Unruly Servant (chapter 11)

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A/N: Sorry for the delay between chapters I've been busy with exams and then getting ready for a convention that I'm currently attending (actually I'm posting this from the hotel wireless xDDDD). Well enjoy, this chapter builds some of the plot up (shadow man returns?....duh dun dun dun.....) and reveals a little on the characters (it's actually just some explaining on Tessa's background and some assumptions that I made about Sebastian's own demonic background to make him more interesting not that he needs it).

Chapter Eleven

    I gasped and let my eyes flutter open slowly. I was aware that they probably were burning orbs of a bright scarlet but I felt too worn out to try and change them at the moment. I needed a few moments to regain my strength. Visions had done this to me since before I could remember. They came on fast and left me feeling worn once they wore off. Demons shouldn’t have to feel tired, sleep was a luxury not a necessity. But after a vision sleep was the one thing I both needed and wanted.

    “Are you back with us, mistress?” I heard the familiar velvety voice purr.

    I moaned softly and reached up to clutch at my head, “Yes, but I believe I rather prefer not being here. It hurts too much.”

    A chuckled resounded through my ears, causing me to wince, “Here, drink this. It should help relieve the pain.”

    I saw the silver tray being placed down onto the nightstand out of the corner of my eye, but I was reluctant to move. I didn’t want to feel just how heavy my body was going to feel right now. Knowing from experience, moving my body would feel like trying to run in three feet of water.

    I groaned, “I couldn’t get up even if I wanted to.”

    “Of course you can,” the voice chuckled again. “But let me assist you if you are that against doing so.”

    I was about to open my mouth to protest, but found myself being hauled into a sitting position before I could blink. I shot a glare at Sebastian as I leaned back into the pile of pillows, letting my body relax. Now that I was sitting up I found that I couldn’t be mad at him for moving me into this position, it was just to comfortable and it was good to be able to see the full layout of my room. Though I could still act like I didn’t agree with his actions.

    “Bastard,” I muttered.

    Sebastian just grinned and offered me a saucer with a tea cup on it, “Whatever you say, Tessa. But please drink, the master would like to see you and in your current state it wouldn’t be fit for him or the guest to see you.”

    I sighed and took the cup with a shaky hand, bringing it to my lips.

    “Very well,” I mumbled against the rim of the cup.

    I tipped it up slowly, letting the rich flavored tea fill my mouth. Sebastian had clearly put something more than tea, sugar, and cream into it as I felt the energy slowly ebbing back into my body. I mauled over the taste, but gave up after a few seconds. There was no need to know what it was as long as it didn’t kill me, but I had a sinking feeling that it was probably a stray soul he had slipped under his master’s watch.

    I placed the cup back onto the saucer and handed it to Sebastian, feeling my strength returning in full.

    “Thank you,” I said softly, adverting my eyes from him. I hated having to say that too him of all people. Being indebted to someone like him wasn’t what I wanted.

    “I forgot that about you, Tessa,” Sebastian mused as he placed the saucer back onto the tray.

    I raised an eyebrow, “That isn’t very like you at all, Sebastian. I’m curious as to what you forgot now.”

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