easily through the empty corridors.

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