Unruly Servant (chapter 7)

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A/N: Okay this is the chapter that sets everything into motion. The first few are rather dry, even for me who was writing them, but now I promise it'll get interesting. (You'll have to read to find out why) 

Chapter Seven

I winced and placed a hand to my head, in a useless attempt as easing the sudden throbbing in my skull. These headaches were becoming more frequent as of lately and would attack me relentlessly at any time in the day. I was beginning to fear that I might have to ask Sebastian to fetch a doctor to examine me.


“Yes?” I asked turning to find Sebastian standing not two feet behind me. In surprise I dropped the polishing rag to the ground, he’d been the last person I’d expected to come find me today. 

Bending down, Sebastian picked up the dropped rag and placed it into my hand. “The master and I, will be going out on business this afternoon and as such I am unable to watch the household staff.”

“And you want me to keep an eye on things and have everything prepared for when you return?” I asked a small smirk playing at my lips. 

This wasn’t the first time Sebastian had approached me with this request, being on the staff for an entire month now I was beginning to get the hang of things around the estates. Yes, estates. Apparently, Ciel had some business to attend to in London and moved the entire mansion’s occupants to his London manor in the middle of the winter. This wasn’t the first time he had been here this year, business had brought him out a few weeks prior to my arrival, but this was the first time the entire staff was also brought along. 

“Yes,” Sebastian sighed. “I’m afraid of what may happen if no one watches those three.”

I curtsied, “Leave it to me.”

“Alright, the master and I shall be home in time for dinner. Please accomplish these tasks before I return,” Sebastian said, handing me a folded piece of paper before leaving me.

I sighed as soon as he was gone and dusted myself off. Collecting the polish and rags, I left the entrance hall and went to the back of the house where the kitchen laid. I knew the moment I found it, because I heard the tell tale crashes and bangs as things fell, flew, and burst into flames. The others were certainly kind people by nature, but they were not at all cut out for working in the home of a noble. Even with the training I was giving them, things were not working completely in harmony and the only time everything was well off was when I was helping or teaching them.

“Alright, Sebastian and the master have taken their leave for the afternoon,” I stated, closing my eyes against the horrors in the kitchen. “Sebastian left me with orders that need to be done before they return this evening.”

“Tessa, you’re in charge again?” Finny asked.

I nodded and opened my eyes as I released a sigh, “Yes.”

“Oh, and what has he left us to do this time?” Bard asked.

I placed my polishing equipment onto the counter and waved for Mey-Rin to put them into the supply closet, as I sat down and unfolded the chore list. Which sadly was a lot more extensive than I originally thought it would be.

“Finny,” I began, watching as Finny perked up. “You are to remove the snow off the trees out front.”

“I’ll be right on it, Tessa,” Finny saluted.

I waited for two seconds, knowing he’d have a question, and soon enough he gave me a questioning look.

“And how does one do that?” He asked almost silently.

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