Unruly Servant (chapter 16)

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A/N: Okay here's the next chapter :) It took me a while because I got distracted with things and I doubt I'll be posting another chapter in the near future, simply because I have a trip coming up and will have no internet access as well as having three books to read and do projects for before school starts back up in two more weeks. So if I do post it will be sometime later this week, otherwise it probably won't be for another two weeks.(and yes I know I've been saying this quite a lot :( )

Also the dress on the side is a picture of Tessa's circus costume. I spent so much time searching for something approriate because my imagination was coming up with nothing on it's own so I did a little research for a circus costume that would've been appropriate for the time and fit in among the other costumes drawn in the manga.

Chapter Sixteen

    One would have thought that the circus would have had to take time crafting each of their performers’ costumes separately, but turned out that this wasn’t the case. Joker split the new additions by gender, leaving Sebastian and Ciel to follow him and me to go along with Doll so that we would be able to find something suitable out of their plethora of materials for customs.

    The tent I followed Doll into was completely overflowing with skirts, dresses, sashes, shoes, laces, and all other sorts of costume parts. I could hardly handle the overflow of colors and materials before me. There was definitely enough in here to sustain the circus performers for years without worrying about wearing the same costume twice.

    I fingered the articles of clothing before me, a particular image in mind for my costume. I would not settle for anything other than this and I was set on looking until the end of the world if I had to.

    “Jewelry is over there, if you’re curious to look,” Doll stated, pointing towards the table at the other end of the tent.

    I nodded and turned only half my attention to the random articles of costumes laying throughout the tent, while the other half of my attention was left to observing Doll as she tried to aid me in my search.

    She was a pretty girl, suiting her nickname fairly well. The skin stretched over her delicate features was creamy white in color, though a layer of powder hide a dash of bronze freckles from immediate notice. The large headdress of white roses she wore accented her light coloring and the bright blue of her eyes, that were framed with false lashes with tiny false crystals at the end. Her white dress drew attention to the slender form of her body and the subtle curves, only in existence with the help of the cut of the dress.

    Doll, I observed, was also the type of human to be overly friendly, helpful, and trusting. Once she had got me alone, she could not stop her chattering about how nice it was to have another girl in the circus. She told me how I was the first addition that was close to her age, the others were either years her senior or years her junior. I would nod and add the polite word when necessary, but for the most part I didn’t care to listen in on her useless rambling.

    My fingers touched something of interest and I turned my full attention to the costume piece before me. My smile broadened at the particular gem I’d unknowingly stumbled upon. The piece wasn’t one I had originally drawn up in my head, but it was absolutely delightfully perfect. It was a black and white dress, if that was the correct term for it, with a double corset. The bust of the dress was made with a thin black cotton and had a heart shaped neckline to it before the two lace strap wound around the neck. The corset on the outside of the dress was made of two different patterns and a had plated design in the middle with a woman’s face painted onto. Below the corsets the skirts flared out to just above mid-tight. The top layer was made of tiers of black and white stripped satin with black lace at the edges. They were pull to the sides, away from the mid-section in the front of the dress, to reveal a much shorter sheer black lace skirt. Along with the dress were a pair of thigh high black stockings with black garters and elbow length black gloves.

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