Unruly Servant (chapter 4)

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A/N: Okay fair warning this chapter contains suggestions to adult content. 

Chapter Four

“It would seem that you’ve added some new servants since the last time I visited, Earl,” a silky voice stated, addressing the young earl but watching me closely out of the corner of his eyes.

I had pulled a calm exterior onto the outside, but on the inside I was a trembling wreck. If it hadn’t been for my mother’s training to prepare me for a life in high society, I would’ve been shaking uncontrollably. As it stood I still was jumpy and unsettled. 

I knew that if I’d still been a member of society that I would never have acted like this in a million years. I would’ve have been safe from a man like him. There were many reasons for the broken betrothal between us, one of them being for his treatment of female servants. It was no secret of the scandal that he conjured up in society when a maid from one of his acquaintance's manor claimed that he raped her. Of course money and power hid such things and she’d quickly recanted her previous claim, but that didn’t change the fact of how unsettled I’d felt around him after that. My mother had thankfully broken off the pre-arranged marriage soon after, much to my relief.

But now I was a maid, and though I knew I was safe in the mansion among the other staff, I still had fear clutching at my stomach painfully. I feared him and rightfully so. He had more reason to pursue me now then he ever had for any other servant. I was the one who’d gotten away.

Ciel glanced up at Dupont- I refused to address him by his first name- from over his half-filled cup of tea and then over at me quickly before his gaze returned to his tea. 

“It would appear so,” he responded dryly, but not harshly.

Dupont nodded and smiled lazily, “Certainly is quite the looker, isn’t she?”

I flinched at his words, disliking the way he let the words easily slide off of his lips. He spoke it as if he expected something out of the comment and I didn’t dare try to imagine of what. 

The loud sound of glass coming together rather roughly caused me to jump and my head snapped up. Ciel had placed his tea cup back onto the saucer harshly, in what I could only assume was either annoyance or anger.

“Please reframe from talking about my servants in such manners, Dupont,” he said calmly, but even I could hear the underlying threat in his words. It was scary to think a child of his age could be so intimidating, but I silently thanked the heavens that he was my master and not someone like Dupont.

“I’m sorry, my lord, please forgive me,” Dupont said, quickly trying to right his blunder. 

I hide a small smirk by bitting the inside of my lip, it served him right. 

I quietly moved closer to Ciel, knowing that what I was about to would be like rubbing salt into Dupont’s open wound. Embarrassing oneself in front of a higher noble would be bad enough for him, not to mention that the said noble was younger than him, but having a mere servant ignore you would be a thousand times more humiliating. 

“Would you like more tea, my lord?” I asked sweetly as I stopped at the arm of Ciel’s chair.

Ciel didn’t glance at me, but he held out the saucer holding the cup with one hand, “Yes.”

I gently took it and poured some for him, before delicately dropping in the right amount of sugar and avoiding the cream. I was proud of myself for remembering the way he liked his tea, this would just make it all the sweeter when I would see Dupont’s face. I doubt he would expect someone like me to make a good maid, let alone know her master well.

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