Unruly Servant (chapter 12)

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A/N comment at the end this time :D (read it only after finishing the chapter as it contains spoliers)

Chapter Twelve

    “He came back,” I growled, slamming my hand down onto the counter top.

    Sebastian didn’t even flinch, though I saw his eyes flash a dangerous scarlet, “Who are we speaking about?”   

    My eyes narrowed, how dare he play dumb at a time like this. My anger got the better of me and I reached out and grabbed hold of the lapels of his coat, tugging him around so that he faced me. I knew that this action was considered very unlady like, but at the moment that was the least of my worries. Besides I was more demon than lady, such ideals only stuck with me because of my current lifestyle in the manor, otherwise I would be just like any other succubus, running wild with men.

    Sebastian’s signature smirk pulled at his lips as he carefully pulled himself out of my grasp.

    “My, my,” he chuckled. “Certainly are rather worked up aren’t we, Tessa?”

    I let out an angry breath and walked around the kitchen island so that I stood on the other side of the center counter from him, giving him no choice but to look me directly in the eyes.

    “Sebastian, stop with this naive act,” I snapped, taking care to keep my voice low enough so that any listening ears wouldn’t be able to over hear. “You know very well who I am referring to. Or is it that you need a reminder, because I can certainly arrange something for you.”

    My threat to project my memories of the shadow person onto Sebastian didn’t go unheard. He looked up at me a sneer on his face, making him look less like a butler and more of a demon. That alone almost sent the being in me running, but I stood firm and glared back.

    “You won’t be doing such things,” he stated, his voice calm but deadly.

    “You. Don’t. Hold. Any. Control. Over. Me,” I pronounced slowly, but angrily.

    That was the wrong thing to say.

    Before I could manage to blink, I was pushed up against the counter behind me. The small of my back dug painfully into the hard edge of the granite, while from the front I found myself pined down by Sebastian. His eyes were glowing scarlet and the slits for pupils dangerously narrowed as he leaned over me, keeping me trapped.

    “I beg to differ,” he chuckled darkly, running a finger along my jaw line with a softness that contradicted his dangerous tone.

    I jerked my head away from the touch, but I knew I wasn’t getting away so easily. A second later Sebastian had my chin in his grasp, forcing me to look directly at him. Mere inches were separating out faces now and his breath washed over my face, causing me to shiver.

    “Now, now,” he cooed falsely. “A pet that rebels against its master should receive the consequences.”

    I narrowed my eyes, I could only imagine what he was planning, “Such consequences shouldn’t be dealt with when eyes are likely to be watching.”

    A devilish smirk pulled at his lips, revealing the teeth that had already reverted to their sharper state. I winced at the sight. Nothing like a look at a good set of sharp canines to scare the wits right out of you.

    “Consider yourself lucky then. I’ll allow you to get off easily this time.”

    I didn’t dare release a sigh of relief, there was no way Sebastian was going to let me out of his grasp anytime soon. My punishment had yet to come.

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