Unruly Servant (chapter 18)

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A/N: Sorry for the really long update on this. I experienced a major bout of writer's block and couldn't figure out where I wanted to take this chapter (I had the first page done at the time and couldn't bring myself to scrap it so that I could come up with a longer chapter). With that said, I'm also sorry this chapter is so short, it was about 5 pages on Pages usually I do anywhere from 7-13.

Music video has nothing to do with this chapter, for the most part, I just really love CielxSebastian and this song is catchy for some unknown reason....

Chapter Eighteen

    “You can take bottom bunk, it’s warmer then up here,” Gem stated, pointing to the bunk I was to take.

    I nodded politely, knowing that even if what she said was true, it wouldn’t matter much to myself. Sleeping is a luxury for demons, one I often indulged in, but wouldn’t be doing so for a brief time. I couldn’t bring myself to actually want to sleep in the small cot they insisted on calling a bed. It couldn’t be made of more than straw wrapped in cloth masquerading as a mattress with a rough cotton blanket laid over it.

    I held my sigh back behind tightly locked lips as I placed the folded costume up into the trunk at the end of the bunks, which was to be shared between myself and Gem. Even though it probably couldn’t have even fit a person the size of Ciel into it, the trunk still had plenty of extra room. The only articles of clothing each of us held to our own at this time were the costumes we’d wear during the shows, our nightwear, and of course our work clothes. Nothing extra.

    I silently wondered how Ciel was fairing. Someone used to the luxuries of the high life couldn’t have been too comfortable placed in such a position as he would currently find himself in. He’d be in for the shock of his life with the events to come.

    “So where are you from?”

    I looked up upon the question, finding Gem splayed out across the top bunk. Her chin rested on top of her hands as she stared curiously down at me, one leg thrown carelessly off the edge while the other rested straight out behind her. I had to push the one out of my way so that I could move to sit on the bunk below her, hiding from that drilling gaze of hers. Something about it unnerved me.

    “Just outside of the city actually,” I responded, hoping she wouldn’t pursue the topic any further.

    I faintly heard the bed above me creak as she shifted her weight slightly. “The country side then?” She sounded mildly shocked. “You don’t have an accent.”

    I couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped my lips, “Oh no, not the country. I worked as a parlor maid in the mansion of a Lord.”

    “Oh,” she sounded slightly more curious now. “I bet it was nice.”

    “Certainly so,” I commented lightly, careful about the information I was letting slip. “The grounds were always lovely and the master wasn’t too horrid.”

    Knowing she couldn’t see me do so, I let a grin unfold across my lips. I do wonder what Ciel would say if he ever heard that comment. It was most likely that he’d snap at me, or perhaps he’d surprise me and take insult to it. I couldn’t help but find both ideas amusing.

    She sighed wishfully, “I wish I could see one of those up close. My mum used to walk me through the rich areas when I was younger, outside the gates of course, and they were always so grand.”

    I frowned, noting something about her that was different from the other circus members, “You talk fairly well for not being higher class yourself, Gem?”

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